International Tracing Service documents at Arolsen be opened?
zgrams at
zgrams at
Mon Feb 20 08:45:18 EST 2006
Good Morning from the Zundelsite:
If ever you needed a sample of media disinformation, the New York
article below is blatant, in-your-face chutzpah disinformation!
I am sure that some of our more scholarly oriented revisionists will
have a thing or two to say about this piece of "news" - I will merely
give you a taste for what this is really all about from what I
gathered in conversation with Ernst.
When I first met Ernst and started to learn about the vast deception
called the "Holocaust", I asked him: "If you had only one wish to be
fulfilled to clean up this mess, what would that be?" and his reply
was: "To have the records of Arolsen be open to the public. We
could settle this matter once and for all. With computer data bases,
it could be done in a few weeks!"
As I heard later it from others, it is Revisionists who want the
Arolsen documents be made available. It is the Holocaust Lobby that
has blocked access since 1979 - the year the Holocaust-debunking
Institute for Historical Review was founded!
Why are they clamouring NOW to have them be opened? So they can get
their hands on the vital statistics of what really did and did not
happen - and maybe start a little accidental fire?
My guess is that either Ernst or Germar Rudolf pushed to have those
archives be opened!
By the way, Biedermann testified in Ernst's 1988 Holocaust Trial in
Toronto, an excerpt of which is on the Zundelsite,
Read what that lying rag, the New York Times, has to say:
U.S. - German Flare-Up Over Vast Nazi Camp Archives
Tempers are flaring over a United States demand to open to scholars
and researchers a huge repository of information about the
Holocaust contained in the files of the International Tracing
Service at Bad Arolsen, Germany.
Based in part on documents gathered by Allied forces as they
liberated Nazi concentration camps, the stock of files held by the
organization stretches for about 15.5 miles, and holds information
on 17.5 million people. It amounts to one of the largest closed
archives anywhere.
The collection is unique in its intimate personal detailing of a
catastrophe, which is what makes the question of open access so
delicate. The papers may reveal who was treated for lice at which
camp, what ghoulish medical experiment was conducted on which
prisoner and why, who was accused by the Nazis of homosexuality or
murder or incest or pedophilia, which Jews collaborated and how
they were induced to do so.
Since the end of World War II the Tracing Service, operating as an
arm of the International Committee of the Red Cross, has used the
files to help people trace the fates of relatives who disappeared
into the murderous vortex of Nazi terror. Now, more than 60 years
after the end of the war, the United States says that task is
largely done and it is time to open up the archive, copy it so that
it can also be stored in other countries and make it available to
"The U.S. government favors opening up all records on the
Holocaust," said Edward O'Donnell, the special envoy for Holocaust
issues at the State Department. "Our objective is to open the
archive, and we will continue to push."
But that push has met a wall of legal and procedural objections -
from Charles Biedermann, the Red Cross official who has been director
of the Tracing Service for two decades, and from the German and
Italian governments. The atmosphere within the 11-nation
international commission that oversees the operation has become
poisonous. At meetings to discuss the opening of the archive,
German officials have asked whether it is really in anyone's
interest to have accusations about particular Jews being murderers
or homosexuals made public. Because German privacy laws are much
stricter than those in the United States, German authorities are
concerned that an opening could lead to lawsuits charging that
personal information was handed out illegally.
Wide access to the papers could also provoke new claims for compensation.
"This is a scandal and a big scar on the image of Germany," said
Sara Bloomfield, the director of the United States Holocaust Memorial
Museum in Washington, which has been eager to secure copies of the
Paul Shapiro, the director of advanced Holocaust studies at the
museum, accused Germany of "abusing efforts to achieve consensus" and
"exerting a stranglehold on the process." He added, "Hiding this
record is a form of Holocaust denial."
Such strong words are at odds with the generally positive tenor of
German-American relations on Holocaust matters, even through
negotiations as elaborate as those that led to Germany's agreement
in 2000 to compensate former slave laborers of the Nazis.
Germany is outraged at the suggestion that it may be dragging its
feet. "I object to the assertion that we have something to hide or
are not forthcoming," said Wolfgang Ischinger, the German ambassador
to the United States. "That insinuation is false."
The clash has some of its roots in the complex history and
labyrinthine legal structure of the Tracing Service. Set up late in
the war, it has long been administered under the terms of the 1955
Bonn Agreements, which restored German sovereignty.
That treaty says the facility must "take all reasonable steps to
avoid divulging information about a person or persons which might
prejudice the interests of the person or persons concerned or of
their relatives."
In essence, it confines access to information to the persecuted
themselves, their relatives or legal representatives. But the accord
also says all of the governments in the 11-nation governing
commission have the right to inspect documents. Those countries are
the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the
Netherlands, Greece, Israel, Poland and Luxembourg.
Germany and Mr. Biedermann say that for the archives to be opened,
the treaty must be amended. That requires a unanimous vote and
subsequent approval of national legislatures. The process would take
years even if an elusive unanimity could be secured.
"As director, I must fulfill my orders," Mr. Biedermann said. "My
superior is the I.C.R.C., my ruling body the 11 governments. If they
decide the records can be opened and copies given to other
countries, and if the issue of legal liabilities is addressed, of
course I will comply. But right now there is no mandate for
historical research."
Last month, the director posted a statement, now withdrawn, on the
Tracing Service's Web site, saying that handing over copies of the
files to others was "neither morally nor legally justifiable at
The United States, while ready to work for an amendment of the Bonn
Agreements, is impatient. It argues that it never ceded ownership
rights of the papers at Bad Arolsen, that all 11 governments have
the right to inspect them and that no absolute legal impediment
exists to the immediate copying and transfer of the files.
But the German government, having already paid out more than $80
billion in reparations, is concerned that questions of legal
liability be thoroughly clarified before Bad Arolsen is opened up
and its files made available elsewhere.
"We have to address the question of who will be allowed to do what
with this data and who will be legally responsible if somebody
abuses this," Mr. Ischinger said. "There are layers of legal
The legal issues are indeed complex. But six decades after the war,
it seems clear that opening up Bad Arolsen would play a critical role
in filling in the details of the vile tapestry of Nazi crimes. "We
need to connect all the dots," Ms. Bloomfield said.
Besides, the Tracing Service is swamped. Its budget, provided by
Germany, has been cut as part of national austerity measures. Its
staff has been reduced to about 360 from more than 400. Its backlog
of unanswered tracing inquiries exceeds 400,000, partly because of a
wave of questions on slave-labor compensation that had to be
answered. People demanding to know what happened to their relatives
sometimes go years without a response.
Its process of making digitized copies of papers has been painfully
slow; only 55 percent of documents have been copied electronically.
This copying, a necessary prelude to any transfer of information,
will take two more years, Mr. Biedermann says. That appears to be
more time than the United States is prepared to wait. Last June, at
a meeting in Warsaw of the 20-country Task Force for International
Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research, a
statement was issued calling for "immediate steps to be taken to
open the archive" at Bad Arolsen "to scholars and other
researchers." It said the 11-nation international commission should
"address this matter on an urgent basis."
But no urgency has been apparent, despite the fact that all 11
countries in the commission overseeing Bad Arolsen are members of the
20-nation Task Force. A meeting of lawyers from the commission is
scheduled for later this month in Luxembourg. It will be followed by
a gathering in May of leading officials, including Mr. O'Donnell,
who made clear he would like to see a resolution of the dispute
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