Fwd: Tehran gives world leaders a history lesson they'd rather forget

zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org
Wed Feb 1 08:10:41 EST 2006

>Title:  Tehran gives world leaders a history lesson they'd rather forget
>December 17, 2005
>Over the past two months or so, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the newly 
>elected president of Iran, has made his mark on the world stageŠ to 
>overwhelmingly bad reviews.
>Observations like: Israel should be wiped off the map; Israel should 
>be moved to Europe; Europe supported the founding of Israel because 
>of Holocaust guilt; and the Holocaust is a myth - have been 
>vehemently condemned.
>Here's Prime Minister Paul Martin's diatribe:
>"These statements are irresponsible, contrary to Canadian valuesŠTo 
>cast doubt on the Holocaust and to suggest that Israel be 'moved' to 
>Europe, the United States or Canada is completely unacceptable to 
>the Canadian people."
>This is the same Paul Martin, by the way, who last month asserted: 
>"Israel's values are Canada's values." Good Gawd! What better proof 
>is there that Canada's Foreign Ministry is under Zionist occupation?
>Anyway, while world leaders like Martin sputter away and pro-Israel 
>typists like the Globe and Mail's Mark MacKinnon do their best to 
>stigmatize Ahmadinejad as a threat to world peace, let's subject his 
>"outrageous" statements to historical scrutiny:
>1. "Israel should be wiped off the map"
>First of all, we should ask: "Should Israel be on the map in the 
>first place?" Loyal readers of this space know the answer, but for 
>the rest of you, here's the Reader's Digest version.
>First, the Nov. 29, 1947, "Partition Plan (UN General Assembly 
>Resolution 181) was never ratified by the Security Council, and thus 
>any division of Palestine into Jewish and non-Jewish areas was never 
>legal. Moreover, a UNGA Resolution is only binding if all parties to 
>it agree to be bound by its terms, which in this case did not happen.
>Second, the General Assembly had no right under the UN Charter to 
>take land from one people (Arabs) and give it to another people 
>(European Jews).
>Three, David ben Gurion declared Israeli statehood on May 15, 1948, 
>even though the term of UNGA Res. 181 had not expired. Therefore, 
>the creation of Israel was a land grab contrary to the UN and 
>international law.
>Four, Israel was admitted to the UN on May 11, 1949, only after it 
>agreed to sign UNGA Res. 273, by which it recognized the right of 
>all Palestinians to return to their homes and receive compensation.
>Israel is a criminal entity that has never had a moral, legal or 
>political right to exist. Score one for Ahmadinejad.
>2. "Israel should be moved to Europe."
>He's got a point. In fact, ben Gurion said much the same thing to 
>Nahum Goldmann, future head of the World Jewish Congress:
>"If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with 
>Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God 
>promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not 
>theirs. There has been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, 
>but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and 
>we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?"
>Why indeed? Since the EuroJews who created "Israel" were mostly 
>Slavs, it does seem logical to move the "Jewish State" to Ukraine, 
>Poland, Russia or Byelorus. After all, Slavs are not a Middle 
>Eastern people.
>That's two for the plucky president!
>3. In Mecca, Ahmadinejad implied that European countries had backed 
>the founding of Israel in the Middle East in 1948 out of guilt over 
>the Nazi genocide. (AP reporting)
>In fact, Western European governments were largely against the 
>creation of Israel, but pro-Israel U.S. senators threatened to 
>withhold Marshall Plan reconstruction aid if they didn't support 
>UNGA Res. 181. Guilt was doubtless rife throughout Europe, but 
>blackmail was a bigger reason.
>The Holocaust had nothing whatever to do with "Israel" which had 
>been in the works since the 1870s. As professor Ilan Pappé of Haifa 
>University wrote in 1997:
>"Generally speaking, the Zionists succeeded in persuading large 
>segments of world public opinion to link the Zionist cause with the 
>Holocaust. Against such a claim, even able Palestinian diplomats-and 
>there were not many in those days-could hardly win the diplomatic 
>Since guilt did play some role, I'll give Ahmadinejad credit for this one.
>4. "If someone were to deny the existence of God ... and deny the 
>existence of prophets and religion, they would not bother him. 
>However, if someone were to deny the myth of the Jews' massacre, all 
>the Zionist mouthpieces and the governments subservient to the 
>Zionists tear their larynxes and scream against the person as much 
>as they can."
>The Holocaust has been so polluted by propaganda that it's virtually 
>impossible to separate fact from disinformation, so I cannot say for 
>certain if Ahmadinejad is right. For its part the International 
>Committee of the Red Cross published a three-volume report in 1948 
>in which it found no evidence of systematic genocide. On the other 
>hand, estimates of Jewish deaths range from 470,000 to 9 million!
>I believe Ahmadinejad is wrong to deny the Holocaust outright, but 
>he is right to call into question the dogmatic acceptance of Zionist 
>verities, such as Auschwitz's Crematorium I, which exists today. As 
>reporter Eric Conan wrote in a lengthy 1995 exposé for France's 
>"In 1948, when the Museum was created, Crematorium I was 
>reconstructed in a supposed original state. Everything about it is 
>false (Tout y est faux): the dimensions of the gas chamber, the 
>locations of the doors, the openings for pouring in Zyklon B, the 
>ovens (rebuilt according to the recollections of some survivors), 
>the height of the chimney."
>Also, the new plaque at the entrance to Auschwitz reflects the 
>Polish government's revision of the number of dead from 4 million to 
>1.5 million. The 4 million figure came from Capt. Rudolph Höss, the 
>camp commandant, whose testimony has been discredited.
>Despite the reduction of 2.5 million dead, the Zionist figure of 6 
>million is still maintained. Clearly, this number is pure myth, and 
>Ahmadinejad is at least partly right.
>Final score: 3.5 out of 4. Excellent!
>It seems honesty and courage are Iranian values. Too bad they aren't 
>Canadian, eh Mr. Martin?
>Send comments to: gregf at gregfelton.com
>Greg Felton is an award-winning investigative reporter and columnist 
>on Middle East affairs from British Columbia, Canada.
>He writes a political column for the bi-weekly Arabic/English 
>newspaper Canadian Arab News, contributes to mediamonitors.net, and 
>is the author of an upcoming book on U.S. Middle East policy. Mr. 
>Felton holds a Bachelor's degree in Russian Studies and a Master's 
>in Political Science from the University of British Columbia.
>He is married with one child.
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