Copyright (c) 2000 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


July 1, 2000


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:



For some time, I have taken quite a ribbing when I tell my readers that I believe with all my heart that there exists a concerted and concentrated effort to subvert and destroy Western Civilization. It is all in my mind, I am told.


Every day brings news from the far corners of the world corroborating what seemed before the advent of the Internet some far-out claims that few people took seriously.


When Benjamin Freedman published his booklet "Facts are Facts" in the 1950s about the "Khazar Conversion", he was a voice in the wilderness.


When Professor Israel Shahak wrote his first exposés in "Jewish History, Jewish Religion", he too was a lonely voice. Now, with his latest book about how Jewish fundamentalism affects Israeli politics and, by extension, Jewish thinking in the Diaspora, he has created a debate - because the Internet disperses what he says.


What do we see these days? It is Jewish converts to Christianity who are upset by the callous double standard and hypocrisy practiced by the rabbis and lived and mouthed by Israeli and American Jewish leaders. These "new Christians" are finally speaking out about the "dirty little secret" of modern Judaism. And it is "conventional Jews" who are frightened out of their wits that secret after secret seems to be leaking out.


Below is an example - a telling Letter to the Editor:


The Arizona Republic

June 30, 2000




Bad day for diversity


On June 19, a Mr. Cesar Aharon, born in Mexico City, raised as a Jew but having become a "Jewish Christian" in 1998, presented, at the Scottsdale Civic Center Library, in the auditorium, in front of 60 people, a talk: "Crossing the River - from Judaism to Christianity."


He spoke about "Jewish traditions as being 'anti-Christian'" and that the Seven Noahide Laws, which according to Jewish tradition are the ethical foundation for non-Jews, are "part of a rabbinic invention to control Christians."


He spoke about a "Jewish conspiracy for world domination."


He further stated, "Yes, there is a movement toward their (conspiracy to control Christians) - there is a plot against Christianity, to destroy Christianity in America. And if you call me an anti-Semite, fine," he said.


I am not against free speech or diversity, but there are core values that the Scottsdale Public Library must support and protect.


I do not believe that either the city of Scottsdale or the Office of Diversity and Dialogue were attuned to the sensitivity of the Jewish community, and their permissiveness (of the city of Scottsdale and of the Office of Diversity and Dialogue) outraged me and agitated a controversy that needs to be addressed.


Jose Kanshepolsky, M.D. Ph.D. Scottsdale





Thought for the Day:


"Dispersed as the Jews are, they still form one nation, foreign to the land they live in."


Thomas Jefferson (D. Boorstin, THE AMERICANS)





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