Copyright (c) 2001 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


January 2, 2001


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Hard to believe, but I am two days into my ***sixth*** ZGram year. With very few exceptions when I battled computer problems and I couldn't get it out in time, my readers have received a missive from me ***every day***, Sundays and holidays included.


From the beginning, I meant those ZGrams to reflect the vast and ever changing kaleidoscope of our struggle, and one of my tactics has been to let both friend and foe take cyber ZGram rides.


This has worked exceedingly well - but few ZGrams of mine have found the resonance that yesterday's ZGram enjoyed - the one about Israel having failed "the Lousiness Test."


Here is just one example from someone in the Confederate movement:


This is an incredible example of a message coming from a Russian Jew about Israel that is absolutely devastating. It shows how someone from the other side can deliver a message with ten times the impact...and leave the opposition without a case at all.


The quote at the end is also great. Remember, gang, our Confederate struggle is a Revisionist struggle...we are fighting to get our true history onto the modern landscape against a powerful and entrenched enemy. Others are involved in similar struggles. Although some have told me that the revisionist struggles are a diversion of attention from our own...I strongly disagree.


Most of our people do not know how to fight...and also have a motivation problem. We can learn a lot from the revisionists...their tactics....PR....web battles....and also from their mistakes. They are way ahead of us, fighting on an international battlefield against more powerful adversaries than we.


I believe that when people can open their eyes to this huge battle, it is easier for them to see and accept that they may have been massively lied to about our own WBTS. It's kind of a no-brainer - once you see that the lies are still going on, that this was also standard operation procedure in the past.


Revisionist website traffic has exploded in the past few years. It dwarfs ours. That is why certain international groups are trying to muzzle them through new laws. They are scared to death of the truth getting out. They know that, once it does, there is going to be a big backlash. I can see them already working to misrepresent this backlash as 'a resurgence of anti-semitism' but there will be fewer that buy that now...and fewer next week.


The Revisionists are chipping away at the credibility of their opponents, exposing every trick and lie that they have told. The Zundelsite has years of postings archived at the site, so any newcomers can pick up on all the past posts. Our Heritage Orgs have nothing like this. We do not even have the wherewithal to copy something that has proven that it works.


I don't think one in 50 Confederates even knows what Revisionism is.


But I will weave this into the TV. It is the only tool we have available to expose them to this. It takes a year or so to get a grasp on the big picture. Ingrid Rimland's one-posting-a-day has been a brilliant tool to educate busy, distracted people, slowly over a period of time - without overwhelming them.


This is also why I am trying to give a lot of exposure to black Confederates and to black conservatives...because they can deliver the message much more forcefully than we. Defendants lose, plaintiffs win in the PR game. Our adversaries have flea-trained the public to believe that whatever we say is an attempt to cover up our guilt over what our nasty (non-slave owning ancestors) did, so our message has penetration limitations.


The enemy knows they can smear us with the racist label as soon as we start to become effective. But they are scared to death of the message coming from those that CANNOT be called racists. And the silly little names that they call their internal challengers...Uncle Toms, Wannabes, etc...are going to wear thin with time. When Julian Bond made his main NAACP address here in Atlanta two or three years ago, he mentioned the black conservatives derisively about six times...bringing them up over and over...tipping his hand to what a threat he thought they were....and trying to 'pre-plug' his people's ears. I made a note of that.


The Hebrew Klan has been much smarter. Their main tactic has been to totally ignore their internal not give them a shred of publicity, over which they held fairly tight reins. Only the revisionists Internet flanking maneuver forced them to shift tactics. And true to their great intelligence, they went right for the jugular...working to get legislation passed to 'outlaw' hate sights (which they determine what is what). This began in Europe where there are no First Amendment rights. Over here...threats and intimidation are the game. BTW in this country the ADL already tells the Pentagon what sites to block for the David Irving's. That, gentlemen, is what you call penetration!!!


These are extremely dangerous opponents with tremendous influence and resources. But we can still play a great part by providing a stage and seeing to it that our message is as widely distributed throughout the Community TV network as we physically can...including video distribution.


I cannot think of a more critical spot for us to be where we could have a greater impact.


I thank all of you for your efforts and sacrifices this year. I know we have all put into this more than we had expected to originally. I have wrestled more than once with the fear of being consumed by it. I still don't know exactly how I am going to do it. But as I review the demo tapes I am dubbing and realize that we have created this with only token training, understaffed, underfunded, and with numerous logistical problems, it is really an amazing accomplishment. We have already contributed more to the struggle than most will in their lifetimes. You can all be proud of that.


So off we go into the New Year. I think that on next Jan. 1st we will be looking back again, pinching ourselves, and asking..."did we really do that?" ... and the answer will be YES!




Thought for the Day:


"Nov. 14: Dinner with a couple of women friends. The subject is politics. I say the [right of centre Canadian] Alliance [Party] is not all bad. They edge away from me, as if I am about to deny the Holocaust."


-Margaret Wente's political diary, Toronto Globe and Mail, November 25, 2000

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