Copyright (c) 2001 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


January 24, 2001


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


"Operation Keelhaul!" To this day, it is an unavenged post-war crime of immeasurable cruelty committed by the Allies. This satanic scheme was meant to punish those who had joined Germany's heroic fight against Communism or had, in a desperate scramble through two harsh winters, tried to escape Communism's campaigns of ethnic cleansing and genocide.

I once heard an eyewitness say at one of the historical conferences: "Like rabbits, these unlucky people were indiscriminately caught in wide, sweeping raids across Europe after the defeat of Hitler Germany and turned over to Stalin to perish. Men, women and children - even babies in prams!"

Operation Keelhaul - Part II by Srdja Trifkovic.



In late June 1945 the original policy of screening the would-be deportees was reinstated, but it was too late: most of them were already dead, or in the depths of the Gulag. The tragedy would have remained little known outside obscure ŽmigrŽ circles were it not for British historian Count Nikolai Tolstoy, who has dedicated his life to exposing the truth and identifying those responsible.


To reinstate the screening policy after the date of the first massive Keelhaul operation was only the beginning of the white-wash and attempted cover-up - much like the "Establishing of a Royal Commission" or the "Simpson van Rhoden Commission" into the torture methods by US (largely Jewish) interrogators in the Malmedy and other post-war crimes trials.

These commissions were set up to control the facts allowed to reach a suspicious public. (Many people today remember the Warren Commission into the assassination of JFK, based on the selfsame principles...) In the West, the arrest, detention and deliberate deportation of millions to Soviet Russia is virtually unknown.


This great-grand-nephew of Russia's famous novelist [Tolstoy]-- and heir to the senior line of the family -- has written three books on forced repatriations, each more revealing than the previous one, as more suppressed information came to light.


Maybe now that Aldington and his ilk are dying off, we might be able to get to the bottom of the British and Allied Power elites' cold-hearted extermination plans for Europe's elite who had temporarily freed themselves from the clutches of the banksters in the West and the Communists in the East during the Third Reich reign. Much Revisionist work to be done!


In 1977 his "Victims of Yalta" was published, followed by "Stalin's Secret War" in 1981, and then his most controversial book, "The Minister and the Massacres" (1986).

In his books Tolstoy argued that refugees not covered by the Yalta agreement -- ŽmigrŽ Russians and royalist Yugoslavs -- were forcibly repatriated because Harold Macmillan, "minister resident" in the Mediterranean and later prime minister, wanted to advance his political career by appeasing Stalin. He persuaded a British general whose 5th Army Corps occupied southern and eastern Austria to ignore a Foreign Office telegram ordering that "any person who is not (repeat not) a Soviet citizen under British law must not (repeat not) be sent back to the Soviet Union unless he expressly desires."


Harold Macmillan! That sad-faced, sad-sack excuse of a British upper crust politician who later on was the undertaker in charge of the burial of the British Empire - the man who canceled England's missile strike force and who abandoned the White colonists of British-African dependencies to their fate by his "wind of change" betrayal policies!


Enter Lord Aldington, then a politically well-connected 30-year-old brigadier called Toby Low, who was the Fifth Corps chief of staff. He was also an aspiring Tory politician, hopeful of being nominated as a candidate at the forthcoming general election in Britain. Low had no qualms about acting upon Macmillan's suggestions.


No qualms? He admitted that the effect of his orders would be "ghastly". It must be recalled that his orders were given after the war was lost, the shooting had stopped, the German Wehrmacht was defeated and had surrendered. There was no military justification for his actions - even of "military necessity"!


On May 21, 1945 he issued an order to 5th Corps officers as to how to define Soviet citizenship: "Individual cases will NOT be considered unless particularly pressed . . . In all cases of doubt, the individual will be treated as a SOVIET NATIONAL."

The émigrés' fate was thus sealed. Tolstoy named Aldington in his last book as the chief executor of the policy of forced repatriation on the ground, the man who went way beyond the call of duty in carrying out Macmillan's instructions, and who did so in contravention of orders.


By this phrasing of the order - ". . . unless particularly pressed" - it is clear Aldington knew exactly what he was doing. It was premeditated. This was his "escape clause" to hypocritically be able to claim, should anyone find out what he had done, "Well, all they had to do was to press their claim!"

>From behind barbed wire? At bayonet point? While being clubbed into submission by rifle butts?

The British Establishment clearly recognized that all of their wartime and postwar policies would one day become open to scrutiny - if Revisionists like Tolstoy would gain broad acceptance. That would have threatened their house of cards. No wonder they came to the rescue of their own disgraceful policies! Trifkovic:

The charges were serious, by British standards quite scandalous in fact, but Aldington was reluctant to sue Tolstoy over the book. He did sue one Nigel Watts instead, however, an obscure property developer who distributed a pamphlet -- written by Tolstoy -- in which Aldington was called a war criminal. The pamphlet included the following statements:

"As was anticipated by virtually everyone concerned, the overwhelming majority of these defenceless people, who reposed implicit trust in British honour, were either massacred in circumstances of unbelievable horror immediately following their handover, or condemned to a lingering death in Communist gaols and forced labour camps. These operations were achieved by a combination of duplicity and brutality without parallel in British history since the Massacre of Glencoe. . . The man who issued every order and arranged every detail of the lying and brutality which resulted in these massacres was Brigadier Toby Low, Chief of Staff to General Keightley's 5 Corps, subsequently ennobled by Harold Macmillan as the 1st Baron Aldington . . . The evidence is overwhelming that he arranged the perpetration of a major war crime in the full knowledge that the most barbarous and dishonourable aspects of his operations were throughout disapproved and unauthorised by the higher command, and in the full knowledge that a savage fate awaited those he was repatriating... a major war criminal, whose activities merit comparison with those of the worst butchers of Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia."


Where is the evidence for Nazi Germany turning over Russian nationals or Soviet citizens whom they had captured by the thousands when they took over Poland? Or Paris, where there was also a large, fiercely anti-Communist Russian emigrŽ population, numbering hundreds of thousands that Stalin would have loved to lay his bloody hands on?

Hitler was briefly allied with Stalin then in a non-aggression pact for almost two years. It would have been easy to turn them all over. Not a single case of a single ex-patriate Russian being delivered to Stalin's henchmen during that period is recorded in history. Not one!


As the author of the text Tolstoy felt honor-bound to include himself as Watts' co-defendant. At the trial Aldington freely acknowledged signing the repatriation orders, but claimed that there was "no way" he could have known the refugees would be killed: "We were told that international law would be obeyed."


This man had no shame. This naive answer coming from a British Army field officer about the Red Army in May and June of 1945 is really, really rich! To speak of "international law being obeyed" in the blood bath that followed the Third Reich's defeat is adding insult to inhuman injury!

What the Allies did to a defeated foe is unworthy of Western civilization - as history will one day know and acknowledge, thanks to Revisionist research the world over.


Tomorrow: Conclusion


Thought for the Day:

"Don't mind the five or more million Germans. Stalin will see to them. You will have no trouble with them; they will cease to exist." -

(A quote by Churchill to Mikolajczyk. Review of World Affairs, Chap.10m Vol V11, 29th September. 1945.)

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