Copyright (c) 2000 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


August 4, 2000


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Below is Part II of the Zundelsite's Quote/Response to the London Evening Stanard's write-up on Professor Norman Finkelstein's sensational title, "The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering". This article appeared July 11, 2000.


It's sweetly gratifying to know that a large circulation, mainstream publication says what Revisionists have been saying all along - and for which they have been viciously persecuted wherever the Holocaust Lobby has its claws around the necks of their minions in government and in the courts.


London Evening Standard:


"The Holocaust has proven to be an indispensable ideological weapon. Through its deployment, one of the world's most formidable powers, with a horrendous human rights record, has cast itself as a 'victim state' and the most influential 'ethnic group' in the US has likewise acquired victim status.




Kudos to the London Evening Standard! Not even Adolf Hitler or Joseph Goebbels could have said it more clearly and succinctly.


London Evening Standard:


"Considerable dividends accrue from this specious victimhood - in particular immunity to criticism, however justified. Those enjoying this immunity have not escaped the moral corruptions that typically attend it."




Right on target! History records over and over again that the revolutions usually tend to eat their own children!


London Evening Standard:


It was the US Jewish elite which turned the Nazi holocaust into the Holocaust. Here Finkelstein enters his most controversial waters and treads on the most tender sensibilities. Jewish leaders, led by people such as Simon Wiesenthal and Elie Wiesel, argue that the Nazi extermination of the Jews was a unique event - and uniquely irrational. Wiesel, for example, has maintained that it is a "religious mystery " unknowable and inexplicable. That, Finkelstein claims viciously, doesn't stop Wiesel charging a standard


25,000 plus a chauffeur-driven car on the lecture circuit in an attempt to explain it.




"Uniquely irrational"! That's what every Revisionist - from Bradley Smith to Robert Faurisson, from Ernst Zundel to David Irving has called it: Irrational! Scientifically, the so-called Holocaust has been reduced to shreds. As a religion, sadly, it flourishes.


London Evening Standard:


So entrenched is the belief in the uniqueness of Hitler's crimes against the Jews that even to challenge it, according to some powerful academics such as Deborah Lipstadt - victor over David Irving in the libel courts - amounts to Holocaust denial. Yet the conviction is itself irrational, argues Finkelstein. No historical event is unique. And, dangerously, it leads to myth-making and distortion.




To call Deborah Lipstadt a "powerful academic" is stretching it a bit! She was and is a special-pleading, Jewish-ethnic activist. Her book, "Denying the Holocaust," is anything but scholarly. It is riddled with factual errors and misquotes. Not even court transcripts are produced correctly. Events are outright invented.


It is a schlock book with only one aim: to character-assassinate the critics of Lipstadt's tribal cohorts.


London Evening Standard:


The uniqueness claim also gives Jews an undeserved "sovereignty over suffering" and Hitler a place in demonology categorically different from Stalin, Mao Tse Tung or Pol Pot. This political correctness has become so extreme on some campuses that to compare the Nazi death camps with an atrocity such as the slaughter of 10 million Africans in the Congo as a result of the Belgian ivory and rubber trade, is met with accusations of Holocaust denial.




That's what happens when otherwise rational academics accept irrational claims uncritically! In the future, academics will have plenty to revise about their precious "Holocaust".


London Evening Standard:


The "industry" has built dozens of Holocaust memorials and museums throughout the world, yet there isn't one to the handicapped victims of Nazism. A higher proportion of Europe's gypsies than Jews were slaughtered, claims Finkelstein, and there's no memorial to them. Washington DC has a big Holocaust museum, but nothing for victims of the slave trade or of the genocide against American Indians.




We grin every time a new one goes up! One day in the not-too-distant future, these Holocaust museums will serve as reminders and monuments to the chutzpah of a small, pushy minority to try to rewrite history.


These centers will serve for decades if not centuries to come as reminders to Gentiles to "Beware of the People of the Lie."


London Evening Standard:


Among the reams of schlock (Finkelstein's word) in Holocaust literature, there are lies - most notoriously Benjamin Wilkomirski's book Partings, (sic) written in the Seventies, which became a huge best-seller and a vital text in the "industry". Wilkomirski claimed to have been a child survivor of Auschwitz, when in fact he isn't Jewish and spent the war growing up quietly in Switzerland.




This reference to Wilkomirski is wrong. His title was called "Fragments" and was published only a few years ago. However, the lies about the Holocaust started long before Wilkomirski.


They started when Samuel Untermyer made his "Declaration of Holy War against Germany" in 1933 - only to continue unabated until today. Ilya Ehrenburg, Steven Spielberg, Daniel Goldhagen, Otto Preminger, William Shirer and thousands of others have lied with impunity in their books, their films, their memoirs, their so-called "eye witness acounts", in the witness box in Nuremberg and before judges in every other Revisionist case or war crimes trial since.


London Evening Standard:


Thousands of others falsely claim to be survivors of death camps, claims Finkelstein. There were, he says, about 100,000 when war ended, and about a quarter died within two months. Yet the "industry" has claimed that since the early Nineties, 10,000 have been dying a month. "It would mean there were eight million in 1945, but there were only seven million Jews in German-occupied Europe before the war.




Millions lied. Millions falsified history. More millions profited from the lie, and a hundred millions Germans have been and are unjustifiably called genocidal maniacs with uniquely murderous genes, if you believe schmierfinks like Goldhagen.


Unfortunately, these lies came with a hefty price. Palestinians have had to bear the brunt of the outcome of all this lying - by being robbed, expelled, humiliated, mistreated and victimized for 55 long years!


London Evening Standard:


Finkelstein is most scathing about the business end of the industry. "The current extort money from Europe in the name of 'needy Holocaust victims' has shrunk the moral stature of their martyrdom to that of a Monte Carlo casino," he writes. Switzerland and Germany were the target of a "shakedown". After a 15-year battle, the Swiss banks last year agreed to pay more than


200million in compensation for "blood money" allegedly looted from Jewish Holocaust victims before and during the last war. The figure, he argues, was far less than the 7 billion to 20 billion victims had claimed in a series of court actions and probably five times higher than was actually due.




Comparing their martyrdom - or should he not really more honestly have called it their alleged martyrdom - to that of a Monte Carlo casino is far stronger language than for what David Irving got upbraided by Judge Gray in his shrill judgment recently.


How sweet it is to see that kind of language in England's mainstream media!


London Evening Standard:


Finkelstein says little of the money will ever be seen by victims; like much of the


12 billion compensation paid by Germany over the past 50 years, Jewish organisations will use it to open more museums and set up more departments of Holocaust studies at universities.




12 billion? A zero seems to have been dropped. The Germans have paid more than 100 billion in hidden and overt payments to Israel and millions of those "fake" survivors (Finkelstein's word!) and Jewish community organizations the world over.


London Evening Standard:


In the US, maintains Finkelstein, the Holocaust is "taught" at schools and colleges in far greater depth than the Civil War, the defining moment of US history. The pursuit now of compensation from former Eastern bloc countries such as Poland shows the "industry" has "gone berserk". It could fuel antisemitism that already shows dangerous signs of increasing.




It not only "could" fuel anti-semitism - it already has. Even the docile Swiss, long bashing their ethnic brothers in Germany with smug accusations of anti-Jewish barbarity, did not like to have their noses rubbed in the litterbox of Holocaust guilt. 22% of the voting Swiss population now support ultra-nationalist Blocher, and Finkelstein's book has soared to the top of the Swiss bestseller list before the title was even available in German.


London Evening Standard:


Finkelstein concludes: "The challenge today is to restore the Holocaust as a rational subject of inquiry. Only then can we really learn from it. The abnormality of the Nazi Holocaust springs not from the event itself but from the exploitative industry that has grown around it. The noblest gesture for those who perished is to preserve their memory, learn from their suffering and let them, finally, rest in peace."


It's a stirring call. But peace is the last thing that will break out among Jewry with the publication of this book.




The Jewish and Israeli leadership know full well that the "Holocaust" cannot survive - once it becomes a "rational subject of inquiry." It will collapse. It will hiss and shrivel like an overblown balloon, pricked by the needle of truth.


That's why the Lobby aficionados repeatedly beat people like Dr. Robert Faurisson, kill people like Francois Duprat, and try to criminalize, burn out or bomb people like Ernst Zundel - who are the very people who want that rational inquiry because they are the people in possession of the needle.


Truth about the Holocaust, globally known and discussed, will destroy Israeli and Jewish power. Overnight! Permanently! The Wiesenthalers know it - and fear it. We Revisionists know it. Soon the world will know it. Liberation is at hand!




Thought for the Day - (Captions supplementing the article discussed in the London Evening Standard):


1.) Auschwitz: the shocking plight of those in Nazi death camps is being used to justify Israeli's appalling human rights record, it is claimed.


2. Under attack: Simon Wiesenthal and Elie Wiesel are among prominent Jews criticized by Norman Finkelstein. The specific charge against them is of distorting history by making the Nazi atrocities on the Jews a unique crime - so unique that even to challenge it amounts to Holocaust Denial.


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