ZGram - 4/9/2004 - Countdown to D-Day # 9

zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org
Sat Apr 10 16:32:13 EDT 2004

Zgram - Where Truth is Destiny:  Now more than ever!

April 9, 2004

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

This morning, I took up some contacts with high profile writers and 
attorneys to see if a fact-finding delegation to Canada is an option 
to get to the bottom of the ways and means of their star chamber 
system.  Ernst told me just a few hours ago that his attorney team's 
motion to learn the names of the CSIS schmierfinks who compiled the 
report on Ernst was denied.  More yet, court costs were assessed 
against Ernst.  Imagine that not only can he not get to the bottom of 
the lies that CSIS has cooked up with the help of professional liars, 
he gets opposition costs assessed for even asking!  Luckily, Ernst 
has built himself a strong global supporter base through hard work 
over many decades - but imagine some poor Arab caught in that CSIS 
witches' brew with perhaps six kids and a sick wife to support!  It's 
simply shooting fish in a barrel!

Next page:

I am pleased to present to you Part II of Jewish Supremacism Exposed: 
An Interview with Mark Weber, hosted by Kevin Alfred Strom:


  American Dissident Voices Broadcast of April 10, 2004

  Welcome to American Dissident Voices, I'm Kevin Alfred Strom.

  Today we continue our interview with Mark Weber, Director of the 
Institute for Historical Review. We'll look at Ernst Zündel's legacy 
of freedom and we'll explore the potential positive consequences of 
Jewish arrogance and miscalculation in this changing world.

  KAS: Well, I'll say this: if the Jewish power structure wanted to 
silence Ernst Zündel, they have utterly failed. Because of their 
persecution of this gentle man, they've brought his ideas to millions 
of people who might never have heard of him before.

  WEBER: Well, even some people who hate Ernst Zündel have been a 
little surprised. Here he was, living rather quietly in Tennessee. He 
was arrested in February and --  especially in the first months after 
his arrest -- the Zündel case was front-page news in newspapers all 
across Canada and on national television and radio. I was interviewed 
for national radio and television in that regard myself, but people 
had more or less forgotten to some degree about Ernst Zündel. Because 
he had moved to the United States, he was not really in the headlines 
very much and suddenly the thing was a big story again.

  Since his arrest it's continued to be played up again by those 
people who insist that this injustice has to be known. Indeed, if he 
were deported to Germany and held there it could well turn out that 
that could lead to yet another explosion of activity and interest in 
the case over in Europe, where the Zündel case is not so well known. 
Now, of course, that's not something we look forward to or want, but 
it's similar to what's happening around the world. The more Ariel 
Sharon tries to stamp out the Palestinians' resistance to the 
occupation, the more the resistance seems to grow.

  KAS: And the more oppression and injustice that the Jewish 
establishment rains down upon Ernst Zündel's head, the more people 
will look upon Ernst Zündel's ideas with an open mind.

  WEBER: Well, there's also a parallel, too, with the efforts by these 
same organizations to silence or suppress the Mel Gibson film. That 
failed, and the film is certainly one of the most successful motion 
pictures of the time right now. But the anger and fury and hatred 
against Gibson that came out before and during the film's release and 
that continues to come out because of the film has actually had the 
effect of increasing the interest of people who normally would not 
perhaps have been so interested in it and made them want to see it.

  KAS: Well, not only are more people seeing the film, but they're 
going there with a very sharpened awareness of the Jewish question 
surrounding the portrayed actions two thousand years ago and their 
parallels in the modern world.

  WEBER: That's quite true, and I think it just shows a tremendous and 
really crazy misperception to think that because the film was shown 
it would lead to some sort of violence. The Film's been out now more 
than a month, and as far as I know, there's not one report of any 
Jewish person being physically hurt or attacked because of the film. 
But what has happened -- and even some Jewish writers have noticed 
this with alarm -- is that millions of people are outraged, not 
because of what is depicted in the film, but because of the behavior 
of Jewish groups over the past year in denigrating and trying to 
suppress it.

  KAS: It seems they've gotten precisely the opposite results that 
they wanted from their campaign.

  WEBER: Well, I think it shows just a real miscalculation about the 
mentality of the people they're dealing with. It's a pattern, as I've 
said many times, that's repeated over and over again in history. When 
people get powerful and arrogant they become reckless and they 
miscalculate and that's what's happening again in this case.

  KAS: Well, to me that's encouraging. Can you tell me what you've 
been doing to bring the Zündel case to a wider audience?

  WEBER: Shortly after Ernst was arrested, his wife Ingrid called me 
-- and she had consulted with Ernst about this as well -- and asked 
me to deal with what was at that time a flood of requests for 
interviews and so forth that were coming out, and I readily agreed. 
I've known Ernst for years; I've testified in a couple of his cases 
and I've written a lot about him and we've welcomed him as a speaker 
at our conferences, so I readily agreed. As a result of that, there 
have been many, many interviews and guest appearances over the past 
year relating to the Zündel case.

  Now, most of them -- and the highest-profile of these -- were in the 
weeks immediately after his arrest, when this was a big case in 
Canada, as I mentioned earlier. Over the past year, I've continued to 
appear on a lot of radio and television shows and have given 
interviews to print journalists as well, trying to keep up interest 
in the case. I've been very gratified by how many radio stations -- 
especially independent ones -- and talk show hosts have picked up on 
this. Just the other week I did another interview on the Jeff Rense 
Show, which is broadcast on what I think is called the Talk Radio 
Network and also online as well. He's a person who reaches mainly a 
listenership very different than what American Dissident Voices does.

  KAS: It's sort of a New-Age type of radio show.

  WEBER: It's sort of a New Age thing. He deals with health issues, 
and lots of alternative views of the world, and culture, and so 
forth, but he has really picked up the ball on the Zündel case. He 
says this is an outrage. He's very concerned about the erosion of 
freedoms in our society, and rightly so.

  KAS: Was Mrs. Zündel also a guest on his show?

  WEBER: The very first time he did an interview on this story she was 
on the show, and I was on as well. That was just very shortly after 
the arrest. But since then she has not been on his show. I've been 
on, I think, six times now.

  KAS: Well, I'm going to have to have you on more often, so he 
doesn't pass me in the Mark Weber interview department! What does it 
tell you , Mark, that Mr. Rense is willing to cordially discuss Mr. 
Zündel and some of his revisionist concepts, and that mainstream 
station owners who carry his show are happy to have that kind of 
programming on their airwaves?

  WEBER: Well, he has suffered as a result. There have been threats of 
boycotts and withdrawal of advertising. This is a pretty major show; 
it has substantial advertising. One of the features of his show, as 
opposed to American Dissident Voices, is that it's interrupted 
repeatedly with ads for this, that, and the other thing, but he's 
determined to stick it out anyway. It reminds me of the company in 
Florida that rents out billboard space and that came under pressure 
because of the National Alliance billboard that appeared down there. 
Now, again, Rense is a little more independent than others, so he can 
afford to stick his neck out a little further than some other people 
might, but there'll be more people like this, I'm sure, in the years 

  KAS: So you think we are seeing something of a loosening of 
Jewish-enforced political correctness?

  WEBER: I think that's happening all over the world. America is the 
great bastion of Jewish power. And I've repeatedly referred to it, 
but as the Prime Minister of Malaysia said in October, Jews are so 
powerful that they're practically able to rule the world through 
proxy -- especially through the United States -- and to get other 
people to fight and die and kill for them. Now, perhaps it's 
overstated, but the central truth of what he said is, I think, more 
and more apparent to everyone. America is the country where it's 
going to be most difficult, because this is the great bastion of 
Jewish power. A few weeks ago I slipped in with someone else to an 
AIPAC meeting -- the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. It was 
at a large synagogue in Newport Beach and it was publicly announced. 
It wasn't restricted to Jews, although there were very, very few 
non-Jews there. There were maybe 900 -- that's what they said, 800 or 
900 -- Jews from the Newport Beach area of California. This is a very 
wealthy area and this was at a large synagogue. One of the main 
speakers was the congressman for the area, Chris Cox, who gave a sort 
of report on what he's doing to help their interests. It's very 
useful to come to a meeting like that, because what it does is 
reinforce our awareness. You may know this and I may know this, but 
it's hard for most non-Jews to realize just how determined, how 
focused Jews are in the United States to support their interests.

  I mean, this was in a synagogue, but it certainly didn't have 
anything to do with God, or with religion in the sense that most 
people think of it; this was a meeting about power and how to hold 
onto it. One of the points that was made over and over in this -- 
really, really -- is that the United States is the last country in 
the world, really, that supports Israel. This is the bastion; it's 
the only real bastion of support left. The point that was made is 
that, for that reason, it's all the more important to give money to 
AIPAC, which is the central Jewish lobbying institution -- it's a 
pro-Israel lobbying institution in Washington D.C. -- in order to 
keep U.S. Congressmen herded inside the corral and make sure they 
don't cause any trouble, because without that support Israel is 
really doomed.

  This is a country whose days would be numbered without the constant, 
continual influx of support and money and weaponry and diplomatic 
support from the United States, and this was a major theme of the 
meeting. It's really remarkable -- especially for non-Jews -- to ever 
even read about meetings like that, because I think they sort of 
think that a synagogue is something like a church and that people who 
go there are praying for world peace, or perhaps they're praying 
because somebody's going to have an operation, or else they're 
praying to lead good lives. Well, at this synagogue there wasn't 
anything about that. This was all about power and group interests and 
that was the whole point. And when one group is that determined and 
that focused, it's much, much easier for it when everyone else is 
just sort of worrying about their own, individual private concerns.

  KAS: Were you allowed to introduce yourself and ask a few questions?

  WEBER: (laughs) I was hoping that nobody would recognize me because 
there could have been a little embarrassment there if I had been 
recognized. There were a few non-Jews, but overwhelmingly -- I'd say 
98% -- were Jews; it was a Jewish meeting. It wasn't a private 
meeting; it was announced in the newspaper before I went. I was 
mainly interested to see how the congressman would speak to these 
people. I didn't realize how extensive a meeting it would be.

  KAS: Well, very interesting analysis. Perhaps you're going to write 
something about the meeting?

  WEBER: Well, I think I will. I've already written up something about 
it and I'll probably fine-tune it and send it out.

  KAS: In last week's Toronto Star we saw an editorial by a Jewish 
attorney, Alan Young, which might be viewed as the polar opposite of 
the editorial you mentioned in the Globe and Mail. First, Young 
invokes the National Alliance, William Pierce, Jim Keegstra, and 
Ernst Zündel as examples of "haters," and then he goes on to openly 
advocate torture and Clockwork Orange-style mental reprogramming for 
haters. If you'll allow me, just let me quote a portion of this 
incredible editorial and then I'll ask for your comments on it. This 
is Alan Young, Jewish attorney:

  "It is bizarre that criminal justice officials try to do more to 
change the belief and behavior of johns charged with prostitution 
than they do with the Ernst Zündels and Jim Keegstras of the world. 
Just as some cancers require invasive surgery, the hate crime needs 
intrusive measures. The usual 'out of sight, out of mind' approach to 
modern punishment just won't work in this case. For crimes of extreme 
stupidity we need Clockwork Orange justice, strapping the hate 
criminal into a chair for an interminable period and keeping his eyes 
wide open with metal clamps so he cannot escape from an onslaught of 
cinematic imagery carefully designed to break his neurotic attachment 
to self-induced intellectual impairment. In the context of hate 
crime, I do have some regrets that we have a constitutional 
prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment. I don't think coercive 
persuasion or deprogramming is necessarily cruel, but as a state 
sanction it is unusual. However, if the crime is unique, the 
sanctions should be also. Simply dishing out more prison time or a 
larger fine is a dead end. We need a punishment that can kick-start a 

  What do you have to say to that, Mark?

  WEBER: Well, I think this is very valuable, and again, people ought 
to remember this. This shows the kind of mentality that people like 
Alan Young and Jewish leaders generally have with regard to non-Jews. 
They view non-Jews as essentially sort of stupid and as people who 
have to be guided along because they might start getting the wrong 
idea. Something like that mentality is already operating in society 
-- not in the narrow sense that he speaks of it -- but in the 
constant reiteration in our society of this holocaust story, which is 
designed to do the same thing -- that is, make non-Jews believe that 
whatever Jews want should be approved because they're so altruistic 
and noble and innocent and defenseless that saying no to anything 
that Jewish groups want is just almost a crime, it's a terrible 
thing. And Americans are fed an enormous amount of propaganda to 
bolster that image.

  But it shows something else, too. It shows that those people who 
oppose Jewish power and Jewish intrigues are regarded as just 
mentally sick. Now, this gets to a real central question, and one 
that people have tried to deal with throughout the ages. Why does 
this perpetual thing called the Jewish question keep recurring? Or, 
to put it another way, why does anti-Semitism exist? Of course, it's 
a stupid term, it's a misnomer, but why does this phenomenon exist?

  Now, Elie Wiesel's explanation for it is that it's just a mystery. 
It's like some virus in the air -- a bug that somehow people get for 
no good reason and suddenly there's this big problem. Well, that's 
just absurd. It's a complete negation of reality, of how human beings 
act, and of how history is. To his credit -- and I've cited this -- 
Theordor Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism, deals with this 
question in his book The Jewish State, which is the seminal, central 
manifesto, you might say, of modern Zionism. He says that 
anti-Semitism exists as a perfectly understandable and natural 
reaction of non-Jews to the fact that Jews in the societies in which 
they live regard themselves as a separate people, and yet they push 
interests that are contrary to those of the people among whom they 
live. And he says it's absolutely understandable that non-Jews are 
going to be infuriated and angry about this eventually.

  KAS: That's common sense.

  WEBER: That's just common sense. So Herzl's solution to this problem 
is for Jews to give up living among non-Jews and go live in a 
separate country of their own and become what he calls "a normal 
people." Well, it hasn't worked that way, but that's his solution. 
The point is that at least he makes some rational, sensible analysis 
of this problem. For Alan Young, this Jewish attorney you're quoting, 
this is just inexplicable because he's unable --  completely unable 
-- to see things from the point of view of non-Jews. Why should the 
Jews be surprised, for example, if Frenchmen want to keep France as 
French as Jews want to keep Israel Jewish? It's a perfectly 
understandable phenomenon that Japanese want to keep Japan Japanese, 
French want to keep France French, and so forth. Wherever people have 
some loyalties to their heritage and their culture, that's perfectly 
understandable. Of course, Jews insist upon it for themselves, but 
they seem incapable of understanding that non-Jews can have exactly 
the same sentiments and feelings, and that they don't like it when a 
group that's not of their own kind come in and take huge amounts of 
power and push the cultural and political agenda of this society in a 
way that's contrary to feelings and interests of the people.

  KAS: I was just astounded in the editorial by his attitude that 
those who disagree, who have a different point of view, are to be 
treated in an inhumane way; they're going to be tortured until they 
submit, until they change their minds. It's just astounding to me.

  WEBER: Yes, it is. It's astonishing. Now, this phenomenon is 
explored in some detail by Professor Kevin McDonald in the three 
books that he's written on Judaism and Jewish behavior throughout 
history. And he talks in there over and over of a kind of myopia, a 
misperception the Jews have about not only themselves and their 
relationship to non-Jews, but about how non-Jews are as well. And we 
see this over and over in a kind of overreaching and arrogance, and 
we're seeing it again now around the world.

  One of the things that's just bizarre and very difficult, I think, 
for non-Jews to understand is that -- and you see this in the Old 
Testament and in Jewish movies and books and so forth -- Jews regard 
the tremendous hostility toward them that has erupted time and time 
again in the past not as any reflection of anything bad on their 
part, but in fact as a confirmation of how good they are. You see 
this in the Old Testament. It's in the book of Genesis in talking 
about the Jews in Egypt; you find it in the book of Esther about the 
Jews in Babylon.

  Persecution is just further evidence for many Jews of Jewish 
nobility and chosenness and greatness. Now, many other people would 
just step back and say, "Well, maybe there's some relationship 
between the way Jews act and what people think of Jews." But for Jews 
-- in overwhelming numbers -- this isn't how they look at it. There's 
almost a kind of perverse pride in looking at what happens and saying 
"Well, they hate us," because that hatred is regarded as a kind of 
badge of distinction or a badge of honor.

  KAS: What do you think of the idea that the climax, the peak of 
Jewish power sometimes precedes an awakening of people to that power?

  WEBER: Well, there was a time when I thought that the apex -- the 
high point -- had already been reached. I thought it was perhaps even 
back about twenty, thirty years ago, when Nixon was president, during 
the 1973 war. But I've been amazed that just when I thought it 
couldn't get any worse, it continues to go that way. And it's now 
increasingly obvious, I think, that the American government is 
willing more and more blatantly than ever to betray and jeopardize 
not only the interests of humanity, but also American interests in 
this mad alliance with Israel. You see this just more and more 
vividly with each passing week. Increasingly it's clear to the world 
-- and should be more clear to Americans -- that the United States 
and Israel are virtually alone; there's no real strong support for 
this crazy alliance. When American politicians say they're committed 
to Israel -- that they're going to guarantee Israel's existence -- 
Americans should pay close attention, because the implications of 
this are that they'll spend just countless billions of dollars and 
expend many, many more American lives for this crazy alliance. That's 
more and more obvious, so I've been surprised that it's been pushed 
this far.

  KAS: Which way are we going in this country? Is Jewish arrogance 
going to have even more of a field day with the Constitution than it 
already has, trashing our rights, jailing dissidents, or have the 
Jews overplayed their hand?

  WEBER: Well, that's hard to say, but there was an amazing piece just 
the other day in the Los Angeles Times analyzing how Rumsfeld is 
making plans for a military government in the United States to take 
over in case of a big terrorist attack that would supposedly paralyze 
our political structure. That's a dangerous thing, and I remember 
William Pierce predicted that things were going to get a lot worse 
before they were going to get any better and I've been amazed at how 
prescient, how far-sighted his predictions turned out to be. A year 
before the 9-11 attack, William Pierce wrote a piece in which he 
predicted -- rather amazingly -- that there could very well be an 
attack on the World Trade Center. I think he wrote, "Well, if you're 
walking around lower Manhattan in New York, you'd better wear a hard 
hat because the World Trade Center, this big symbol of American 
financial power, could very well be attacked."

  KAS: He also gave a general warning: "Stay out of tall buildings."

  WEBER: "Stay out of tall buildings." That's pretty amazing! If the 
Bush administration officials had listened to Pierce more than 
someone else, they might have done something to prevent the 9-11 

  KAS: Well, as long as we have our freedom of speech, let's keep 
pressing for a greater awareness among our people, and hopefully that 
will bring a change in the world -- a change for the better. And I 
thank you, Mark, for all you're doing and all the Institute for 
Historical Review is doing to bring reason and truth to the people, 
and I thank you for being our guest on American Dissident Voices.

  WEBER: Well, thank you again, Kevin. All the best to you.

  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The text above is 
based on a broadcast of the American Dissident Voices radio program 
sponsored by National Vanguard Books. It is distributed by e-mail 
each Saturday to subscribers of ADV-list.



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