Copyright (c) 2001 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


April 1, 2001


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


If you want to know what caused the cancellation of the planned Revisionist conference in Lebanon, Ha'aretz of March 28, 2001 has the answer.

"The holding of this conference would have fueled anti- Semitic passions in other Arab states, would have established a link between the Arabs and Holocaust denial, and would have been interpreted as Pan-Arabic and Muslim authorization for a movement spearheaded by Christian pseudo-historians."

What baloney!

A Letter to the Haa'retz Editor, March 28, 2001, titled 'Fertile Soil for Holocaust Denial' states this:

"When the South African prime minister John Vorster made a state visit to Israel in April 1976, it began with a tour of Yad Vashem, Jerusalem's Holocaust memorial, where the late Yitzhak Rabin invited the onetime Nazi collaborator, unabashed racist and white supremacist to pay homage to Jews murdered in the Holocaust.

"Compared, say, to oft-heard outcries from organized Jewry over even quite mild whiffs of Holocaust revisionism, no less remarkable was the equanimity ordinary Israeli and diaspora Jews displayed toward the Vorster visit.

As an old Nazi collaborator, Vorster should, of course, have been arrested and tried the minute he set foot on Israeli soil -- instead, he was warmly welcomed by his Jewish hosts.

Vorster left Israel four days later -- after signing a number of friendship treaties between the Jewish state and the apartheid regime.

Holocaust denial, anyone?

What? Israelis gassing Palestinians? That's what some people say.

According to the Toronto Globe and Mail, March 26, the Palestinian still throw stones, and the Israelis respond with rubber-coated metal bullets. Worse yet: The head of the Arab Council for Science, Medicine and Technology, Subhi Shalash, told the London-based Arabic newspaper Asharq al- Awsat that poison gas against the Palestinians, which attacks their reproductive organs, is being used as well.

The stories about biological and chemical weapons is getting ever more bizarre. There is talk about depleted uranium, a mysterious "black gas" that causes abortions, AIDS and foot- and-mouth disease, as well as chewing gum laced with chemicals designed to stir sexual arousal and undermine the moral fabric of Palestinian society - all of which Israel vehemently denies.

There is an antidote to all of this. It's called Revisionism. Cut off the Israeli money supply that rides on Western guilt about the so-called Auschwitz "gassings" - and people won't be gassed today, or even sexually aroused to serve wicked political ends.

Some folks claim the Holocaust Lobby has it all backwards. First they bilked a neat $5 billion "Slave Labor Fund" out of Germany, and now they go on what is called a "Worldwide Search for Jewish Survivors Eligible for Compensation."

The estimate is that some 170,000 may qualify for benefits. A lot of "survivors" more than 55 years later. No?

The hooply around Marc Rich is still fierce. Jewish columnist William Safire took a hefty swipe at Honest Abe (Foxman) of the ADL, calling for his resignation for having put in a good word about the crookster's pardon, courtesy of Clinton.

Safire wrote that Abe should resign "to demonstrate that ethical blindness has consequences."

A Czech bookseller named Varak was fined a grand total of $263 for selling Mein Kampf over the Internet. He was found guilty of "...supporting and disseminating the propaganda of a movement aimed at suppressing citizen's freedoms and rights."

Not so, claims Varak. He was merely motivated by profit.

I have been told that First Editions of Mein Kampf now sell in the high four figures.

Monica Lewinsky has discovered, to the roar of Holocaustonians, that she is a Holocaust survivor - of sorts. She was asked how she endured what she did, and she compared her case to what the Jews in Hitler Germany endured.

Roger Ebert now has serious competition. Both Rabbi Abraham Cooper and his counterparts at the Simon Wiesenthal Center gave Thumbs Down to "The Believer", a film, I have been told, about a young Jew who becomes a Neo-Nazi.

What was interesting to me was what the head of a major marketing studio - they didn't say which one - defended the kosher screening as follows:

''It is good business sense to get a reading from special interest groups about a project early in the process, so that you can make plans to protect the project against those who might speak out against it. This is part of due diligence in the marketing process. It is not ceding control to the fringe interest groups ..."

Fringe interest groups? Oy vey! That must have hurt the egos of those censor-frantic rabbis!

And speaking of films, in recent months Paramount Pictures demonstrated knowing what was good for them: A film called "Sum of All Fears", first featuring Arab terrorists, has been reworked to feature Neo-Nazis.

Religious tampering: In the future, the Son of God (according to Christian belief) will no longer be fair- skinned and blue-eyed. A computer has discovered how "experts" believe Christ really looked: with an olive complexion, black hair and dark eyes.

And here I cite one Jeremy Bowen who said the 1.5million (British Pounds) BBC programme would finally dispel people's belief that Jesus was white.

Enthused Bowen:

"It's fantastic. My picture of Jesus was the kind of thing you see in the movies or idealised portraits, a handsome western-looking character. But he was a middle-eastern Jew. He wasn't the blond, blue-eyed character seen so often on Easter cards."

Identity Christians won't like that one bit. Judeo- Christians will say that they knew all along. And there you have another split within the badly fissured Christian community. Amazing what a few millions can buy you in trouble!

If you wonder about the source, consider that the program makers also claim to have discovered that Judas may not have betrayed Christ after all.

"Revisionism" breaking new ground at the BBC?

More Holocaust survivors filing lawsuits. This time it is for $40 billion that they want from the United States government for co-guilt - for not having bombed Auschwitz, which "contributed to the genocide of millions of Jews."

On the other hand, the threatened IBM suit claiming that IBM computer equipment made the "Hitler's List" to assemble the Jews for the "Nazi killing machine" has been dropped - I should say shelved?

The reason? The Germans are balking and sitting tight on the $5 billion already extorted from them last year with the help of the Clinton Administration's 'Special Negotiators". The Germans want guarantees that somewhere down the line the ever more burgeoning extortion racket cease.

A feisty orthodox rabbi is calling Abe Foxman some mighty unflattering names. Defining secular Judaism's preoccupation with victimhood "liberalism with a circumcision," Rabbi Daniel Lapin, who heads a group called Toward Tradition, says that Honest Abe is "...the jews' worst enemy."

According to this group, an award is bestowed on a Jewish American "who exemplifies those cultural forces that most endanger Jewish continuity, substituting unhealthy values for Judaism itself." Toward Tradition stated:

"Children thus grow up to dismiss Jewish identity as, for example, merely with an obsession with death and persecution, or as liberalism with a circumcision." =====

The celebrated Leuchter/Errol Morris film about the Auschwitz expedition that brought the first forensic samples indicating that the so-called "gassing of the Jews" was just a pot of crock, was shown across Australia - apparently subjected to at least partial censorship.

It has already played in Canada prime time on National TV and Britain and keeps on causing consternation for the uninitiated, with a lot of subsequent discussion.

The reparations racket has even reached Namibia. The Namibian government's has set aside R20-million annually for the purchase of commercial land for resettlement "...because the land was stolen by whites."

Sadly, at the UN, it is business as usual. In its first U.N. veto since 1997, the United States heeded a call from Israel and killed a resolution backing a U.N. observer force to help protect Palestinians.

And so, the killing continues. One of my ZGram readers put it well: "The Israelis treat their Mideast neighbors the same way their grandparents treated their neighbors in Europe."

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