ZGram - 3/2/2004 - Prisoner of Conscience Letter # 74

zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org
Tue Mar 2 17:14:56 EST 2004

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny:  Now more than ever!

March 2, 2004

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Yesterday I received a copy of a reflective Zundel letter written to 
a young Southerner.  I chose an excerpt from this letter I find 
strangely moving in its understatement of how this society sickened 
without ever really understanding why:


My longest serving body guard was a tank driver in the Afrika Korps, 
whose tank, one of the very few new Tiger Tanks, ran out of gas in 
the final remaining beachhead in Tunisia.  He [and his comrades were] 
captured by the Americans and shipped to the USA in a returning troop 
transport. When they disembarked in New York, they were received by 
mobs of thousands of Jews, all armed with manila sandwich bags, and 
as they ran the gauntlet through the pressing crowd - being punched, 
cursed, spat at - Jewish men and women would smack them in the face 
with those brown bags, full of feces. That was their first impression 
of America.

They were then taken by train to Arkansas and other places in the 
U.S. South to work in the cotton fields as [modern] slaves. I visited 
a tiny town called Scott, Arkansas, not too far away from the place, 
Hope, where Bill Clinton was born, and spoke to the museum director 
of a small museum there in Scott. I helped him get photographs and 
some artifacts.  I also published an appeal for help from former 
Afrika Korps prisoners to send some of the articles, uniforms, 
mementos and stories etc. to the Scott museum. Some of them did, 
especially a group of veteran Afrika Korps soldiers near Saarbrucken, 
Kaiserslautern, Mannheim.

A New Zealand historian, who wrote two books on the North African 
campaign and the A.K. also responded with help, donations, books, 
etc. He and I corresponded for years, and he was slated to visit me 
in Tennessee in April or May 2003.  Alas, I was arrested.

I always was a straddler of disciplines and integrator of history 
with actors from those historical events. Come to think of it, this 
still seems to be the role I play, even in my own life as it unfolds 
now.  I don't really know of another person quite like me on the 
stage of history who had this role assigned by fate.  I have often 
reflected on this anomaly.  Maybe one day a chronicler will find it 
equally curious and delve into it more deeply and in a more detached 
way than I could. I was, and am, too closely and personally involved 
in the unfolding drama to write anything but a one-sided, subjective 
narrative of [what happened during and after World War II].

Take for instance my struggle - oops! Mein Kampf - for truer history, 
which I fought with verve, imagination, dedication, and a keen eye on 
my limited mental and financial as well as organizational manpower 
resources, at all times realizing fully that I was somewhat in the 
position of what I can only term an intellectual/historical guerrilla 
movement leader, using as chief weapons [my people's] minds and wits 
on the streets and sidewalks. We had to figure out a way to use [our 
enemies'] own reporters and  infrastructure - such as the enemies' 
mail system, banking institutions, communication systems, even their 
police forces for my own protection and that of my friends and 
helpers.  When my friends or I got hurt, we had to go to their 
hospital emergency rooms in their ambulances. 

I realized in the late 1980s and early 1990s, that I had in fact 
sleepwalked my cause through the minefields of my powerful and ever 
present enemies in the ruling political and bureaucratic elite. Most 
of my actions were rooted as  intellectually defensive-offensive 
responses to things “they" had the money and manpower to initiate, 
launch, and push through - which I decidedly did not have!  Ever!  My 
enemies and detractors virtually always imposed on me a response - I 
reacted to "their" actions, out of weakness.

I began to realize quickly that I found myself in an almost symbiotic 
relationship with my self-declared, ruthless, deadly  enemies.  I was 
far weaker than they were in every field but one:  they were 
defending a historical lie and an extortion racket called the 
"Holocaust," against which I pitted my historical facts and truths, 
and my motley collection of well-meaning housewives, butchers, bakers 
and candlestick makers.  I had truth as my ultimate weapon.

I have often commented on the disparate forces arrayed against each 
other in what was admittedly an unequal fight to be heard and 
believed. The political/judicial jiu jitsu I was often forced by 
circumstances to rely on for actual survival can be seen in many 
individual instances - for instance in the controversy surrounding 
the anti-German hate campaign centered around the television 
mini-series “The Holocaust", in 1977 and 1978,  based on the novel by 
Green.  That mini-series was like a juggernaut of propaganda - 
North-America wide and, finally, world wide! 

My friends and I did not have the money, much less the organizational 
infrastructure or media, to head it off frontally.  So I collected my 
faithful and mounted our media-genic, street action demonstrations of 
mothers with children and war veterans of many different nations, 
seldom if ever amounting to more than 40 - 50 - 60, never achieving 
even 100 street demonstrators.  The television crews would have to 
zoom in, up close, to show our faces and the messages on our signs - 
outrageous to the media spin doctors and controllers. 

I realized that, based on previous years of experience, we did not 
need masses of people to get our point across on television 
newscasts.  On the contrary, small was beautiful.  I could select and 
control “my group" by choosing only responsible, stable individuals, 
keeping away loud-mouths and difficult to control, testosterone 
driven young bucks.  Thus, we avoided confrontations with Jewish 
provocateurs and the police.

I communicated by fax, phone and newsletters this [method] to friends 
far and wide, and many, many adopted that simple-as-can-be strategy. 
From Adelaide to Canberra,  from Johannesburg to Rio de Janeiro and 
San Paulo, from Vancouver to Calgary and New York to LA, this 
strategy has been employed effectively.

The enemy's reaction was predictable and furious.  In fact, it so 
infuriated them that they [often] lost their cool in the editing 
rooms, which are really the modern censorship offices.  I soon found 
myself barred from the use of the postal system, and since electronic 
communication had only advanced to the age of faxes - and few 
ordinary people, then, had fax machines - that was a crippling, near 
fatal blow. The enemy had struck at my most vulnerable point - my 
money supply and my communication lines.  My bank accounts were 
teetering in Canada and were seized several times in Germany and 
Denmark, and have since been closed down permanently in all of 
Europe. I was close to bankruptcy, but through sheer luck and some 
deft maneuvering and spirited counter-attacks, I got the postal 
restrictions first eased, then scored a victory, and the Postal 
Review Board reinstated my "mail privileges", as they called them. 
In Germany, my German lawyer fought to have my postal bank account 
reopened while, simultaneously, fighting a criminal accusation that I 
was “defaming the dead."  

To everyone's surprise, including my own, I won both cases in the 
German courts.  It allowed me to stave off bankruptcy just in the 
nick of time and rebuild my publishing enterprise before the next 
blow hit me in December 1987 - a two pronged criminal charge that I 
had published "false news."

[The "false news" law] was an antiquated statute stemming from the 
year 1275 in England. It had been dropped from the British Criminal 
Code in 1886, but the Canadian colonial government kept it on the 
books.  I had never paid attention to this obscure criminal code 
provision;  neither had any of my lawyers at the time.  We were all 
fixated on the "Hate Paragraphs" - for the adoption of which the 
Jewish lobby groups had clamored and succeeded in getting them passed 
by Parliament. I was extremely cautious of what I said and wrote, not 
to offend against these draconian anti-free speech laws. This earned 
me the unenviable [criticism] from some quarters that I was too 
cautious, a "coward", culminating even in the vicious accusation that 
I was a "Ventil fur die Juden" - a pressure relief valve for the Jews.

By then I had realized that the Aryan element in our society was 
utterly cowed and had, in fact, surrendered without a fight. What 
there was left of our White Euro-Canadian, Euro-American political 
elite had abandoned [their own] people and had joined the sworn 
enemies of Western Civilization. What [still] arose were essentially 
a few mentally and morally pitifully equipped publicity seekers, who 
had no firm support in their own racial or cultural community and in 
their respective countries.

The corporate media liked the outrageous accoutrements, the Klan 
attire, Nazi armbands, and uniforms of obscure religious and 
political sects, who would get built up as straw men - and when 
notorious enough, would be knocked down, publicly humiliated as 
drunks, bank robbers, or wife beaters, and utterly destroyed. The 
"heroes" were made out to be government agent provocateurs or 
infiltrators [with a criminal history] who turned "government 
witness" for money or careers as "anti-racist lecturers"  in exchange 
for not being prosecuted for petty crimes. In extreme cases, they 
were given new identities and vanished into well-deserved obscurity.

[There was no] "racist movement" - [it was] a movement only in the 
figment of the enemies' media spin doctors' imagination and that of 
the heads of police departments and spy agencies to use as boogeyman 
to extract vast amounts of funding from lobby-massaged politicos.

I saw all of this develop.  I stayed away as best I could.  Almost a 
quarter of a century ago, I made a deliberate and wise decision to 
put distance between myself and many of these "fringy" groups. I was 
relatively cautious where I would even appear to lecture and whose 
funeral I would attend, foregoing many potentially lucrative book 
sales events, because intuitively I knew that it was not the way to 
go! My intuition was obviously right.

However, even that cautious approach has now come back to haunt me. 
In this artificially induced post 9-11 hysteria, "associations" -  a 
shared meal, a cup of coffee, a 10 minute chat at the end of a 
meeting or lecture, a handshake before a public appearance, a few 
words spoken at a birthday party -  are now enough to send one to 
prison without a criminal charge, to be kept in degrading conditions, 
in solitary confinement, as an alleged "national security threat" and 

I don't regret my decisions in hindsight.  I might have been wiser to 
have been even more selective - but like all of us in the 1970s and 
1980s in Canada and the U.S., I thought that constitutional 
provisions, such as the right to association, the freedom to think, 
search and speak, applied to historical and cultural dissidents as 
well as it did to liberals, Marxists, and Jews.  Obviously, as my 
case proves beyond a shadow of a doubt, these constitutional 
protections apply only to politically correct and approved ideas, 
concepts and ideologies - not to those outside the playpen.  A 
blatant double standard in being employed in society in general and 
in law enforcement in particular, which is quite Jewish in thrust.

We in the Western World have all become Palestinians. We are all 
living in enemy territory.  Each Western state has become a glorified 
West Bank or Gaza Strip with our very own mirror image Mossads.  Pat 
Buchanan has  noted that even Congress is occupied territory. [Yet] 
in defeat Aryan man [is becoming] united - united in our misery, out 
of which it seems to be dawning on many - even those not yet 
surveyed, charged, raided, incarcerated, or convicted - that 
somewhere we were asleep at the switch. 

Maybe it's time to back up,  turn around, retrace or steps. I do not 
believe that Western Civilization will die without even a whimper. I 
hope that enough people will develop the courage to make their own 
Declaration of Independence - and then hurry to associate themselves 
with their brothers, sisters, cousins and friends here and overseas 
to take back our birthrights in each of our countries! We must do 
this in order to bequeath to our children, grandchildren and to 
posterity an image of a people resolute, courageous, creative, and 
assertive. It is inconceivable to me to think of this planet without 
the active presence of the Aryan.



Take a look - and tell a friend.  Ernst Zundel's prison sketches are 
now on-line - and highly popular! 

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