Fwd: ***Update on the Holocaust Heresy Trial ***
zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org
zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org
Sat Feb 18 16:57:39 EST 2006
>>Greetings from the Zundelsite:
>>This is a summary of the three days of hearings in the Holocaust
>>Heresy Trial - February 9, 15, and 16. I held off reporting on it
>>because I had hoped for a more professional, on-location summary
>>from someone like William James who can grasp the overarching
>>topics, principles, tactics, and strategies - not just the actual
>>events. Again, due to e-mail sabotage, I may not have received
>>every write-up from the audience sent to me. Therefore, I am
>>flying by the seat of my pants, so to speak, piecing things
>>together from an admittedly limited and incomplete perspective.
>>You should know up-front that Ernst is not allowed to communicate
>>to anybody about the trial itself - apparently, not even to me,
>>even though a higher court had ordered that his communication to
>>his wife not be restricted in any way. Secondly, his
>>correspondence overall is severely throttled. Not only is he
>>limited to "two letters" (coming and going) each workday, the
>>correspondence he receives from others is largely limited to
>>postcards from strangers who just send a greeting, sometimes in a
>>language that he cannot read, often not even with a return address.
>>At times, he is given empty envelopes just to underline - what,
>>exactly? Also, his postage stamp allotment has been brutally cut
>>back so that even the "two letters a day" limitation is hampered.
>>In a way, I am the beneficiary. Ernst writes me absolutely
>>stunning letters, practically every day - cutting down his
>>allotment to others by 50% - letters that are a testimony to his
>>indomitable spirit, every one of which I save for future use.
>>Happily, my letters to him get through in a relatively short time -
>>and in order to make it easier on the censor(s), I remember my good
>>manners and always include a courtesy copy for them!
>>Ernst is not allowed to utter the word "Holocaust" - he gets around
>>that one by speaking of the "Reizwort" (incendiary word). He is
>>not allowed to comment about Adolf Hitler for fear it might be
>>catching like the flu. He is not allowed to receive anything that
>>could give him intellectual or artistic stimulation, which includes
>>travel brochures and seed catalogs. Any input generally about
>>what is going on politically outside the prison gates he can only
>>gather by reading newspapers that other prison inmates gleefully
>>share, to liven up their boredom, with the political celebrity
>>that's dwelling among them. Wherever he walks in the prison yard,
>>he gathers a tail of followers eager to hear him hold forth -
>>exactly like Jesus, he says.
>>Physically, Ernst is apparently well taken care of. He has
>>repeatedly commented on the respectful kindness of his guards, and
>>he is allowed to have a radio and CD player, which is a very great
>>comfort to him.
>>This much by way of a foreword.
>>Now how to summarize the three days of hearings this month? One
>>has to understand what is playing in Mannheim in order to
>>appreciate the strategy. Germany does not have, and never has had,
>>a Constitution after its defeat in 1945 - a fact that is not known
>>to most people. Instead, the BRD/Bundesrepublik has something
>>called a "Basic Law", which seems to be a carbon copy of what rules
>>Israel - in itself an interesting comment on this camouflaged
>>colony of Israel's called "Germany".
>>I will not reiterate the history of why a Constitution was denied
>>so far to the German people, partly because I am not familiar with
>>all the ins and outs. On paper, the BRD was installed in 1945 as
>>an interim government that would expire as soon as the people would
>>be able to elect a government to their needs and liking. At least
>>that was the promise - and it is even nailed into the record
>>through speeches in the German parliament. The way I read the tea
>>leaves, this lacking Constitution was promised to the German people
>>intermittently, allegedly as soon as they were politically "mature"
>>enough to "deserve" a Constitution - in other words, as soon as
>>they were all "re-educated" to atone in perpetuity for their
>>forefather's infernal conduct in wartime.
>>Now this "Basic Law" is unctuously proclaiming on paper that
>>Germany is a "democracy". It includes a lofty provision for
>>Freedom of Speech and Assembly. However, the "Holocaust" is held
>>to be so utterly "self-evident" that there has got to be an
>>exception to prove a worthy rule, and therefore, a statute called
>>Paragraph 130 was spawned. It is swung by obliging judges like a
>>club against those who dare "sin" against anybody who, in parlance,
>>who "defames the memory of the dead" and "incites the people" with
>>questions challenging the Holocaust.
>>"Legally", as Germany exists today, a defense based on facts and
>>evidence that would show up the Holocaust as the concocted
>>monstrosity it is, is utterly impossible - and immediately brutally
>>clubbed down by judges who are willing to please. Attorneys who
>>try to defend those who run afoul of Paragraph 130 by conducting
>>themselves according to globally accepted standards of justice
>>merely endanger themselves of contravening Paragraph 130. To
>>paraphrase Orwell, all German people have free speech, but some
>>have more free speech than others - just as nobody's dead must be
>>defamed, but most can be defamed, as long as some are shielded.
>>The argument the Zundel Team is making is within these legally
>>existing and restricting parameters. Since Paragraph 130 exists, a
>>direct defense is, therefore, not in the cards. The strategy is
>>not, as I understand it, to show that the Holocaust didn't happen
>>and couldn't have happened as claimed, because science, especially
>>forensic science, doesn't support any of the conventional claims -
>>the Zundel defense strategy is to show up Germany as lawless and
>>controlled by an agenda that merely serves Israel. Not Germany!
>>Thus, the Zundel legal team treats the judicial setup as an enemy
>>fortress and the judge and prosecution as "willing executioners" in
>>the service of an alien power. Ernst's freedom under this strategy
>>has become secondary - almost, it seems to me at times with that
>>horrid sinking feeling in my stomach, irrelevant in the grand
>>design of things. The aim is not so much to free Ernst Zundel from
>>prison by showing that what he said was justified, and that he
>>acted on the dictates of his conscience - the aim is to find allies
>>within the judicial system who will remember they are Germans and
>>not useful idiots to Israel, and who will refuse to convict
>>according to Paragraph 130. If Paragraph 130 can be made to land
>>on the garbage heap of history where that abomination belongs, then
>>patriotic people need no longer fear to speak the truth as they
>>know it.
>>Vastly simplified, the Zundel Heresy Trial has now become the
>>vehicle to try to shake off Israeli (and Allied) control of
>>Germany, and hopefully of Europe. Ernst has become the symbol and
>>political icon of that struggle because he is the best-known
>>Prisoner of Conscience in the Western world and his name carries
>>weight and prestige with important dissidents who have put the
>>mosaic together and refuse to live by the Lie.
>>Recently, there have been cracks in the judiciary itself in that
>>judges have begun to speak out against this absurd situation of
>>claiming "freedom of speech" when, in fact, they are required to
>>shred every attempt of freedom of speech the moment Jewish
>>interests come calling. Some have described this new phenomenon as
>>a "paralysis" in the judiciary - in that Paragraph 130 complaints
>>are dismissed outright or, if charges are brought, the system is
>>dragging its feet to convict.
>>In response, the Enemy of Free Speech, via what I call the "Poodle
>>Media" - a phrase I'd like you to adopt - is shooting out of every
>>barrel. Mainstream media folk have attacked with a blizzard of
>>defamatory Zundel articles world-wide, but even there are cracks in
>>that the more alert reporters are beginning to resent having to
>>spew the words that someone puts into their mouths, and they have
>>found ways of sliding in the real issues by letting people read
>>between the lines. In Europe, mainstream media, generally, is not
>>as viperous as the Canadian scribblers, for instance. The German
>>articles that I have seen slyly let shine through what really plays
>>in Mannheim!
>>There are six attorneys making up the defense - three of our own,
>>and three assigned by the government, ostensibly as "public
>>defenders", whose duty is, as you and I surmise, to spy on strategy
>>and move the trial to a speedy conclusion and conviction. Now it
>>so happens that one of these three "public defenders" is Dr. Bock,
>>a most distinguished, white-haired gentleman whom we consider as
>>being on our wavelength due to his long and vigorous defense of
>>other defendants who transgressed against Paragraph 130. That
>>leaves two dismayed fellows who "don't enjoy the trust of Mr.
>>Zundel," as it was pointed out by one of the Zundel attorneys in
>>one of the hearings. They sit behind the main team, out of
>>earshot, fuming!
>>A young, attractive lady, Sylvia Stolz, is the lead Zundel attorney
>>- a genuine Magnolia beauty hiding a spine of steel. From all I
>>heard, Dr. Meinerzhagen, the judge in this trial, is no match at
>>all against Attorney Stolz. She refuses to address him by title.
>>He looks and acts apoplectic. When he talks, she talks, too -
>>parallel. When he pulls the cord to prevent her from speaking, she
>>turns around and addresses the audience directly. She is described
>>as superbly unruffled and sweetly in control. She bests him with
>>every move.
>>To the glee of the courtroom spectators, Dr. Meinerzhagen has lost
>>his cool. When an elderly woman laughed loudly at some of the
>>point-counterpoint sparring, he ordered her up front and lectured
>>an old lady as though she were a kindergartner. When one of Zundel
>>supporters called him a name that wasn't his name - comparing him
>>to a notorious judge in those unmentionable times - he had the man
>>arrested on the spot and thrown in jail for 4 days. When, after
>>the hearing was over, a spontaneous Singing Quartet in the audience
>>launched the first verse of "Deutschland über alles" - certain
>>verses forbidden by Germany's vigilant censors, even though it is a
>>song with a long, distinguished history that was not dreamed up by
>>the Wicked Regime - Meinerzhagen fined the would-be Barbershoppers
>>200 Euros apiece - a fine that was immediately collected in the
>>audience by disbarred Attorney Mahler passing the hat. It was like
>>in the olden days in Toronto - the only prop missing were the
>>yellow helmets worn by the old-time dissidents.
>>For the second time, Dr. Meinerzhagen has thrown in the towel and
>>cut the hearing short, but not before telling Ms. Stolz that he is
>>going to initiate an investigation into her irreverent conduct.
>>This brave young woman could well end up in jail herself, which
>>would only underline the camouflaged dictatorship that really rules
>>the Fatherland. Remember Roosevelt's suggestion: "Speak softly
>>and carry a stick"? That's what's been going on in Germany for
>>60-plus years, and now the genie is out of the bottle.
>>So that's where we are today. Five hearing days have passed - and
>>the only thing accomplished was that the charges were read against
>>Ernst - listlessly, I have been told. Ernst listens to all this
>>commotion, quite calm and unperturbed, as is his style in general.
>>He knows that he can't win under the current system. The system is
>>stacked against Truth, and he has known that all along. It would
>>be sweet justice if he could take the trophy of the defeated
>>Paragraph 130 back home to Tennessee where I would pin it up for
>>all the world to see in the museum on the mountains that Ernst and
>>I had planned.
>>Ernst wants you to know that this Holocaust Heresy Trial is only
>>the beginning of what is going to transpire on the soil of the Old
>>Continent. As he has put it in one of his letters to me: "They'll
>>rue the day yet when they deported me to Europe!"
>>P.S. Below is a typical Poodle article from the Deutsche Presse Agentur:
>>Courtroom uproar mars neo-Nazi trial in Germany
>>16 February 2006
>>MANNHEIM, GERMANY - A German neo-Nazi's trial degenerated into
>>uproar Wednesday as the judge jailed a member of the public for
>>contempt and warned a far-right defence lawyer she could be thrown
>>out of court.
>>Supporters filled the court as Ernst Zuendel, 66, appeared for a
>>second day on charges of incitement to racial hatred for denying
>>the Holocaust, which Zuendel's books and website claim never
>>Presiding judge Ulrich Meinerzhagen on Wednesday imposed 200-euro
>>(240-dollar) fines for contempt on three men who sang a
>>nationalistic version of the German national anthem in court last
>>When a member of the public slurred the judge by shouting a remark
>>that compared him to a senior Nazi-era judge, the man was
>>sentenced to four days in detention for contempt.
>>Sparring with Zuendel's defence lawyer, the judge told her, "You
>>are sabotaging this trial," and switched off her microphone. When
>>she kept talking, he threatened to throw her out of court.
>>Zuendel's lawyers accused the court of being "anti-German".
>>Zuendel, who has been in detention since his expulsion from Canada
>>last March, was silent Wednesday. He had lived in North America
>>since 1958, but as a German national, he can be charged for
>>offences committed abroad.
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