Copyright (c) 2000 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


June 29, 2000


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Today's ZGram comes in two parts: 1) A testimony by a newcomer to Revisionism, and 2) a plea for help for a young European Revisionist who has been victimized by the ever-so-powerful and vicious French Holocaust Lobby.


First the testimony by "Audrey", a young woman whom I met at the recent IHR Convention and who recorded her impressions of Revisionism and Revisionist in Bradley Smith's June report to his CODOH supporters:


Seduced by Denial: A Personal Story by Smith's "Right Hand Man"


I was not born into this world as a Revisionist. In fact, I was a True Believer in the traditional history of World War II until September of last year. Today, I am a mixture of giddiness and purpose. Giddiness, because Bradley took me to the 13th Institute for Historical Review Conference where I found myself surrounded by the most astounding group of intelligent, down-to-earth, warm-hearted people who are making a difference in the world. Purpose, because I have been welcomed into the fold to do what I can do to help.


I am still coming back down to earth. While at the conference, Bradley and I conducted a six-hour video interview with Germar Rudolf. I'm not quite sure what I expected to learn about Germar. I suppose I thought that he must surely be embittered and perhaps somewhat surly because of his ordeal and his impossible life in exile. I was so wrong. Likewise, I subconsciously expected other persecuted members of this movement to be the same and again, I was so wrong. I have never in my life been so proud, so awed and so touched as I was this weekend.


Since coming to work for Bradley one year ago I have read or have learned of the most vile attacks on him and student editors who dare to run his advertisements. I have learned about the prison sentences, intimidation, persecution and outright hatred imposed on the very people whom I met this past weekend. I have read about law changes worldwide which make our freedom fighters criminals. Here in the office I sometimes wonder why on earth Bradley keeps doing what he's doing. Why put up with all of this grief?


Now I know why. He shares a passion for freedom with people who are far more honorable than their attackers. He is working for truth and intellectual freedom alongside and in cooperation with some of the most magnificent minds and personalities of this era. Over the weekend I was so incredibly moved by the different expressions of "I'll never surrender!" David Irving, Robert Faurisson, Bradley, Ernst Zündel, Germar Rudolf, Fredrick Töben, Jürgen Graf, Greg Raven, Mark Weber, Ted O'Keefe - to a man they all have risked their honor and their fortunes to protect or restore intellectual freedom in their countries.


Of course, just like our own minutemen, they're regular guys - which also surprised me. When we first arrived at the hotel I was taking my gear to my room when I passed a table of happy-go-lucky people chatting poolside with their favorite beverages. I thought in passing, "Well, they're at least having a good time." (I thought I was going to be spending the weekend with a bunch of justified grumps.)


When I returned I found Bradley sitting at the very table with the same happy-go-lucky people I had just passed. He's always getting lost or losing something, so I thought that was the case this time as well, but he proceeded to introduce me to people whose names I knew but whom I'd never met. I joined the group and was immediately at ease with everyone. Perhaps I was too much at ease as our conversation that first night did not end until the wee hours of the morning, but every minute was absolutely worth it.


I had told Bradley before we went about how the world seems to think that Revisionists all have two horns and a tail and come from the netherworld. I can assure everyone that there were no horns on anyone. As for tails, I can't personally say, but I think it highly improbable. What all of the people I met do share in common is their love for freedom.


Beyond that they came from every walk of life, from Canada, Australia and Europe, from different political persuasions and religious convictions, and from different life experiences. But they came together eloquently and beautifully through responsible, dignified, intelligent discourse. I did not hear one shrill syllable. I did not witness one cruel remark. I did not hear one foul word. And I did not see anyone burn any books.


I came to work for Bradley because I needed the job and he needed the help. I still need the job and, Lord knows, he still needs the help, but I have come to see this as much more than a "job." While I do not have the intestinal fortitude to let the world know my identity, I am both honored and proud to be able to work behind the scenes in this noble pursuit of truth and freedom.




I wanted you to get a picture of who we are and how deep, often unspoken, our commitment is to truth in history. We are just a handful, sprinkled all over the world. Each one of us, in our own way, do what we can - and often almost more than we can.


I know that I am admired by many - but what do I really do that is so outstanding, since I stand under the umbrella of the First Amendment to the Constitution of America, compared to those who fight on with gritted teeth where the enemies have swarmed the politicians' corridors and wormed their way into the courts to hurt and punish those who speak the truth, no matter what it costs?


I want to tell you of Jean Plantin.


This Frenchman came to my attention recently when Ernst Zundel said that Dr. Faurisson thought very highly of this young, self-effacing translator-turned-Revisionist. He was only 22 when he first came into contact with the intellectual discipline called Revisionism. He met Dr. Faurisson way back in 1987 and thus qualifies as a Faurisson Zögling", as we say in German - a Faurisson pupil, someone raised in Revisionism by the great master himself.


There is not a Revisionist on earth who has not at one time or another been touched by or has not benefited by the Herculean and at the same time almost Sisyphus-like work this man has done over the decades. This meeting was, of course, Jean Plantin's great intellectual fortune, for Dr. Faurisson has no time for frivolous people who waste his precious time.


Now this close association has worked to Jean Plantin's disadvantage, for the Enemies of Truth have no greater hatred and ire than for a disciple of Faurisson. The Holocaust Lobby fears and loathes the spirit of exactitude inculcated by Dr. Faurisson and demanded by him with every project he tackles.


When the news first broke that Jean Plantin, who had started a French Revisionist publication of high quality, was raided by French police, and that all his computers, hard drives, diskettes etc. had been seized, I knew he would be in for a rough ride in the courts.


And so it was.


Here is what I received a couple of days ago via e-mail (slightly edited):


On 21 June 2000 the court of appeal of Lyon (Hubert Fournier, Jean-Luc Gouverneur and Madame Théoleyre) has handed down two decisions against Jean Plantin, editor and publisher of Akribeia (Greek for: "exactitude").


The first of these decisions convicts Jean Plantin for merely having named the titles of revisionist works which the interior ministry has forbidden to be sold to minors, displayed in public, or publicized (Act of 1949 on writings deemed dangerous for the young); the second convicts him of questioning the official story of the Shoah.


Used against Plantin was once again the infamous, Jewish-Communist inspired Fabius-Gayssot Act of 1990 . He has received two six-month suspended prison sentences. His two computers, which had been seized at his house in a police search, have been permanently confiscated.


Moreover, he will have to pay more than 140,000 French francs (about $20,000 / £13,400). This amount, exorbitant for an editor without any resources, comprises, along with fines (40,000 francs), the damages awarded to the B'nai B'rith (the enormously wealthy Jewish organization of Masonic character), the LICRA (International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism) and SOS-Racisme.


This amount includes the legal costs of these associations and the court costs, but not the sums that Jean Plantin has had to pay for his defense or those others which the bailiffs will soon be demanding of him - amounting to many more thousands of French francs.


Finally, J. Plantin finds himself prohibited from earning a living as an editor-publisher for a period of three years. This is a ban on exercising one's profession, modeled on the German "Berufsverbot", which has been also issued against Udo Walendy, the German historian-publisher.


The national daily Le Monde has not breathed a word of these sentences imposed on a penniless scholar for mere press offenses. As for those newspapers which have reported the information, they have systematically ignored or minimized the grotesque financial sanctions and fine.


Please note:


In France it is unlawful to help someone pay his fines. But the law does not forbid people from helping with funds towards payment of damages or from showing sympathy and solidarity in other regards with one who has been struck by misfortune.


To be an active Revisionist in France virtually guarantees, if one is tried in a court, steep fines, crippling damages and exorbitant legal frees. Cheques or money orders can cost up to $20-$30 to be processed by a French bank. The simplest method to help is to put some cash in an envelope. It is not really necessary to certify or register the envelopes. The French mail is pretty reliable - just seal the envelope well.


Jean Plantin needs your help. He deserves your help. He does splendid Revisionist work. He speaks English quite well and may be contacted at 45/3 Route de Vourles 69230 SAINT GENIS LAVAL; telephone: 33 4 78 56 36 48.


Let's all chip in and help this young European Revisionist. Please!






Thought for the Day:


"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."


(-- H.L. Mencken)

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