ZGram - 11/25/2003 - "The latest Zundel rally" - Part II

zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org
Tue Nov 25 08:28:01 EST 2003

Zgram - Where Truth is Destiny:  Now more than ever! 

November 25, 2003

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Part II of the two-part documentation about Sunday's "Free Zundel 
Rally" contains the "Holy Curse" as read by Wolfgang Muller in 
English and German, as well as the tepid write-up about the rally in 
the mainstream media.

Wolfgang Muller first:


Friends, Followers, Supporters, Seekers of Truth and Justice

We are all here today, as fighters for Truth, Justice and Freedom for 
Ernst Zundel.

We are privileged to be involved in a real live drama, which we are 
acting out, for TRUTH and our own Freedom, and Justice - even though 
it sometimes appears as if we are only providing  entertainment for 
the gods.

  FOR we know:

There is no King or Kaiser,

there is no Pope or President

there is no Judge or Journalist

who is going to help us.

We have to fight for it ourselves.

This drama is about:

how Lies and Deceptions, Threats and Secrecy are used  by the Mighty 
of this world and their minions, to break the Laws of Natural and 
Human Justice, AND how to rob a peaceful, human being, namely Ernst 
Zündel, of his Freedom and Dignity;

This drama is about how the guarantees of Freedoms of Speech, of 
Assembly, of Research and Association, which are the basis of Western 
Civilization, are violated and broken to suppress Ernst Zündel's 
right to express his opinions, which he has done for most of his 
adult life, forthrightly and publicly;

Today, as the first anniversary is approaching during which Ernst 
Zündel has been martyred in solitary confinement in this jail - where 
he is treated like a common criminal and humiliated at every possible 
occasion by his guards, obviously on orders from their superiors - I 
am reminded of the many other historical persons, such as Socrates 
and Jesus the Christ, who were seemingly completely abandoned by 
their Fellow Man and had to suffer in solitude.

Socrates was trying to bring Truth and thereby Freedom and Justice to 
his fellow Greeks; but he was unjustly imprisoned by the Mighty of 
his times.  Not one of his students or fellow citizens  came to his 
aid,  and eventually he was poisoned.

The other martyr for Truth and Justice was Jesus, the Christ.

In the presently shown movie "The Passion of St. John", [nowhere do 
we] see the multitudes that were fed fish and bread by Jesus, or the 
friends, relatives and neighbours of those who, though incurably ill, 
were healed and even resurrected by Jesus, when he needed them. 
Where were they when he was jailed and  crucified ?

So he died a shameful death, lonely and abandoned even by his own 
father! Is there a greater loneliness imaginable?

Where are the tens of thousands of Germans, Ukrainians, Dutch, and 
other Europeans,  for the restoration of whose reputation Ernst 
Zündel has spent the best years of his life, [and is now] risking 
life, limb and good fortunes?   

This is why each and everyone of you should be proud to stand here 
today in support of TRUTH, Freedom and  Justice and in support of the 
historical fighter - namely Ernst Zündel.

And so while we stand here, in the Name of Truth and Justice and with 
your support, I will use this opportunity to use the last weapon, 
which is left to the powerless: The Holy Curse:


*	those Clerics who are not fighting on our side  against the 
dark powers, as they have been commanded to do by St. Paul in his 
letter to the Ephesians (Chap. 6 Verse 12), where he  says: " Put on 
the whole armor of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles 
of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against 
(Š) powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against 
spiritual wickedness in high places."
In the Name of Truth and Justice I stand here and curse

*	those teachers, who are telling lies to our children about 
our past or worse,  as here in Canada, do not teach them any history 
at all!

In the Name of Truth and Justice I stand here and  curse

*	those politicians who betrayed their oaths to uphold the Law 
and the interests of the people, by turning away from Ernst Zündel, 
when he wanted to speak to them in Parliament, who did not even let 
him speak on "Speakers' Corner"!  

In  the Name of Truth and Justice I stand here and  curse

*	those Media and their journalists who do not, or not 
sufficiently and honestly,  research and report the truth about Ernst 
Zündel's activities and opinions 

In  the Name of Truth and Justice I stand here and  curse

*	CSIS, the so-called Canadian Security Agency, which has 
labeled Ernst Zundel a Terrorist, while they themselves permitted 
that Zündel's house was subjected to arson and, worse, permitted that 
known Terrorist sent him a deadly bomb.


  in the Name of Truth and Justice I stand here and  curse

*	the members of the Legal Profession, who have forgotten their 
oaths to fight for Truth and Justice !

   How many lawyers do you know who protested, when during a so-called 
Human Rights court case, in which Doug Christie was speaking for the 
Defense, the adjudicator declared that "TRUTH IS NO DEFENCE"?

For these reasons, I feel honored and privileged to fight along side 
you for the same noble cause for which Ernst Zündel is fighting.


(Translation into German)

Freunde, Mitarbeiter, Unterstützende, Sucher nach Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit.

Wir sind  heute hier, als Kämpfer fur die Wahrheit, fur Gerechtigkeit 
und Freiheit fur Ernst Zündel.

Es ist ein Vorrecht fur uns alle, in diesem lebenden Drama 
mitzuwirken, da es ja auch um unsere eigene Freiheit, um 
Gerechtigkeit fur uns und Wahrheit fur uns geht, obwohl es manchmal 
so scheint, als ob wir dies alles nur als Unterhaltung für die Götter 

  Denn wir wissen:

  Da ist kein König oder Kaiser,

kein Papst oder President

kein Richter oder Journalist

der uns helfen würde.

Wir müssen selber dafür kämpfen.

[Es geht darum]:

wie Lug und Betrug, Drohungen und Geheimnishaltungen von den 
Mächtigen dieser Welt und ihren Lackaien benutzt werden, um  Natur- 
und  menschliche Gesetze zu verletzen und zu brechen: und einem 
friedfertigen Menschen, nämlich Ernst Zündel, seiner Würde und seiner 
Freiheit zu berauben;

[Es geht darum]: 

wie die von den Grundgesetzen garantierte Freiheit der Rede, der 
Forschung, der Versammlung,  der Organisation, welche alle Grundlagen 
unserer westlichen sog. Zivilisation sind, verletzt und gebrochen 
werden, um zu verhindern, daß Ernst Zündel diese Rechte weiterhin 
ausübt, was er ja sein Leben lang ehrlich und öffentlicht getan hat.

Heute, da sich der erste Jahrestag seiner erneuten Inhaftnahme nähert 
und er in einer Einzelzelle wie ein gewöhnlicher Krimineller bei 
jeder Gelegenheit erniedrigt wird, werde ich an andere historische 
Personen erinnert, deren Menchenrechte ihnen  auch versagt wurden und 
die dann in Einzelhaft gemartert wurden.

  Ich möchte als Beispiele nur einmal Socrates und Jesus Christus 
erwähnen, die auch, wie Ernst Zündel, vollkommen von ihren 
Zeitgenossen, Freunden, Verwandten, Nachfolgern, Mitarbeitern und 
anderen Nahestehenden verlassen schienen,  in Einsamkeit leiden 
mußten., und trotzdem, bis auf den heutigen Tag, über die 
Jahrhunderte hinaus, uns allen bekannt sind und von allen für ihre 
Leiden, aber besonders für ihre Wahrheiten, gepriesen werden.

  Socrates hatte versucht, seinen griechischen Zeitgenossen Wahrheit 
und dadurch Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit  zu bringen, wurde aber in 
ungerechter Weise von den Mächtigen seiner Zeit gefangen gehalten und 
schließlich vergiftet. Und nicht ein einziger seiner Mitburger oder 
Studenten kam zu seiner Hilfe.

  Der anderer Märtyrer für Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit war Jesus Christus.

  Dieser Tage wird hier ein Film über das Leben Christis gemäß des 
Evangeliums des St. Johannes gezeigt. Wir können die Massen von 
Menschen sehen, die durch ein Wunder mit Fischen und Brot gespeist 
werden, wie selbst ein römischer Offizier Jesus um eine Heilung für 
seinen Sohn bittet, wie andere Kranke geheilt werden und wie sogar 
ein Toter wiederaufgeweckt wird. Das alles veranlaßte Tausenden von 
Menschen, Jesus' Lehren zuzuhören und ihm zu folgen.

Wo aber waren diese Menschen, wenn Jesus sie brauchte, als er 
gefangenen genommen und schließlich gekreuzigt wurde ? Nirgendwo, 
sodaß er, sogar von seinem eigenen Vater verlassen,  einen 
schändlichen Tod sterben mußte. Gibt es eine schwerer zu ertragende 
Einsamkeit ? 

Wo sind denn die Tausende von Deutschen, Ukrainern, Holländern und 
anderen Europäern, für deren Wiederherstellung ihrer Ehre und ihres 
guten Rufes Ernst die besten Jahre seines Lebens gegeben hat?   

Das sind die Gründe, weswegen Ihr, die Ihr heute hier  demonstriert, 
auch in der Zukunft nicht vergessen [sein] werdet. Dies sind die 
Gründe, warum Ihr stolz darauf sein dürft, hier zu stehen als Kämpfer 
für Wahrheit, Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit und in Unterstützung für 
Ernst Zündel.

Und so benutze ich heute hier die Gelegenheit, eine der letzten 
Kräfte einzusetzen, die den Ohnmächtigen verbleibt: den Heiligen 

*	Im Namen von Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit	verfluche ich

  diejenigen Kleriker, die nicht auf unserer Seite gegen die finsteren 
Kräfte kämpfen, wie ihnen der Apostel Paul in seinem Brief an die 
Epheser im Kapitel 6, Vers 11 bis 14, befohlen hat: "Ziehet an den 
Harnisch Gottes, daß Ihr bestehen könnt gegen die listigen 
	Anläufe des Teufels. Denn wir haben nicht mit Fleisch und 
Blut zu kämpfen, sondern mit Fürsten und Gewaltigen, nämlich mit den 
Herren der Welt, die in der Finsternis dieser Welt herrschen, mit den 
bösen Geistern unter dem Himmel. Um deswillen ergreifet den Harnisch 
Gottes, auf daß ihr an dem bösen Tage Widerstand tun und alles wohl 
ausrichten und das Feld behalten möget. So stehet nun, umgürtet an 
euren Lenden mit der Wahrheit und angezogen mit dem Panzer der 

  *	Im Namen von Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit	verfluche ich

diejenigen Lehrer, die unseren Kindern Lügen über unsere Geschichte 
oder, besonders hier in Kanada, uberhaupt keine Geschichte, lehren. 

*	Im Namen von Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit	verfluche ich

  diejenigen Politiker, die sich selbst im Parlament, von Ernst Zundel 
abgewendet und ihm seine Redefreiheit auf dem Parlamentshügel und in 
der "Sprecher-Ecke" versagt haben; die damit ihren Eid brachen, das 
Gesetz aufrecht zu halten und sich um die Interessen des Volkes zu 
kümmern, in dem sie sich fur die Verbreitung der Wahrheit einsetzen. 
Stattdessen helfen sie, die Redefreiheit für Ernst und uns zu 
beschneiden und zu unterdrücken; 

  *	Im Namen von Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit	verfluche ich

diejenigen Medien, wie Fernsehanstalten, Radiostationen, Zeitungen, 
Magazine und deren Journalisten, die die Wahrheit, Redefreiheit und 
Forschungsfreiheit unterdrücken oder verdrehen;

  *	Im Namen von Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit	verfluche ich

die kanadische sog. Sicherheitsbehörde (CSIS), die Ernst als einen 
Terroristen gebrandmarkt hat und verfolgt, es aber zugelassen hat, 
daß sein Haus einer Brandstiftung zum Opfer fallen sollte und es 
zugelassen hat, daß ihm eine lebensgefährliche Bombe ins Haus 
geschickt wurde.

*	 Im Namen von Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit	verfluche ich

diejenigen Mitglieder der Justiz, besonders aber die Rechtsanwälte, 
die ihren Schwur vergessen haben, fur Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit zu 

Wieviele Rechtsanwälte kennt Ihr, die protestiert  haben, als uns ein 
sog. Menschenrechtstribunal verkundigte, "Wahrheit ist keine 

Aus diesen Grunden fühle ich mich geehrt, auf Eurer Seite zu kämpfen, 
und durch Eure Anwesenheit fuhle ich mich ermächtigt, diese FLüche 
auszuprechen - und es ist mir ein Vorrecht, mit Euch auf diese Weise 
den ehrenhaften Kampf Ernst Zündel's auch auf diese Weise zu 


1. Dissent is being criminalized more and more with the advent of the 
New World Order. Ernst Zündel, a pacifist, is being held solely 
because of his unpopular views. He is being confined, like a child 
molester, in solitary confinement, du to the lack of free speech in 
this nation. Are we as a nation going to allow this to continue? Most 
Canadians say free speech is the freedom they value most, yet stand 
[idly] by while Ernst Zündel is incarcerated for holding unpopular 
views. Well, we will not stand idly by! We will protest, write 
letters to our MPs and not  give up until Ernst Zündel and all of us 
are once more free people.  Katja Johannsen Victoria, BC  

  2. I have often wished all this tyranny was not so far so I could 
be there. I have been there in spirit  and  am praying. Please tell 
Ernst  his courage  sustains  many he  doesn't know personally  but 
hold  him in our hearts for his work we  believe in  and  for 
instilling in us  the recognition of our  own  personal power to 
help us in our  travails.   He is truly a beacon  of light    and 
truth,  and he  and his spirit  will prevail.  He is we and we are 
him.  Blessings to all of you !  Sylvia Murry

  3. Protesting injustice is vital, but never so much when it involves 
an innocent man, a man we know, one of us who dares to believe 
differently - and truly represents the rest of us who believe as he 
does.  Perhaps he is in jail, enduring this, so we won't have to.  He 
has been in  there too long. We want him out.  (Š)  Y'all in the 
North are awesome in your support.  We, who love the freedom you 
support, SALUTE YOU! Diane King Cushing, Texas

  4. I would like to offer my words of support to be read at the 
protest. As you have stated in a previous email, today it's Ernst 
Zündel in jail, tomorrow, it could be us. As an American, I am 
horrified and embarassed that poor Mr. Zündel has been abused and 
mistreated by American authorities while millions of illegal 
immigrants are running around loose in this country. Independent 
thought and free speech used to be legal in the USA. The Zündel case 
has made it apparent that is no longer the case. Let us pray for the 
restoration of justice in the United States and Canada. Sincerely, 
Christine Ross, Virginia Beach, Virginia

  5. I support the demonstrators who are demanding freedom for Ernst 
Zündel. Wolfgang Schöbe, Windsor

  6. Ernst Zündel, similar to Galileo Galilei, was incarcerated 
because he refuses to worship the Golden Calf and because he is the 
driving force behind  the exposure of the biggest deception of the 
20th century. The authorities  sitting in judgment over him know this 
and, therefore, keep him behind  bars as long as possible as a 
vindictive compensation for eventually having  to let him go. The 
time will come, however belatedly, when his persecutors will 
exonerate [him] and apologize to him. Best regards, Rudi Hilland

  7. I wish to thank you for your continuous efforts for the 
preservation of free speech in Canada in general, and freeing Ernst 
Zündel in particular, as well as all the participants in this 
demonstration for Ernst Zundel's release.  We should never forget 
that standing for truth -  and helping the people being victimized by 
the present system that cannot allow truth because of its own 
corruption - is our greatest weapon against the present system, ruled 
and controlled by criminal minds. I would be participating if I 
wouldn't be so far away. Best of luck to all of you. (Fred Kyburz, 
Coleman, Alberta)

8. Free Zündel. And save his cell for a real terrorist. CSIS should 
find something better to do with their time and our tax dollars, than 
imprisoning a crusader like Zündel - like stopping the filth of 
immigration and the real terrorists who are threatening our nation. 
This is the pinnacle of the Canadian Justice System, brutalizing the 
innocent.  CSIS and the RCMP should be investigated for mismanagement 
of tax dollars, and to clean out all the old farts who couldn't catch 
the neighbour's dog, let alone a real terrorist.  While threats from 
non-white immigrants are on the rise in  Canada,  what is CSIS, RCMP 
and the Justice System doing to protect the white non-violent 
citizens?  All white citizens should feel safe with Zündel, but do we 
feel safe on Canadian streets?  (Š)  I have never been attacked by a 
supporter of Zündel, but I have been threatened by a Black.  If 
Zündel were running CSIS, migrant terrorists from Third World  slums 
would not be a problem.  It is our choice whether with seek the truth 
or perpetuate the lie.  I choose Zündel, because he has not forsaken 
his beliefs like CSIS and the justice sytem have forsaken the white 
people of this nation.  (Š)  Evelyn Campbell, Ottawa

9. I wish I were in the neighborhood.  Best wishes.

Louis Calabro
European/American Issus Forum
297 El Camino Real
San Bruno, Ca. 94066
(650) 952-8489

(The European/American Issus Forum is a moderate and thoughtful civil 
rights organization dedicated to the eradication of discrimination 
against and defamation of European Americans.  We do not denigrate or 
slur other racial/ethnic  groups and welcome those who support our 


Finally, here is your venerable mainstream media, introduced by Paul Fromm:


Dear Free Speech Supporter:

Sunday's "Free Ernst Zundel" demonstration in Toronto attracted quite 
a bit of press attention. CTV and CITY-TV both carried reports on the 
evening news; so too did 580 Radio.

The Canadian Press was present and their reports were carried in a 
number of papers across Canada, including the CALGARY SUN and 24 -- a 
free coloured magazine format giveaway to commuters in Toronto.

Paul Fromm

Monday, November 24, 2003
Zundel's release sought

TORONTO -- Waving Polish, Russian and Red Ensign flags, about 30 
supporters of Holocaust-denier Ernst Zündel rallied outside a Toronto 
detention centre yesterday.

Zundel, 64, was jailed in February after being deported to Canada for 
overstaying a visitor's visa in the U.S.

He's being held on a security certificate while the courts determine 
whether it is reasonable to deem him a security risk to Canada and to 
deport him to Germany.

"He's not been charged with any crime in Canada," said Paul Fromm, 
director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, which 
organized the rally.

"The government wants to get rid of him. They say he's a threat to 
national security, he's a terrorist. This is absolutely false and 

When Zundel was jailed, he applied for refugee status, but his 
application was suspended a day after a security certificate was 

Fromm and other participants at the rally say Zundel is being held 
simply because the government does not like the views he espouses.

A detention review to determine whether Zundel is a risk to Canadian 
security -- a review already in its six month -- will resume Dec. 10.


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