Fwd: Update on the Zundel Case

zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org
Sat Oct 21 17:48:47 EDT 2006

>Zgram - October 22, 2006
>A brief update on the last two days' hearings (October 19 and 20) in 
>the Zundel case, followed by new hearing dates for him as well as 
>for Germar Rudolf, and concluded with a Zundel letter to a young 
>friend in Texas.
>I had a call today from one of our German attorneys.  He reports the 
>last two hearing days were wasted time and money. All requests for 
>defense expert witnesses and forensic documents were brutally 
>rejected.  The mantra never changes:  "The Holocaust can't be and 
>will not be disputed.  It is self-evident!" 
>Nonetheless, additional hearing dates have once again been set: 
>There will be Zundel hearings as follows, all starting at 9:00 A.M.:
>November  10
>November 17
>November 30
>December 1
>December 7
>December 8
>In the same venue, the trial for Germar Rudolf is to begin in 
>Mannheim.  The Germar Rudolf schedule is as follows:
>November 14
>November 16
>December 4
>December 6
>December 21
>January 10
>January 22
>January 29
>To that, I should add a few anecdotal touches which will find its 
>way into the large screen feature movie that is already playing in 
>my head.  After the presiding judge ruled sternly that the audience 
>was not to applaud when Ernst entered the courtroom, his friends 
>simply rose to show their respect.  This, too, is now forbidden. 
>At some point, it seems, somebody laughed the politically incorrect 
>way - and was promptly filed 200 Euros - about US$250 !  The fellow 
>didn't have the money and was prepared to go to jail, but a 
>collection was taken up from the audience to spare him. 
>Additionally, the judge drew an amazing conclusion when asked to 
>allow the US FBI Report in Ernst's defense - a seven-part report 
>that states in clearest language that Ernst is not a "White 
>Supremacist" but, rather, a Revisionist, and that the case be 
>closed.  The judge concluded  that the defendant, Mr. Zundel, must 
>surely have wickedly disguised his antisemitism from the FBI 
>investigation - another Zundel First! 
>What a clever man I have married!
>I should also add, perhaps in passing, that I received a bill from 
>another German court that charges me some 300-plus Euros out of a 
>total of 5,000 Euros for "indexing" (censoring!) my venerable 
>website.  I intend to tell them -  borrowing from Oskar Wilde, I 
>believe - that since they charged me in my absence and convicted me 
>in my absence, they might as well shoot me in my absence! 
>The nerve these people have!
>The letter below is a wistful one, containing gentle snippets of 
>this and that - a typical Zundel letter.  While he was still in the 
>Canadian prison, starving and freezing, with his light turned on 
>night and day, Ernst wrote a touching letter to two grieving little 
>girls in Texas - two children that he never met, who were dealing 
>with their parents' separation - telling them that he was deeding 
>them two equal land parcels on Mars on which they could build their 
>very own castles.  So much by way of preface: 
>October 9. 2006
>Dear Curtis,
>The trial is winding down and I wanted to reach out beyond the 
>barbed wire, the search lights, and the dogs to share some snippets 
>of thought  gained in my new life here in the Gulag of Modern Times. 
>It's hard  to decide where to start - I only have five pages, as you 
>So let me  start with something frivolous - and future-oriented. 
>Mars! This past week I  saw some absolutely stunning photos of the 
>Martian surface, close-ups of the  Martian landscapes. They were 
>unbelievable, especially the Martian ice  caps, the poles. Some of 
>them were taken by the Mars rovers and others by  the European space 
>probes - amazing clarity! It made me think about the  Martian real 
>estate I bought as a lark some years ago, which made me remember 
>your daughters and their building lots on Mars. So, I'm  wondering 
>how you and the girls are doing?
>There has been an almost frenzied increase in the amount of bad 
>press our  enemies have been subjected to of late.  In your letter 
>of  November 21, 2005 you outlined the list of neo-cons who  were 
>not only being closely scrutinized, but who had in some cases even 
>been  charged with serious crimes. So, now you can update your list 
>and add Foley and his coterie of sycophants and network of deviants.
>Ingrid always told me that the real crunch for the dysfunctional 
>political elite in America would  come when their sexual deviations 
>and criminal activities especially with  children would come to 
>light. BBC and CNN news, which I can monitor from my  cell, were 
>full with interviews, press conferences and contradictory claims 
>and statements by former aides of Foley's, former pages, etc. Add to 
>this Hastert's obvious lies and distortions - wow!
>  Watching all of this made me feel as if I were in a time warp and 
>was beamed down into the Roman Senate at the time of Brutus and 
>Julius Caesar's  intrigues. The media showed some video clips of an 
>effetely prancing Foley,  expounding on the virtues of "conservative 
>family values," about the dangers  of "sexual predators," and how 
>the Internet should be "managed" by the  government in order to 
>prevent sexual predation of minors, how he and  his committee 
>intended to "fix it," etc. etc. Disgusting!
>  All of Foley's lies made me recall a letter my Canadian lady lawyer 
>sent me recently, in which she mentioned another book  written by 
>Professor Robert Hare entitled "Snakes in Suits," a  follow up on 
>his book about psychopathology, "Without Conscience." Barbara  wrote 
>that Hare largely investigated the psychopathological behavior of 
>business tycoons and various other professionals, the Ken Lay and 
>Andrew  Fastow types. Maybe you and I should write a "Secrets 
>Exposed" book, a follow up to Hare's work, entitled "Gansters with 
>Badges," or "Enforcers  in Robes." We know the personality types and 
>profiles, and the modus  operandi. Our work would do society a great 
>deal of good, by giving them the  keys to the underworld, so to 
>If anyone wants to understand the real  inner imperative of the 
>elite, it is the knowledge of psychopathic behavior that one must 
>fully comprehend, and how the elites are using this aberrant 
>personality trait of theirs to their own advantage. One of my fellow 
>prisoners, one of a very few - a handful really with a broader 
>vision -  has  been sharing a book with me. The original title of 
>the book, written in  English, is Blowback: The Cost of Empire. It's 
>a very informative book - I  was lent the German version, which is 
>more appropriately titled "Imperium  erfällt," translated,  "An 
>Empire disintegrates." The book details the  consequences of 
>America's foreign policy aspirations and how by engaging in these 
>actions, America has alienated much of the rest of the world. It's 
>clear that the author understands that America is already in "full 
>scale disintegration," and that it's probably too late to  do 
>anything about it. Watching the news over these last weeks really 
>reinforces for me the author's thesis. He frankly  illustrates many 
>of the ruthless methods of the  empire and how it deals with and has 
>dealt with perceived enemies  proactively. He laid bare the entrails 
>of how the system works - one area  that you'll appreciate because 
>of the insights you have gained with your  Congressman concerning my 
>case. It might be a good idea to check that book  out of your local 
>library and give it a good read. The author discusses how it is that 
>the  empire [America] deals with so-called "terrorists," i.e. their 
>favorite  phrase used against the Empire's critics and opponents. 
>Here it is.
>  "It [The empire] utilized in these cases its so-called "disruption 
>strategy," a tactic to achieve the wearing down of the terrorists  - 
>read "revisionists", my terminology, from now on used as a 
>substitute - which  consists of making trouble for them worldwide. 
>The goal  is to drive the [revisionists] out of their hiding places, 
>in  order that cooperative police forces or spy agencies can arrest, 
>detain and  imprison them."  I loved that phrase, "cooperative 
>police and agencies".
>Quoting an Associated Press article, the author continues:
>"The CIA keeps its role secret and the countries which in fact 
>actually  proceed against the suspected [revisionist] carefully, in 
>order to hide the  role of the United States, unless they themselves 
>get into difficulty."
>Now Curtis, that's exactly what has happened in all of these 
>overseas kidnappings - cases involving people like myself, El Masrie 
>in Germany,  Arar in Canada, etc. Recently a Canadian commission of 
>Inquiry in Ottawa  revealed the entire Arar case to the public. 
>They blew the lid right off the  Canadian and US Government's lies. 
>The Canadian police, and Intelligence  service [CSIS] just like the 
>author  noted, attempted to cover up their collusion with the US 
>Government - knowingly setting up an innocent  man.  They did the 
>very same to John Demjanjuk, sending him to be tortured by a third 
>government [Israel] in the Mid-East. They figured all along that 
>their criminal actions would never be uncovered; after all, they had 
>the  government and media on their side. Fortunately for Arar, his 
>wife, who was well connected politically, was no pushover. Did you 
>know that the Chief  of Canada's RCMP actually apologized to Maher 
>Arar? Of course he was forced  by public pressure to do so, but 
>nonetheless, that's quite a victory in some  respects.
>The patriotic and revisionists networks in America and Canada have a 
>lot to  learn from Arar's wife.  They have never developed the 
>ability to cooperate  with one another. It requires a single-minded 
>determination, a pursuit that  doesn't allow petty differences to 
>divert the [determination] necessary to drive a  point home. For 
>years I have known this, and I knew this on the day the  cuffs were 
>snapped around my wrists in Tennessee. Ingrid had illusions that 
>there would be a groundswell of support, a worldwide uproar, 
>demonstrations  and the like, but alas, in the end it seems there 
>has been more talk than  action. The Left and Blacks are more active 
>stateside in the defense [against] cop  killers than are our people, 
>who have nothing more to do than defend a pitiful handful of people 
>imprisoned for nothing more than their words.  We revisionists have 
>a job to do, and complaining won't get the  word out - so buckle 
>down and get busy!
>  The "disruption strategy," was devised  by the CIA and used by 
>Clinton's National Security advisor Richard Clarke,  who stayed on 
>with the Bush Adminstration.  Bush was pleased with Clarke's work 
>because it specifically exempted the CIA from the requirement to 
>report to Congress  what they were and still are doing - that's why 
>they can just "pick up,"  people like me, Germar Rudolf, Arar and 
>many others in the United States, and  deport them - no oversight 
>whatsoever! That's why Congressman Ron Paul and  Congressman 
>Dannemeier, Ingrid's friend, couldn't find any answers - there  were 

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