Copyright (c) 2000 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


August 21, 2000


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


A supporter of the Zundelsite who scans the papers for salient items sent me the following three abstracts of interest:


* "Population Decline In Russia Blamed on 'Sick Population'; Disintegrating Health Care, Poverty Cited", in Seattle Times, July 30, 2000. p. B9.


The staggering abortion rate in Russia has left many Russian women unable to conceive: women who have six miscarriages, women with atrophied ovaries before 30, women so anemic they faint every day during pregnancy. The infertility of Russian women, coupled with poverty, disintegrating health care, poor nutrition and declining environmental health paint a frightening scenario. The population of 145 million is seen declining to 125 million within 20 years.


The birth rate of Russian women has declined by 50% since 1988, to 1.3 children per woman, well below replacement rate. Infant mortality is soaring, with 10% of newborns now dying of infection.


Russian women are having sex at ever earlier ages, leading to higher rates of sexually transmitted disease, and leading Russian women to typically have several abortions, despite easily available contraceptives, before trying to have a first child.


Half of Russian men die before they can retire at age 60 from heart disease, alcoholism and smoking.


Russian President Putin warned in his first state of the nation speech that: "If this continues, the survival of the nation will be in jeopardy."


(Zundelsite comment: Russia never recovered from the genocide practiced against its gentile elite by the Bolsheviks. No wonder there are all kinds of "neo-Nazi" movements springing up everywhere! To the Russians of today, Hitler's policies must be very tempting.)




"Germany Sees Population Decline", in Seattle Times, July 20, 2000. p. A15.


Germany will see a 20% decline in population by 2050, dropping 17 million from 82 million now to 67 million. This decline will come despite 100,000-200,000 high fertility immigrants entering Germany every year.


The report will affect pension planning, causing a rise in the retirement age. To maintain current population, 3.1 million immigrants would have to enter Germany every year.


To maintain German population, women would have to have 2.1 births each, but the current rate is 1.4 on average, but is lower in the former East Germany.


A UN report has advocated repopulating Europe with Third World immigrants to finance the welfare state for the aging and declining native populations.


(Zundelsite comment: More children were born in Germany under the National Socialist regime than ever before or since is German history. Tell people long enough they are a damned or cursed race who carry an "evil gene" - and some will believe it and stop breeding.)




Melloan, George. "Global View: Looking At The Money Side of the Camp David Talks", in Wall Street Journal, July 18, 2000. p. A23.


Avraham Burg, speaker of the Knesset, doubts that Israel could make peace for as little as 150 billion. Israelis see the US budget surplus as an entitlement to which they have a legitimate first claim.


Leonard Zuza, former OMB official writing in the 5-6/2000 issue of Mideast Insight has totalled claims advanced as part of the peace talks and finds a price tag of 264 billion: this includes 137 billion for lands seized by Jews.


Although Palestinians cite the immense reparations paid to "Jewish victims of Hitler" no one believes that that precedent is relevant to non-Jews.


Complicating the financial question is the continuing impoverishment of the Palestinians: per capita GNP declined to 1600 in 1998 from 2500 in 1992.


[Note: There is no indication of the relationship between the Burg demand and the Zuza estimate, but it is clear that the 137 billion figure for land seized by the Jews from Palestinians is not included in the 150 billion plus figure, thus making the cumulative total at least 287 billion.]


( Zundelsite comment: America of course has the option of carrying on as it has - and bleed to death financially. What's so special about Jewish claims? Let Israel pay all she has wronged at the same rate and formula their negotiators have extorted from Germany, Austria and Switzerland! Why should Americans underwrite the extravagant lifestyle of the Israelis - and pay them to torture and murder Palestinians and occupy their land illegally with American supplied arms and money? There is only one word for this phenomenon - and it's parasitism. )




Thought for the Day:


"Faith must trample underfoot all reason, sense and understanding."


(Martin Luther, 1483-1546)


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