Copyright (c) 2000 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


November 5, 2000


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


This press release by the ADC (American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee) is of particular interest to me because it mentions the Mennonite Central Committee, a Christian organization I know well since my childhood, where even then it was known and widely discussed in leading circles in my community that the MCC, financed and supported by well-meaning fundamentalist Christians, was infiltrated at the top by Communists. We are talking 1948-1960 - even then!


I know for a fact that today, members of the Mennonite elite and their offspring work as informants for the domestic intelligence services in some countries and actively work with radical leftist groups who have been known to commit violent acts. Large segments of the Mennonite sect, once so super strict in lifestyle and deportment have thus fallen under the spiritual influence of what you and I would consider to be the enemies of Western Civilization.


When you read the names of some so-called "Mennonite" churches today, you are beginning to think you are in a Third World Country. I know that at least some churches openly endorse and approve of homosexuality and race-mixing - not unusual for mainstream Christian churches, of course, but uncharacteristic for this unusual pacifist sect that kept itself separate and protected its Bible-based lifestyle for almost 500 years.


A once homogeneous, tightly knit German-Dutch-Protestant group has thus been captured spiritually and has been pressed into the worldly agenda of its sworn enemies - the very enemies who slaughtered their forebears in blood bath after blood bath only decades ago.


I will not go any deeper into this story right now because it is complex and cuts across many eras and countries. Let me just say that I have been watching the Mennonite leadership closely and that I know names of people who have no business undermining and corrupting what used to be a very honorable little Christian sect that did more to feed a large part of the world as farmers and wheat growers than any other group of comparable size and numbers.


I feel gratified that at least some of their members seem to be waking up to how they have been used and manipulated by the Dark Forces in their midst - for a start, as pertains to the Palestinian problem. I remember how they gushed and slushed not all that long ago when it came to things Israeli - supposedly "God's Chosen People".


A handful of these alert, well-meaning Mennonites work and live in Israel as Peace Workers. I have read some of their heartrending dispatches describing the Israeli brutalities inflicted on the Palestinians. These dispatches finally seem to have had an impact on some of the Mennonites at home. It is encouraging they are now trying to educate themselves on what is really going on.


Here is an update, courtesy of the ADC:


Enthusiastic Response to Call for Teach-ins on the Question of Palestine Sender: Reply-To:


The response to the call for a Week of Teach-ins and educational events, which was initiated by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) and other peace and faith-based organizations, has been immediate and overwhelming. At last count, ADC chapters, organizations and activists are planning (or have already held) approximately 80 events in cities and on campuses around the country panels, speakers, discussion groups, classroom presentations, and Sunday morning sermons.


We are still in the process of compiling details on these events. The results will be posted next week. Those of you who are organizing events, please report to ADC on your progress and the results.


ADC has sent out information packets and a 13 minute video with footage of the current street confrontations to all who have contacted us. The packets have ADC information sheets, handouts and talking points on the uprising, ending the Israeli occupation, Jerusalem, the right of Palestinians in exile to return to their homes, settlements, and home demolitions.


The national co-sponsors of the Week of Teach-ins are: American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, American Friends Service Committee, Christian Peacemakers Teams, Fellowship of Reconciliation (U.S.Branch), Friends of Sabeel (North America), Guiding Star, Mennonite Central Committee, Peace Action, Student Peace Action Network, War Resisters League, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.


Those who are interested in organizing an educational event and receiving information packets and the video should contact Marvin Wingfield, ADC Director of Education and Outreach, at or (202) 244-2990. The November 2-9 target dates can be extended, if that makes it more feasible to organize events. Please indicate what you are planning and the date. Be sure to include your street address.




ADC is the largest Arab-American grassroots organization in the United States. It was founded in 1980 by former Senator James Abourezk. To receive membership information, please send us your name and mailing address or visit our website. To receive or stop receiving ADC's email updates, send a message to <> with the following in the body: to subscribe type "subscribe updates" to unscubscribe type "unsubscribe updates"




Thought for the Day:


"What is the first part of politics? Education. The second? Education. And the third? Education." (Jules Michelet)

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