ZGram - 3/31/2004 - "A time to live, a time to die"

zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org
Thu Apr 1 09:44:53 EST 2004

Zgram - Where Truth is Destiny:  Now more than ever!

March 31, 2004

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Later in the day, I will give you an update in my plans for my hunger 
strike.  I have had many useful tips and suggestions, and I am still 
making additional plans.  You will probably hear more tonight.

In the meantime, I have a quiet hour, and I thought I would send you 
a somewhat unusual ZGram for once.

Today, exactly twenty years ago, my autobiography, The Furies and the 
Flame, later nicknamed "Furies," was published.  It was almost 
immediately optioned for a Movie of the Week.  I had a Jewish agent, 
Marvin Moss, and I remember sitting in his office and telling him 
that I was well into my thirties when, having come out of the jungles 
of South America where I grew up, cut off  not only from all media 
but also from what passes for a formal education, it  dawned on me at 
last that not everybody in this world thought Hitler was the greatest 
man that ever lived. Marvin just shook his head and laughed, as if 
this was some joke - as probably it was,  in hindsight.

In the succeeding years, of course, I was informed about the 
Holocaust, a story I had never heard before, and I believed that, 
too.  Why shouldn't I, since everybody else believed it?  The details 
didn't concern me, since I had lived through World War II as a small 
child, and I knew about piles of bodies and other unpleasant 
realities that come to a country at war.    Shortly thereafter, 
Marvin passed away - which is another story - and the movie option 
fell apart.  To look back on my world view then, and now, gives me a 
feeling of an almost other-worldly intellectual journey I was 
destined to take that seems sometimes unreal to me even now.

It's really true that there's a time to live, a time to die - and 
that pertains not just to bodies but to minds and what's inside our 
minds:  beliefs, commitments, interests, philosophies, what have you.

And talking of life and death - I have two deaths to report in what 
passes loosely as "our movement", as well as a birth.  To each, I'll 
attach a small story.


Yesterday, I received a call from a young woman named Rebecca who 
told me that John Sack had died, and that my name had been in his 
telephone book.  She wanted me to know.

John Sack, of course, was the famous author of "An Eye for An Eye: 
The Untold Story of Jewish Revenge Against Germans in 1945."  It is a 
gruesome book - in my opinion, gloating.

Sack himself was a mild-mannered Jew, greatly interested in 
Revisionism, a speaker at some of the Revisionist conferences.  I 
know of no one who  resented his presence at gatherings of 
intellectual dissidents, more derisively  known as "Holocaust 
Deniers".  Ernst liked him well enough, and that was mutual.

Nonetheless, when the Leuchter film came out, Sack asked to do an 
interview with Ernst, which later appeared in Esquire and was a fair 
enough write-up,  and in preparation, Ernst started to reread Sack's 
book.  I have seldom seen him so furious, and I knew that poor Sack 
would be creamed.  The two met at an upscale restaurant in Santa 
Monica, and Mr. Zundel gave Mr. Sack an intellectual pummeling he was 
not likely to forget.  Afterwards, the two of them went peacefully, 
together, to see the Leuchter movie, and on the cover of the 
January/February issue of the Journal of Historical Review, Mr. Sack 
leans pleasantly against "the world's premier thought criminal," as 
Counterpunch has put it, a big grin on his face.  I hope this cover 
will be introduced in court next time there's ugly talk about the 
Great Supremacist who had to be kidnapped and hauled in chains to 
Canada because he is so "dangerous".

My own best memory of John Sack, and one I truly cherish, is this: 
After Ernst was arrested, Jeff Rense was going to have a few of us on 
his show, and in order to balance the program - always a good idea in 
these perilous times - a Jew to the fore!  So I called Mr. Sack and 
asked.  The phone call went like this:

Ingrid:  "It's a big show, John.  Important for Ernst.  It plays on 
198 stations.  Do you think you would be willing?"

John:  "But darling!  You KNOW that I believe in the Holocaust.  Can 
I say that?"

Ingrid:  "Yes, John, you can say that - if I can say I DON'T believe 
in the Holocaust."
That was the agreement, and it was a good show.  You can probably 
still find it on Rense at www.rense.com  What I remember about it 
most clearly is that John spoke of Ernst, dismissing absolutely the 
idea that Ernst was violent:  "He is a JOLLY fellow!  He just happens 
to be WRONG!"

You see, why can't we live like that?  Why can't we cut each other 
slack?  It seems for some folks that's not possible.  Just a few days 
ago, another Jew, a lawyer practicing in Canada, gave his opinion in 
the Toronto Star, stating that it would be a good idea to torture 
folks like Zundel.

Here is a direct quote:

"It is bizarre that criminal justice officials try to do more to 
change the belief
and behaviour of johns charged with prostitution than they do with the
Ernst Zundels and Jim Keegstras of the world. ...

"Just as some cancers require invasive surgery, the hate crime needs
intrusive measures. The usual out-of-sight, out-of-mind approach to
modern punishment just won't work in this case. For crimes of supreme
stupidity we need Clockwork Orange justice - strapping the hate
criminal into a chair for an interminable period, and keeping his eyes
wide-open with metal clamps so he cannot escape from an onslaught of
cinematic imagery carefully designed to break his neurotic attachment
to self-induced intellectual impairment."

If you don't believe me that the Toronto Star would actually print 
something like that, go see for yourself.  The date is March 28, and 
the title is "Hate criminal needs deprogramming" by ALAN YOUNG."  I 
don't have time to find the URL, and, frankly, I don't care.


The second death is that of our sweet Cleveland friend, Johanna Roth, 
a lovely woman and a lifelong pioneer for our cause.  Her daughter 
notified me in an e-mail:

"I am sorry to announce that my mother, Johanna Roth, has passed 
away.  She went quickly and painlessly Tuesday night, a day after her 
81st birthday."

Hanna was one of the best of the World War II generation.  She was a 
Zundel supporter for decades.  We will always remember her fondly.


Now to some pensive news to let you know that life goes on, regardless.

A little girl was born to a young couple I met in 1996 in Washington 
State, both of them pioneers in our struggle for a better and more 
honest world ever since they were in their teens.  I must have made 
an impression of them, for that little nugget of life is called 

Take a peek:

>Born 10 March 2004 9:25am 7lbs. 7oz.

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