ZGram - 11/12/2003 - Prisoner of Conscience Letter # 36

zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org
Thu Nov 13 11:37:00 EST 2003

Zgram - Where Truth is Destiny:  Now more than ever!

November 12, 2003

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Ernst has been skeptical of my idea of revamping my Zgrams and 
letting the world "know" his voice by running as many Prisoner of 
Conscience letters as I can.  The other day, he said to me:  "What 
are you trying to accomplish?  What, exactly, is it you are after?" 
to which I had an answer ready:  "To let the world know you are a 
true Renaissance man - that there is more to you than just the 

His answer pleased me no end:  "I am beginning to get to know you." 

Well, it's about time, don't you think?

In today's Zgram I did something a bit different.  I condensed and 
fused paragraphs from several letters to long-time supporters and 
many in-depth conversations we have had into one Zgram so that my 
readers can see the "Gestalt" of what we were planning to do in 
Tennessee before Ernst's arrests. 

As many who have visited already know, these plans have been derailed 
and had to be postponed, but they are in no way abandoned.  Ernst and 
I have spent hours and hours - in fact, days and nights! - talking 
about and planning new directions, and the stitched-together 
Prisoner-of-Conscience letter below will give you a whiff of what's 


11. October 03  It's Friday evening.  The prison is eerily quiet 
because it is going to be Thanksgiving Weekend in Canada.  The censor 
was here earlier this afternoon and told me that he was leaving for 
home shortly - he would only get around to reading my letter next 
Tuesday after the long weekend. This way I will have time to explain 
to you in some more detail what Ingrid and I were actually 
visualizing our work to be in the next few decades - before my sudden 
arrest and brutal deportation.  

I am studying the British Major General's J.F.C. Fullers books "The 
Decisive Battles of the Western World", and in those pages it becomes 
very clear, based on statistical data, that White Europeans have 
recklessly and irresponsibly decimated each other for 2400 years in 
often near-genocidal wars for very little sound reason except 
war-lust, rapes and robbery! It's not a very proud pattern that is 
revealed - not to a man like me who sees the consequences of this 
insanity and irresponsible behavior all over the streets of Europe's, 
Canada's and America's large cities. It's a disaster not in the 
making - it's a massive disaster already here!

The solution is simple! Either people see the logic and also the 
necessity of what I am proposing to do - and then look at my almost 
half-a-century-spanning track record and help underwrite this effort 
because they see its merit - or they don't, and continue to fritter 
away their hard-earned, very finite financial resources by brooming 
back the incoming tide [until it is too late] instead of investing 
today in a program for tomorrow  - with our own infrastructure, 
secure from outside interference, independent of enemy control and 
influence.  Much research has already been done - it awaits 
popularization and wide dissemination! My arrest is only a temporary 
setback for the realization! Ingrid shares the vision and will do 
everything in her power to press ahead - quietly, steadily, one step 
at a time.

I know exactly how we might change things if we can mobilize enough 
of our own kind, forget our petty differences, and instead put 
combined shoulders to the common wheel and, at this very late hour, 
throw the rudder around - after we have first seized it from our 

Here is what I see could help us in this struggle to regain our Aryan 
birthright in all our nations, because we have inflicted on ourselves 
the same threatening situation here on the continent but also in 
Europe's heartland! To accomplish a change, I knew we would 
eventually need places to meet in, localities that are safe from 
infiltrators, disrupters or even violent demonstrations, so we can 
think, discuss, deliberate and grow! 

Such meeting rooms, and their adjunct offices, production centers of 
brochures, books, videos, audios, C.Ds and films, would need to be 
permanent and removed from the whim of cancellations by intimidated 
landlords of hotels and other meeting places, the way it is ever more 
frequently happening to people like David Irving, Doug Christie, 
Germar Rudolf, myself and many others. In Europe it's even worse - 
dismal in fact! Our people have to take the bull by the horn and put 
their money, their talents and their energies behind such a projects 
- bankers do not give mortgages to "dream castles" in the sky! Nor is 
it a wise idea to involve these interest-slavery-promoting 

When Ingrid and I finally got together and decided to get married, 
after the world survived "Y2K" unscathed, I thought that my move to 
the United States would cause a stir, create the usual hurdles, which 
the enemy would erect in my perfectly legal path to be with her, and 
that I would have to fight a hard and spirited battle to obtain 
permanent resident status.  I was confident I would win, since I had 
no criminal record in the United States or Canada!

I felt that a new phase in our struggle had begun.  Revisionist 
researchers around the world had scientifically and forensically 
proven the Holocaust to be a racket arising out of World War II 
propaganda.  As such, it had been largely dealt with - historically, 
forensically and archeologically we had unmasked the lie and exposed 
it for all the world to see.  How often do you re-dig an 
archeological site to discover yet one more bone, yet one more shard? 
We knew what the "site" had revealed.  Now it was only a matter of 
mopping up, i.e., informing the general public and the people of the 
planet that they had been lied to and massively deceived by clever 
con-men.  If, after having been informed, the people of the world 
chose stupidly to continue kneeling before a Cult of Death, a 
temporal religion - well, let them!  Our task was to pay homage to 
Life, strive for Light.

Not that we would abandon what had been accomplished - but, 
henceforth, it would be the backdrop to what we were planning to do. 
My name now carried impact globally.  I was proud of myself that I 
had played a crucial part in having helped check-mate the Lie, but I 
felt that others could do the mopping up, that I could rest my 
battered psyche and rebuild my damaged health, that I could meditate, 
think, evaluate where we did right, where we went wrong, and set new 
goals to reach the stars - and I'm not even speaking metaphorically. 

Of course I longed to hand our people back their pride.  Much  more 
importantly, I also longed to move into much more important and 
intriguing fields of improvement of human behavior through a radical 
change of the human diet, for we are what we eat - and we can't be 
what nature has decided we should be if we fail to consume what we 
need.  I knew that this improvement could only come about by 
strengthening the content and quality of our food supplies - which of 
necessity meant a rejuvenation of the soil by re-mineralizing our 
fields and arable land as well as the soil of our forests - sick and 
dying in many parts of the world.   There were alarming signals 
everywhere that "something" was threatening life itself on our planet 
- in the fields, in the forests, in our ranks. 

It was my hope that if we achieved a greater understanding among our 
own immediate supporters and followers, using the new technology of 
the Internet - not only just of websites but also Internet radio and 
TV in the systematic, target marketing of both intellectual and 
actually consumable products - we could, from our modest beginnings 
in this lovely area of the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee, become the 
hub of a wheel of inner and outer renewal, radiating out in many 
directions, serving first as the initiators, then as the catalysts, 
and ultimately as the popularizers of important new trends to help us 
regain our spot in the sun.  

Ingrid and I saw ourselves as being able to provide the nucleus of 
such facilities - to allow people who are akin to our way of thinking 
and feeling to come together for quiet but intensive interchanges of 
ideas, thoughts and concepts, far away from the noise and clamor of 
the world, in quiet and constructive contemplation, connecting in 
kinship to similar people in outlook.  It was our hope to have these 
conclaves without great fanfare, made possible by the donations of 
our Zündel supporters, many of whom have already visited us and 
shared with us our dreams. 

The Germans have a wonderful concept expressed in one word: 
"Vordenker".  A Vordenker is someone who thinks ahead of the crowd, 
who contemplates life's panorama.  In a few years' time, we hoped, 
new products, new insights in the form of research studies would then 
be published.  The authors of important, innovative thinking would be 
interviewed on our own Internet TV and radio shows, projected to be 
in several of the major Aryan languages and made available globally 
for the benefit of mainly our kinfolk who are in greatest need of it 
- but others could equally partake of the fruits of our labors, our 
research and discoveries.  

In the beautiful mountains of Tennessee, our Aryan "Vordenker", 
attracted to this place, would blaze new trails for our kin by 
investigating different, vastly more interesting and also more 
satisfying topics like the borderline sciences of the mind, the body 
and the soul - in  short, conduct genuinely cosmic inquiries - not 
poke around Europe's ruins and dusty archives, being satisfied with 
spending a short lifetime by being the proverbial bean counter of how 
many Jews, Gypsies, Germans, Russians, etc. were killed, died how, 
when, where and why - in other words dealing with the dead!  We 
wanted to enhance and energize the well-being of the living - and the 
survival and golden future of generations yet unborn!  We literally 
felt a new age beckoning as Ingrid and I discussed the ins and outs 
of these ideas!  There was so much to be learned - and applied. We 
knew of startling new findings about how the human brain processes 
thought, how the mind itself functions - actually even more 
fundamentally, what the "Mind" actually IS.

This intertwining of body and mind - the mysteries of how minerals 
and vitamins, proteins, even photons and atoms affect our physical, 
mental and spiritual health and well-being all needed to be 
investigated, compiled, correlated, empirically checked, verified, 
published, peer- reviewed - in short, a vast array of interesting 
work awaited us and our world-wide circle of contacts - experts, all 
of them, who had mastered the Faurissonian principle of careful 
study, diligent research, painstaking verification, incorruptible 
conclusions.  These were all qualities which needed to be rigorously 
applied to all these new, exciting fields.  There was work waiting 
galore, impossible to accomplish in one lifetime.  We needed to reach 
out - way beyond our own small circles - for expertise, talent, and 
input, to speed up our research.

We also needed to create the physical infra-structure - offices with 
secretaries and state-of-the-art office- and communications 
equipment.  We needed to acquire or build physical quarters for 
libraries, large and small conference rooms, video film- and audio 
production facilities.  In short, we needed to re-create, only on a 
far more professional, larger, better equipped and more financially 
secure basis, what I had cobbled together by stealth, born out of 
necessity to deal with the obnoxious Holocaust Industry, in Toronto 
at the Zündel-Haus!

I'll give you several "for instance" examples, arbitrarily chosen, of 
areas we wanted to explore:

How can one measure, for instance, that  bio/retroengineered water, 
similar to the mineral-enriched qualities and content of a Himalayan 
mountain stream, is achieving in city-dwelling consumers the effect 
it has had for the Himalayan-Huwza-Tribes for the last 4- 5000 years? 
These simple mountain people seem to live much longer in a far better 
state of health than we do. Such research would span more than one 
generation for us to have proof positive that natural chemicals in 
bio-retroengineered water can spell vastly enhanced health, perhaps 
even double our lifespan?

And speak of the other side of the coin, what about the criminal 
adulteration of our municipal water-supplies, especially in Canada 
and America, by the two deadly cancer-causing chemical poison called 
chlorine and fluoride?  Chlorine has been around for almost 100 years 
and has poisoned hundreds of millions of North- Americans for just 
about a century, fluoride for half a century!  Our people have become 
a chemically altered people! Such poisons do impact on how we think, 
feel, act and behave - and, thus, vote! Fluoride is known to affect 
people's thinking processes, making them more docile and phlegmatic. 
There is a powerful fluoride lobby that subsidizes research at 
prestigious universities, controlling via the purse-strings the 
direction of fluoride research.  That lobby decides gets published - 
and what gets suppressed!  Exactly who is running that lobby?

Take another important topic of research - that of the composition of 
the salt we consume! Our industrially used salt in the preparation of 
foods, juices etc. has undergone total debauchery in the last 100 
years. Many physical and mental diseases of civilization, including 
cancer, glandular conditions, poor eyesight, goiters etc. stem from 
that publicly totally unknown chemical depletion of our salt supply! 
Modern Salt, consumed by modern man, now delivers just two or three 
trace elements, whereas in Roman times and in the middle ages, until 
the Renaissance in fact, it consisted of over 40 beneficial, even 
essential trace minerals. How can a human body be expected to produce 
optimum performance, endurance and  focus when in one single compound 
of our diet, common ordinary salt, we do not get 37 essential trace 
minerals and elements we need that our more assertive  ancestors did 
get for thousands of years?  A think tank question could, thus, be: 
How can we  break the power of the industrial-chemical complex that 
monopolizes salt production and distribution all over the nations of 
the Western world - heck, let's not beat around the bush - all over 
the Aryan world?

The same is true in chemical fertilizer-dominated agriculture.  There 
exists a strong lobby that prevents a return to sanity via 
re-mineralization of the soil as the most appropriate way to improve 
the mineral/vitamin/plant protein content of our vegetable supplies, 
desperately needed to improve the mental and physical stability of 
our people - NOW!  People pre-occupied with illness, wrecked by an 
assortment of discomforts, aches and pains are not likely to read the 
Riot Act to crooked politicians - and please let me emphasize that I 
am speaking metaphorically.  Nor  are they likely to storm the 
barricades in Washington, Ottawa, Paris, London or Berlin to change 
laws they don't like! They are too sick to act!

The various Lobbies love this kind of enervating dependency of the 
most vital part of our population, zombified by the side effects of 
the drugs pushed largely by the hordes of men in white coats and 
stethoscopes!  I am talking of glorified drug-pushers with a license 
to addict, maim and kill virtually all of society. If we want to stop 
the march of chemical drug dependencies already affecting over 50% of 
the adult population in America that is turning us into a nation of 
cripples on chemical life support, we need to find out a few things!

In the music field, for instance, now totally dominated by our 
cultural occupiers, we need not only to find talented singers and 
musicians, who are the mere technicians and mechanics of this field, 
we also need to find new song writers, composers, even creators and 
builders of new instruments for this new music to counteract the 
noise called "music" that keeps assaulting us.  Since these are 
mostly creative tasks, and since I have been a creative person and 
artistic all my life, I am keenly aware - as is Ingrid who is a 
gifted writer - that this would not be like a car manufacturer 
putting out recruiting posters for some mechanical engineers, 
metallurgists, body designers, electrical engineers etc. - all of 
which can be normed and ground out like sausages.  Song writers, 
composers with soul and empathy, musicians with feelings don't roll 
off the assembly lines at drug-ridden local community colleges. 
These creative people have to be either searched for like for needles 
in a haystack or developed slowly - practically from childhood on!

In our Tennessee retreat, large portions of our dream were already 
being realized in some rudimentary ways.  However, in order to 
accomplish this, for now, non-paying and non-revenue producing 
research and development work to benefit the future, we needed the 
continued help and support of our aging international World War II 
supporter base. We could see what is wrong.  We might know what to 
do.  The problem is, few of us have an "amplified" voice! We have no 
lobby.  No think tanks.  No lavish financial support!

I say:  Not yet!  We need to roll up our sleeves and create these 
tools and means to be heard!

That was the idea.  We had come up with a clear concept,  a  workable 
blueprint, realistic and achievable goals.  Much like in Toronto, the 
financing was to have come from a mix of earnings from the sale of 
books, booklets, videos, audios, CDs, paintings and prints - coupled 
with free-will donations and bequests from wills, testaments and 
trusts of loyal Zündel-supporters, many of them "little people" but 
of great decency and deeply-felt pride in our past.

This formula was tested in the Holocaust Debunking trenches.  It has 
served the cause well in the past and is going to do so in the 
future.  It avoids the ever-present danger of factions of stock- or 
shareholders ganging up and taking over the work for our enemies' 
agenda. It avoids the problem of large donors dictating policy or 
direction. It also avoids the ever-present snooping and very real 
activity curtailment of non-profit organizations - which, these days, 
don't protect anyone but only hamper the actual work and performance, 
as the Institute for Historical Review has found out to its dismay.

Brainstorming and research have always been activities  without 
promise of immediate financial return.  Those  individuals, 
organizations or public bodies and government agencies who underwrite 
such research know that.  This would of necessity be even more so in 
our case since the "product" we were aiming for was cultural, 
biological, genetic and even spiritual renewal or improvement of a 
people - for the long haul!  We were not after improving  the 
proverbial "better mousetrap." We had far loftier goals!

That was and still is, the dream, the as-yet-not-realized vision of 
what Ingrid and I tried to start - quietly, without trumpets, using 
the talents and pooled resources of the loyal and faithful 
Zündel-supporters. We are determined to forge the means, supply the 
tools, and provide a sense of direction, to attract and coalesce the 
many already existing talented individuals and sanity-oriented 
organizations, to concentrate and prioritize their areas of research, 
cluster it, bring discipline and goal-orientedness to it.  We plan to 
coordinate the work of the many diverse people and groups, avoiding 
duplication - which eats up valuable research funds and ties it up in 
hardware! Thus, what we were envisioning was a long-term project with 
very many facets to it - really a wholistic approach to physical, 
cultural, and ultimately spiritual rejuvenation and healing - on the 
go, as it were, quietly, from within, without fanfare, not to rouse 
the enemy to counter-attack too early.  That was our hope at least.

In spite of our self-imposed, recluse-like lifestyle, the enemies 
found us - and now the rest is history.  However, just because I have 
been temporarily sidelined and isolated in prison, the work on the 
outside goes on in many of these areas, assisted by friends, 
supporters, helpers. Our future research library plans in an 
as-yet-unannounced location are already well underway, and we have 
made some inroads in securing modest sleeping facilities where people 
can stay while they visit, be heard, taped, and maybe even broadcast. 
Our little jewel of a gallery, where clean and uplifting paintings 
and works created by Aryan artisans - not grotesque and ugly works as 
the culture destroyers produce  - will be made available for viewing 
and for sale, along with selected, good, informative books on many of 
the above topics.  The same goes for new kinds of music, CDs, DVDs, 
videos and cassettes so that a real cultural center will grow, 
becoming a hub where writers, artists and lecturers can give public 
lectures and do their displays.

Independent, creative thinkers, researchers and tinkerers need to 
have transmission belts and popularizers of their ideas and findings. 
Somebody needs to put the thinkers together with the "utilizers" and 
"users" of these findings to benefit our kin and make them healthier, 
stronger in body, mind and soul! Progress of such a cultural Dream 
Team has been slowed down, because it is simply too much for Ingrid 
alone - and, of course, the terribly expensive legal struggle has 
siphoned off money, which would have otherwise long been used to 
continue with the building plans and the expansion and preparation 
for the next phase.

The vision is still there!

Our plan is being implemented more cautiously and slowly, but Ingrid 
and I are determined, if the support holds and as soon as my 
situation improves, to move into high gear again and soar with the 
eagles, leaving the turkeys behind on the ground.  Are you with us - 
or against us?  The choice is yours alone. 

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