Copyright (c) 2001 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


February 2, 2001


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


As an experienced writer, I have long developed a sixth sense for other writers' "imprint" - that is, the way they use their words and their voices that is as uniquely their own as if they had sent me their thumbprint. I believe I recognize this writer - whom I first met when I was invited in 1996 or so to do a lecture at a Washington State college that a handful of budding revisionist students had arranged, and that was sabotaged by the faculty that day in that the entire college ". . . had to take tests" so that my audience was only a handful. "David" was one of them.

He later went into the Army. Intermittently he wrote me letters, telling me that he was spreading the word, that he was more committed now than ever, that he was planning to go into officers' training so that his convictions could have an impact where impact was sorely needed. He has since traveled widely and has been assigned to quite a few countries, mostly in Europe, particularly Eastern Europe.

This morning I received the following: "The attached was recently posted on Usenet, and may be of some interest. There is no copyright."

If this isn't "my" David (name, of course, a pseudonym) then I will eat a hat.


Why the Lie of the Holocaust is Doomed

Despite all the Zionists and their allies - using all their wealth, their power, their influence - have done over the past sixty years, despite what they are doing now - despite all their holocaust propaganda and all the tyrannical laws they have had their tame governments introduce which make denial of the so-called holocaust illegal - these Zionist are losing the battle to suppress the truth and control our minds.

They are losing because the truth has finally seeped out; and, as tyrants, past and present know - as every single tyrannical system has discovered in the past - once people begin to doubt, to question, once the truth begins to spread, slowly, from person to person, then those tyrants, those tyrannical systems, are doomed.

The truth about the holocaust is being told now, from individual to individual. The truth does not need some gigantic costly television series to make itself known; the truth does not need to be endlessly repeated, hour after hour, day after day, year after year, on the Internet, on Usenet forums, on the television.

Rather, the truth is told - often quietly and without any great show or fuss - from friend to friend, from workmate to workmate, from College student to College student. It is being taught to the children of those who have themselves heard it, or discovered it for themselves. And this is occurring, every day, not only in the nations of the Western world, but everywhere: in the Mosques of the Middle East; in the towns and villages of Asia; in the schools of rural Africa. I know, because I have listened to people in such places.

A whole new generation of people are growing up, immune to the lies which have been told. Thus it is that there are more and more people now who believe the holocaust to be a myth - an invention of Zionist propaganda, than there ever have been. And this despite the torrent of holocaust propaganda that has been churned out year after year, day after day, for over sixty years; and this, despite the forced indoctrination of children in schools and colleges.

Thus it is that more and more people understand that the very basis of the holocaust myth - the gassing of people in non-hermetically sealed rooms using Zyklon B - is scientifically impossible.

Thus, the Zionists and their allies - using all their wealth, their power, their influence - can go on producing lavish sentimental propaganda films and television "documentaries" about the myth, as they can try and fill up the Internet and Usenet forums with holocaust propaganda, day after day after day, year after year, decade after decade.

Thus, the Zionist and their allies can hold "Holocaust Memorial Days", open "Holocaust Museums" and insist that schools and colleges teach holocaust propaganda as truth.

Thus, the Zionists and their allies can publish book after book, produce article after article, as they can have their tame governments prosecute and imprison anyone who dares the speak the truth about their holocaust propaganda.

In the long-term - on the time-scale of history - their efforts will be in vain.

The sheer volume, the sheer intensity, of their propaganda - their sheer desire to keep the myth of the holocaust alive and make it into some kind of religious event - is now and will continue to be their undoing. For thoughtful people - fair-minded people who reason - see this torrent spewing forth in the Media, everywhere, and begin to wonder.

To some, this torrent of holocaust propaganda speaks to Zionist desperation. To others, it speaks saying that the voice of freedom is increasingly being heard.

For the reality is that the truth does not have to continually defend itself, and anything - any dogma, any belief, any so-called "historical fact" - which needs and requires such a monumental propaganda campaign as we see and have seen with regard to the holocaust for over sixty years, leads us to doubt the truth of that dogma, that belief, that "historical fact".

David Myatt


ou gar estin epalxis
ploutou pros koron andri
laktisanti megan Dikas
bômon eis aphaneian


P.S. I have no idea what this means...but I know David's love for exotic languages. Anybody on my list care to translate it for me?

Thought for the Day:

"An empty bag cannot stand upright."

(Benjamin Franklin)

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