Copyright (c) 2001 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


February 7, 2001


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Ian Macdonald, member of the Royal Canadian Air Force in World War II, and later a Canadian diplomat posted in many parts of the world, lost his posting when he reported truthfully from his first-hand observation post in the Middle East about Israeli aggression and war mongering.

He ultimately lost his job and career - because truth to him was more important than rank or money. He has not lost his gift of brilliant political analysis, as the following commentary shows:


In the Associated Press article on yet another Bronfman "restitution" scam (Jan. l7, 2001) the following bald statement appears: "Hitler's forces...slaughtered six million Jews and five million others and enslaved 12 million to use as labour in Germany's war effort".

Surely, 55 years after the end of the War, no legitimate purpose is served by attempting to perpetuate this vicious anti-German hate propanganda. It may even be illegal to do so, unless Germans are excluded from protection under the Human Rights legislation. In any event, the "six million" canard has long since been discredited, beginning with Winston Churchill's definitive "History of the Second World War" in which he pointedly omits any reference to execution "gas chambers", a subject with which he would have been well informed through British Intelligence and would have given prominent coverage, had they existed.

Other, less fastidious, historians seeking to ingratiate themselves with potential benefactors, have chosen to give credence to the "gas chambers" story (or rather, stories, since "eye-witness" accounts differ radically) but until now no one has been able to produce a shred of forensic evidence that even one Jew died from gassing or any form of organized mega-killing. Had such taken place, obviously, as any crematorium operator or physicist can confirm, there would have been literally a mountain of evidence to attest to the fact, especially where only coal and wood were available for fuel and many thousands of victims "burned in pits" where combustion would not have been complete.

As for the "12 million slaves", there is similarly a lack of evidence to support the story. Very large numbers of non-Germans were employed in the German war effort but according to Prof. A. S. Millward (Edinburgh and Stanford Universities) the foremost authority on the subject and author of "The German Economy at War", the "foreign workers were not slaves. Nor for the most part were they prisoners". Most would have been motivated by the job opportunities and higher wages, then as now, and by opposition to communism.

The reference in the AP article to "five million others" is not clear. Certainly, millions died during and immediaateluy after the war, a good proportion at the hands of our Glorious Russian Ally whose sickening barbarism in crushing ethnic Germans, Ukrainians, Balts and other freedom-seeking minorities is unrivalled in modern European history. Stalin's chief executioner, ironically but not coincidentally, was Ilya Ehrenberg who, along with a good proportion of his bloodthirsty Commissars, was a Jew.

Not far behind in the killing stakes was Certified War Hero and Saviour of the British Empire Winston Churchill, mentor of Air Marshall "Bomber" Harris who, I regret to say as a former member of the RCAF, waged war on defenceless women and children, killing many hundreds of thousands, at the same time gleefully destroying a priceless legacy of European architectural treasures. The perversity of the uncivilized bombing offensive against civilian targets is accentuated by the fact that Germany offered Britain an honourable peace in l940 and as a gesture of good faith permitted the evacuation of Briltish troops at Dunkirk. Warlord Churchill contemptuously rejected the offer and set the stage for Stalin's ultimate conquest of Eastern Europe and for the post-war international turmoil which has shown no sign of abatement.

The Allied mega-killing of German civilians has been rationalized by anti-German historians as inevitable collateral damage or occasionally as an attempt to "demoralize" the enemy. RCAF and RAF aircrews who carried out the raids were not informed that the intention was to kill good Christian women and children and unquestioningly sacrificed their young lives and the happiness of their families to the diabolically criminal campaign. Near the War's end however, the truth began to emerge, RCAF Wing Commander Giff Gifford's crews being informed by their British briefing officer that "we have a real juicy one for you tonight, gentleman. It's Dresden, and it's packed with refugees". The spectre of these desperate women and children fleeing Soviet butchery and rape only to die horribly at our hands in a genuine holocaust, haunted Gifford for the rest of his life. (This anecdote was contained in his testimony to the "Valour and the Horror" enquiry that took place shortly before he died).

When the true history of the sinister origin and purposes of World War II emerges, if ever, it will show a very different picture from that of a struggle to "save civilization from Nazi tyranny". It will show that Germany was our natural ally, was the victim of a war contrived by a vengeful minority, that Godless, expansionist communism and avaricious Zionism were the true enemies of Mankind, that Western Civilization was the loser and that the only winners, as in the case of virtually all wars, were the money-changers who, as Bronfman so brazenly demonstrates, continue to profit.

Ian V. Macdonald Ottawa, Ontario


Thought for the Day:

"IS THERE a more contemptible poseur and windbag than Elie Wiesel? I suppose there may be. But not, surely, a poseur and windbag who receives (and takes as his due) such grotesque deference on moral questions."

(Opening paragraph of a Christopher Hitchens essay in the latest (February 2001) issue of The Nation.

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