Copyright (c) 2001 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


February 18, 2001


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Alert to my media people: This Sunday there won't be any "round-up" of Revisionist news. Instead, off and on I will bring you exceptional op ed pieces you might be able to use in your respective publications. The essay below is a start. I have had so many favorable comments from the February 7, 2001 ZGram featuring Ian Macdonald, former member of the Royal Canadian Air Force in World War II, and later a Canadian diplomat posted in many parts of the world, that I decided I give you another sample of his politically astute mind and concise pen:



How many more brave young patriots must be slaughtered or maimed, and how much more mendacious Zionist propaganda must we endure before the citizens of the world, as distinct from venal politicians, rise up and demand that the State of Israel conform to the norms of civilized behavior or cease to exist?

It is beyond dispute that an outrageous and intolerable injustice has been perpetrated upon the helpless Palestinians. They have been driven from their ancestral homes by brute force without compensation, terrorized, robbed of their livelihoods, dignity, destiny, and of virtually all their basic freedoms. Those who remain are treated as serfs and held in contempt by their Israeli oppressors even to the extent that, according to the Israeli Soldier's Handbook, as quoted by Israel Shahak in "Jewish History, Jewish Religion", it is a mitzvah (blessing) to kill them (Israeli soldiers "are allowed and even enjoined by the Halakhah to kill even good civilians, that is civilians who are ostensibly good." p 76}.

It is unambiguously clear that Israel has no intention of acceding to an equitable peace settlement, despite her professed willingness to "negotiate". The only alternative, therefore is for the UN, or nations otherwise acting in concert, to impose a viable permanent solution.

To be permanent the imposed solution must be just. It should be no less adequate in meeting legitimate Palestinian demands than that made available to the dispossessed Jews of Europe for their alleged wartime losses. Thus at a minimum it should include:(a) Full withdrawal by Israel to the pre-1967 boundaries, (b) Divestiture under UN supervision of all weapons of mass destruction together with related research and production facilities, (c) Release of all Palestinian prisoners to Palestinian custody, (d) Full restitution of assets seized from Palestinians since 1947 (or compensation at current market values plus interest and income foregone)(e) demilitarization of Jerusalem and all Christian/Muslim Holy places and most importantly, cessation of subversive political activity and propagandizing in North America and Europe. These measures should be accompanied by establishment of an international judicial tribunal based on the Nuremberg model to examine allegations of Israeli war crimes and human rights violations since 1948 and to bring suspected criminals to justice.

Failure to comply promptly and unreservedly with these conditions should attract automatic retribution and sanctions no less severe than those which Israel has contrived to impose on Iraq, including destruction of military facilities where appropriate. If military occupation is necessary to achieve enforcement, so be it. There is ample precedent for such response, even where the provocation has been less compelling and less urgent than in the case of Israeli aggression.

As for the Israeli subversion of Western democratic political parties, media and education systems, this problem can be surmounted if necessary by promoting the truth through alternative information channels, most notably the Internet. Already there is a groundswell of revulsion against Israel and all her works that could well engulf her hitherto privileged protagonists in the Diaspora and strip Jews of their indispensable Holocaust-engendered victim status. Once growing international sympathy for the Palestinians has coalesced, and manifested itself, as is now taking place, in organized resistance to the US/Israeli New World Order, (e.g. in the formation of an International non-Governmental Security Council staffed with prestigious, uncompromised, credible public figures representing the true sentiments of their respective nations) the control by Israeli lobbies over Christian politicians will be no longer absolute. Only then will a permanent peace in the Middle East be achievable.

Yours Sincerely,

Ian V. Macdonald.

(Permission to republish granted, as long as the text remains unmodified.)


Thought for the Day:

The Israeli army has cracked down on the West Bank over the last few days, sealing off many Palestinian towns and villages. In one of many confrontations in the West Bank and Gaza, the army yesterday bulldozed a Palestinian house in Ein Yabrud village, directly opposite the Jewish settlement of Ofra where a rightwing Israeli extremist was shot dead on Monday. Haythem Abdel Aziz, aged 42, a carpenter, said he and his four young sons were having breakfast when Israeli troops arrived to bulldoze his home, which looks out on Ofra. Standing amid the rubble, he said: "What do I do now? They have destroyed my fridge, my stove, my washing-machine, the chairs, everything. Fifteen years of work bulldozed in 15 minutes."

(MER, citing an article of the Guardian, Jan 3, 2001)

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