ZGram - 12/27/2003 - Prisoner of Conscience Letter # 62zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org
Sat Dec 27 11:18:40 EST 2003

Zgram - Where Truth is Destiny :  Now more than ever !

December 27, 2003

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Below is a Zundel letter written to a close friend in Europe, dated


Our censor did not come before I went to court, and the letters of 
the 8th and 9.12.03 are still waiting to be picked up today.  This 
allows me to give you a short overview of what happened in the courts 
in the last 48 hours regarding my bail and whether the judge would 
[recuse] himself from the case.

In the old legal tradition of Canada, that is what would have 
happened, according to my lawyers. But those traditions have fallen 
by the wayside to the new Marxist/Socialist/Liberal breed of 
politicians and also judges - actually the whole of Canadian society, 
just like it has in the U.S.A. and in Germany after W.W.II. There the 
internal regime-change at all levels of German society took place at 
gun- and bayonet point after 1945, imposed by Germany's military 
conquerors who did to Germany what they recently did to Iraq.

Little did these military conquerors realize that while they were out 
there in the battlefields of Asia, North Africa and Europe, a Trojan 
Horse at home was pouring out invaders of a different kind who 
swiftly moved into the universities, government bureaucracy, media 
and society generally.

By the time the career officers had served their [Š] tours of duty, 
the home front was firmly in the grip of the silent invaders, who 
were working like termites on a bloodless regime-change-by-stealth in 
the victorious nations. [This regime change] was as devastating in 
its ultimate results as it was in Germany after the second world war 
- and since!

Canada, America, England and Australia, as well as formerly White 
Africa, have had their former order of things as totally and 
devastatingly changed as [happened to Germany] in 1945 and after. In 
the victor countries, [this change] was imperceptible and slow in the 
beginning, but accelerated to a dizzying pace as the generation of 
the first brainwashed hordes of the 1968 generation graduated from 
Marxist-captured universities.

The Rudi Dutschkes, Joschka Fischers - [as well as]  their teachers 
Adorno, Marcuse, Einstein, Oppenheimer and thousands of other 
culture-destroyers - thoroughly invaded and ultimately conquered the 
entire Western world by infiltration in the absolute best tradition 
of Marx, Lenin and Trotsky/Bronstein. By the 1980's this process was 
nearly complete. 

The whole of the Western world practically dumped all of its 
time-honored traditions.  Its institutions were mere shells for the 
conquerors - like "blinds" erected by duck-hunters from where they 
intend to massacre unsuspecting flocks of geese and ducks from behind 
camouflaged lairs. That's what our universities and elite schools [as 
well as] the military and the judiciary had become for a new 

What came out of these "hatcheries" [Š] was a generation inculcated 
and indoctrinated in an amalgam of doctrinaire Marxism/Leninism 
coupled to welfare state/big corporate Capitalism, suspiciously close 
to looking and acting like Marxist-state Socialism, camouflaged by 
the glib and confusing labels of the Freemasonic "brotherhood of man" 
with its slogans of Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité.

"Mondialism", "One World", "New World Order" thinking [became] the 
norm of the day.  All dissenters, from traditionalists to 
nationalists, racialists or mere revisionists of history [found 
themselves] as ruthlessly persecuted and vilified as traditionalists 
during and after the French- and the Bolshevik-Jewish-Revolution. 

[This] persecution has grown more brazen, more intense over the last 
20 years - and is now culminating in a 
Stalinist/Neo-conservative/Straußian/Trotzkyist reign of lawlessness 
and terror.

I am one of the first victims of this new wave of terror against the 
counter-revolutionaries/dissidents, a calculated and expected 
by-product of 9/11. My arrest, kidnapping, deportation and subsequent 
treatment in Canada is so typically "their" handiwork, I may as well 
be in Moscow 1937 in the Lubyanka, Nuremberg 1946-47 or Gaza 
2002-2003.  We are now all becoming Palestinians in the way we are 

The judge was supposed to make several decisions on my bail, and 
whether he should step down and hand the case over to a different 
judge. He made no such decisions.  He [merely] allowed me to sit next 
to my attorney, Mr. Christie, during the hearings. The rest was 
virulent character assassination of myself by a succession of lawyers 
from the government's Immigration Ministry and the Ministry of 
Justice. They are the new Robespierres and Torquemadas of our age.

One has to have attended such hearings to understand what the 
Vishinsky show-trials must have been like in 1937-38 in Stalin's 
heyday, the trials of the German elite after 1945 in Germany's 
Occupation Forces courts from Nuremberg down to the de-nazification 
courts of lowly party members, or the trials conducted by Hilde 
Benjamin in Central Germany (the DDR) in the 1950's.

In my case, all these [hearings] ooze formal correctness and a slimy 
cordiality, but to the astute observer the rigged proceedings are 
evident throughout. The spirit which dominates all is alien.  Only 
the outer trappings of Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence and legal traditions 
have been retained like a façade. 

A building, although infested by armies of voracious termites, will 
stand for a while in all its new coats of paint, [while the] 
inhabitants are carrying on, seemingly oblivious to the problem.  So 
it is with these anti-terror laws - which allow any kind of material 
to be introduced never allowed in criminal cases - hearsay, double, 
triple, quadruple hearsay! - along with any rumours, lies, falsified 
documents [and] secret witnesses, none of which the accused or his 
lawyers can ever verify by criminal law standards of cross 
examination of witnesses of the prosecution, or expert witnesses 
brought by the defence in rebuttal.

All of these safeguards are gone.  Worse standards than in Nuremberg 
prevail. It is the triumph of Talmud thinking [Š] which permeates the 
proceedings, clearly making at least the judge in this case very 
uncomfortable.  Sometimes this leads to outbursts of clear 
frustration on his part. One wonders what hundreds of members of 
Parliament could have been thinking when they approved this type of 
Old Testament, Marxist type laws.

I sit in my cell and wait for a sign of sanity!


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