Fwd: Holocaust Fundamentalism

zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org
Sun Feb 5 18:39:52 EST 2006

>Holocaust Fundamentalism:   You WILL Believe!
>By Mark Green
>Dec. 3, 2005
>You've seen the films. You've read the books. You've taken the 
>courses. You've heard the news. Soon, your children will be visiting 
>the museums. Everybody knows it's true.
>The era of mandatory belief in The Holocaust has arrived. Articles 
>central to The Faith include unwavering commitment to Jewish 
>casualty numbers with a full and complete understanding of the 
>manner in which innocent Jews were gassed, murdered and executed in 
>Nazi Germany. Recalcitrant non-believers are now being rounded up. 
>The typical rhetoric goes: "These bigots deny the facts and lessons 
>garnered from humankind's experience during WWII. Their unique kind 
>of poison will not be tolerated. This is a democracy. You are under 
>Only this is not a movie. This is real.
>In Europe and North America, Holocaust skeptics are being 
>apprehended, arrested and are now facing lengthy prison terms. Few 
>people have noticed. Nobody's supposed to care. Big media certainly 
>doesn't. Nor the politicians. These Holocaust-denying apostates 
>include British author and historian David Irving, Holocaust 
>revisionist Ernst Zundel, German chemist Gemar Rudolf, and others. 
>Their crimes involve disbelief: they dispute the official version of 
>events involving Jews during WWII.
>In an era where nearly anything goes, why does the truth need 
>special laws to protect it? Curious, that.
>Beginning Jan. 27, 2006, and continuing every year thereafter, the 
>United Nations will inaugurate its first annual Holocaust 
>Remembrance Day. This Israeli-sponsored resolution not only 
>institutionalizes and broadens global sensitivity to The Holocaust, 
>but it will surely aid in prosecuting individuals who reject 
>official Holocaust dogma. The State Church has arrived. It's creed: 
>Holocaust fundamentalism.
>Question: to what extent do these escalating measures have more than 
>nothing to do with America's "special relationship" with the Jewish 
>State, our war in Iraq, and our saber-rattling towards Syria and 
>Iran? Just curious.
>Resistance to the global New Doctrine however is growing. Among the 
>arguments: Laws regulating 'historical interpretation' are 
>themselves a crime. Take your Thought Control laws and shove it.
>Primary question: How many Jews died (and how many were deliberately 
>killed) during WWII? How do we know? In how many Western Democracies 
>is doubting the "correct number " of Jewish victims during WWII now 
>against the law? (seven)
>It's known that after the second world war, the Red Cross put the 
>number of Jewish deaths at considerably less than one million. 
>That's still a lot of dead people. Yes, it is theoretically possible 
>that 6,000,000 Jews were killed during the war, but--forgive me--I 
>sense a bold exaggeration.
>But aside from that, since when is skepticism a crime? Where are the 
>bodies, for instance? May I have a list of names, please?
>Even the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Israel, after 60 years, can 
>only muster three million names, and many of those names are of Jews 
>who merely died (or disappeared) during WWII, causes unknown. Many 
>names appear more than once. In a similar vein, while the number of 
>Jews murdered at Auschwitz was officially reduced by millions in 
>recent years, the irreducible number of "six million Jews" remains. 
>Isn't it possible that there's some politically-motivated chicanery 
>It is, after all, indisputable that some earlier "facts" regarding 
>the Holocaust have been streamlined and smoothed out for popular 
>consumption. The lamp shade and human soap stories, for instance, 
>have been quietly retired. The secret dealings between Nazis and 
>Zionists during WWII have been suppressed. Another ignored fact 
>concerns the lethal Typhus epidemics in the death camps. Why have 
>they been airbrushed from popular memory?
>One problem is that all the "experts" tend to be Jewish and show 
>bias on the subject. How many Germans died in WWII? FiveÊmillion? 
>Actually I'm not sure, since their suffering isn't supposed to 
>matter and therefore their casualties aren't noted. What was the 
>total number of dead in WWII?--50 million? How many have died in 
>wars during the 20th Century?--275 million? (that's Zbig. 
>Brezinski's estimate). Considering this, even if six million Jews 
>were deliberately killed during WWII, shouldn't we demand that the 
>Zionized world stop caring so singularly about Jewish suffering? The 
>Jewish obsession with everything Jewish is shamefully narcissistic 
>and burdensome. Their defiant ethnocentrism is an ongoing insult to 
>the rest of the human race.
>As for the "un-revisable" six million figure, Jews have 
>superstitious reasons pertaining to the number "six" for claiming 
>that six million died. In fact, similar charges about six million 
>Jews were made, incredibly, in 1919, concerning the fantastic number 
>of Jews facing death during WWI. These nutty allegations were even 
>published in the NY Times. The claimants were Jewish.
>But why?
>Another reason Jews want to hype the number of victims is that they 
>wanted to have the greatest causality count so they could claim 
>supreme victimhood and reap the political rewards. Holocaust lore is 
>essential to the precarious legitimacy of the Jewish State. Just ask 
>the Palestinians.
>But the Holocaust story as now told is a libel on the German people, 
>since it pretends to show that German anti-Semitism sprang from 
>nowhere. But the real story is more complicated.
>Rightly or wrongly, the Nazis blamed the Jews for America's entry 
>into WWI as well as the unjust and punitive Treaty of Versailles 
>which followed. It's also undeniable that international Jewry 
>"declared war" (and launched anÊinternational boycott) on Hitler's 
>Germany in 1933. Even the outrage know as "Kristallnacht" was 
>provoked in part by a Jewish assassin (Herschel Grynszpan) who, on 
>November 7, 1938, walked into the German embassy in Paris and shot 
>and killed Ernest vom Rath, a German diplomat.
>We know, for instance, that soon after the turn of the century, Jews 
>comprised many if not most of the leading political radicals in 
>Europe. They were instrumental in orchestrating and managing the 
>Communist revolution which killed millions of non-Jews well before 
>Hitler's rise. Why aren't the Nazi-hunters interested in finding any 
>of these mass-murderers? Is it justice they're after, or revenge and 
>political advantage? The "innocent little Jewish shopkeeper" 
>archetype as peddled on TV is a self-exculpating myth.
>However, that Jews were persecuted and murdered during Hitler's 
>reign is irrefutable. I've never seen or read a Holocaust "denier" 
>who claims otherwise. Not one. The extraordinary claim that 
>"6,000,000 Jews were systematically murdered" is what they contest. 
>This deliberate mischaracterization of Holocaust revisionism has 
>been spread widely and purposefully by keepers of the Holocaust 
>faith. And the disinformation continues to flow.
>David Irving, the imprisoned author of dozens of works on WWII, is 
>now alleged to have recently "recanted" some of his "Holocaust 
>denial claims". But his change-of-heart cannot believed so long as 
>heÊis being held captive on account of his scholarship.
>One reader suggested that we call the search for truth in this 
>matter "Holocaust factualism". Good start. Both teams in this 
>historical divide are clearly inundated with advocates posing as 
>scholars. The entire investigation therefore has been rigged from 
>the start. At the same time, it can't be denied that those 
>championing the Official Version are basically holding all the 
>political cards and resources.
>But even if we accept their self-serving stories and invisible body 
>counts, it's still outrageous that the Jews and their lackeys 
>deliberately ignore all the non-Jewish fatalities in Hitler's "death 
>camps". Holocaust survivor, Bruno Bettelheim, writing in his book, 
>"Surviving", notes that according to the Communists in East Germany 
>in 1945, as many as 11 million died in Hitler's gulags, of which 5.5 
>to six million were Jewish. This means that, according to 
>Bettelheim, it's possible that as many as half of Hitler's 
>concentration camp victims were gentiles! Where are the monuments to 
>these innocent people? Why is their story being suppressed? Or 
>should we now direct this Kosher Inquisition towards Bruno 
>Whatever your view on the casualty count (or the disputed gas 
>chamber stories), the focus must return to the core issue: 
>intellectual freedom.
>Historical truth doesn't need to be protected by any special law or 
>speech code. Irving, Zundel, Rudolf and others, need and deserve our 
>unwavering support if we intend to remain even nominally free.
>Mark Green is a California based producer.  His email is 
>markgreen at flashpoint-tv.net
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