ZGram - 12/13/2003 - Prisoner of Conscience Letter # 54

zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org
Sun Dec 14 02:49:11 EST 2003

Zgram - Where Truth is Destiny:  Now more than ever!

December 13, 2003

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Your Sunday Zundel Letter:


A friend got me a Tesla book - we have a copy in our library, out
there by our sink in the big room.  It has a deep blue cover,
entitled "Prodigal Genius:  The Life of Nikola Tesla" by John I.

It's of course very technical.  I have started it, picked up some
interesting points.  Tesla was convinced that he was going to live to
be at least 140 years old  He died, to his surprise, in 1943 - much
earlier than he thought, sixty years too early. He never allowed
anyone to get close to him - no woman ever!

Tesla had a photographic memory and made very few notes;  therefore,
the greatest parts of his experiments went with him to his grave, far
more than he ever committed to paper.

In the one photograph in the book, he looks like a space alien,
actually quite eerily so - to me at least.  He also spoke a bit like
Edgar Cayce when he was channeling, in a weird sentence construction.
When he talked about having "built" something, he used that strange
word, "builded", exactly like Cayce does in his readings.  Is that
"builded" proper English?  Please check for me!

This makes me think that Tesla tapped into what Cayce tapped into -
some kind of universal intelligence accessible to people of a certain
type.  That certainly means there is a very important field of study
open that has not been "Leuchter"ized, to my knowledge, certainly not
publicly.  I would imagine that think tanks and intelligence agencies
would have done all these inquiries decades ago.

Tesla certainly was able to remote-control ships and planes.  He
invented these remote controls in 1899-1904.  Already in WWI a plane
was built - I suppose by the Americans and British - that took off
from an airfield by remote control, was steered to a battle field
hundreds of kilometers away by radio waves and then was commanded to
release its bomb load and return home, more hundreds of kilometers,
and land at the designated airport.  That plane must have been sent
from England because France and Belgium at that time were still under
German occupation, and since it took a radio tower of considerable
height, it means the Allies had that technology perfected to that
degree already in 1917-18.  So what's so unusual about 9/11?

It's also obvious that Tesla had a revolutionary flying craft
designed in his head, but seemingly never built it.  At least there
is no record of it that I know of.  Again, it had no wings, no flaps.
It must have been guided from within by thrust or magnetism.

He also [discovered] that one can get electricity from the earth,
which he found to be electrically charged.  Lightning bolts hitting
the earth are involved.  He proved that the earth can be used as an
electricity conductor, making power lines unnecessary.  He did
transmit electric currents without wires - enough to light 200-500
watt incandescent light bulbs 26 miles away, taking the power out of
the ground.  No 26-mile cable was needed.  Ingrid, that means the
world can have an electrical power grid very much like the Internet,
accessible to all - as long as they can rediscover the ideas which
Tesla took to his grave.

It is clear that the bankers, J.P. Morgan and others, pretended to
finance his work by underwriting his experiments, but at the critical
moment denied him funds to put that power grid into a feasible
reality.  The reason?  Money!  With Tesla's invention, every
sheepherder in the Chaco, Patagonia or Antarctica could drive a stake
into the ground and "milk" it [for power]  The power companies would
lose control of their money spigots called "meters".  Untold billions
in profits were going to be lost to the bankers.  [Therefore], they
did not release the funds for Tesla to carry on, and although he was
an inventive genius, in all other ways he was very disdainful of the
world and how it functioned.

All in all, it seems I will have a few weeks of very interesting
bed-time reading.  Your one-man think tank is not short of
stimulating thoughts.  Maybe that's what I am supposed to be doing,
re-examining many of the verities and conventional wisdoms and
helping the world find a way out of its dead-end street we seem to
have blindly driven into collectively!

[My friend] also sent me a small pocket book on Wilhelm Reich.  I
have just ever so briefly leafed through it.  It deals with essays he
wrote from 1929-1934 and is oozing with pure Communist rhetoric.  I
am amazed by the blatant Marxism.

I always realized Reich must have been a leftist, but never an
out-and-out Communist, as is revealed here.  All my life I have been
wondering if he was a German besotted by Communist ideas, or if he
was a German-raised, German-speaking Jewish Communist, like most of
the others who, significantly, did not choose to flee from Germany to
the Bolshevik Promised Land, the Soviet Union after Hitler took
power, but high-tailed it out of Germany to the arch-capitalist
bastion, the United States.

What does that tell you?  Einstein, Oppenheimer, Kempner, and
hundreds of thousands of others - which is something very few
Americans ever think about these days.  That's where they got the
disciples of the "Frankfurter Schule" which ruined their educational
system - and society by extension.

In a perverse way, Hitler lost World War II tactically,  momentarily
in 1945, but strategically, in the long range effect, his "Let the
Jews go to the US" has weakened it and is now killing it with the
coup d'etat of the "heirs of Trotsky" -  as Raimondo, Loeb, Sobran,
Kwiatkowski, Kaminsky and many others are lamenting.

German government policy - emigration rather than extermination of
these people - has produced a two-headed monster:  the neo-cons in
the USA and all their disastrous other offshoots since 1933 in
America, and Zionism in Israel where the other emigrants went under
the Havarra Agreement.  I have not seen any intellectuals point that
out anywhere. 

I wonder when people like Kevin Macdonald will draw the proper
conclusions and put two and two together. Putin seems to be doing it.
He allowed the Americans to do all this expensive, high tech oil
exploration for the last ten years - terribly costly, needing
equipment [Russia] did not have, and money Russia did not have the
capacity to raise or generate. Was it by design that he allowed them
to exercise their wishful thinking that they might get away with all
that oil/liquid gold loot?  And now his $100 a month cops and
prosecutors raid the oligarchs' offices, seize their computers, oil
field maps, statistical and possible production figures - all for the
benefit of Mother Russia. Could chess player Putin and his friends
really have outsmarted them?

Perverse fate - is it not?

All the best,



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