ZGram - 10/9/2003 - "Prisoner of Conscience Letter # 9 (with a prelude)

zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org
Fri Oct 10 08:20:09 EDT 2003

ZGRAM - WHERE TRUTH IS DESTINY:  Now more than ever

October 9, 2003

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Today's ZGram is meant to be part sermon, part apology because it 
takes real aggravation accumulated over months and years before I 
blow my stack, and when that happens - rarely! - I don't always 
practice what I preach. 

The sermon first, via helpful examples:

I have in my "to-do" bin a letter to be answered from an almost 
90-year-old lady, a long-time supporter, still amazingly alert and 
eager to learn internetting, who sent me a thick pile of newsgroup 
chitchat she had pulled from the internet from a fellow we all dread, 
Danny Keren, a well-known Holocaust Enforcer and cyber terrorist, who 
was hounding this old lady as per usual - and here I summarize and 
paraphrase:  "...but what about the piles of bodies we have seen..." 
"...and what about the bulldozers pushing all those corpses into mass 
graves..." "...and what about the millions of eye witnesses who told 
first person stories...?"

Ad nauseam! 

I told this lady - probably much too impatiently, for now she is real 
mad at me - that for almost ten years, Internet Revisionists have 
answered every one of these questions and then some, over and over 
again!  It's all there! For the asking! Tons and tons of information! 
Acquired at great costs!  I told her it's no longer up to us to waste 
our time and resources hopping when Keren says, hop!, running in 
circles with Keren providing the circles, repeating ourselves over 
and over again.  We have no obligation whatsoever to full-time 
Internet agitators like Keren to jump to every challenge - he is not 
interested in our answers, his sole purpose is to tie up our time, 
drain us of our energy, ride piggyback on our willingness to please 
and to show just how eager-to-dialogue we are - while all he does is 
to put sand into the wheels of our information outreach! 

I "met" Danny Keren already almost ten years ago - he sang exactly 
the same tune and evoked the same Pavlovian response from hundreds of 
all-too-compliant "debaters" who argued themselves blue in the face - 
only to find that, after all that exertion, there was old Dannyboy 
again, asking the very same questions:  "Well?  What about the piles 
of bodies we have seen..."  "What about the bulldozers pushing all 
those people into mass graves..." "What about the millions of eye 
witnesses who told first person stories...?"

For Pete's sake!  Give me a break! 

These agitators know exactly how to keep a screeching needle in a 
broken record!  They simply repeat the same lies over and over again 
as though no Revisionist research existed - and hope that some of 
them will stick!  Remember the "Six million"?  According to Talmudic 
math, six million minus three million still equals six million - no 
matter what your argument might be!

Example Number Two:

About a year or two ago, I had a serious collision with Mark Weber of 
the venerable Institute for Historical Review.  I told him, speaking 
from a bottled-up Germanic fury that craves efficiency and action, 
that our Revisionist conventions needed jazzing up!  I said we did 
not serve our Cause by recycling shop-worn topics and warmed-over 
theses over and over again, year after year, with the same droning 
speakers, that we needed entertaining keynoters who could draw 
younger, fresher audiences - and with remarkable élan I even offered 
myself to show him exactly how it was done.  After all, I was a pro - 
had I not spent more than ten years on the road as a professional 
convention speaker, doing precisely that?  With a near-speechless 
Mark at the receiving  end of my sizzling telephone line, I let him 
know where was coming from, that I had spoken to audiences of 
thousands and thousands at huge events at state, national and, 
thrice, even international conventions - and had, on two or three 
occasions, been given higher billing than senators of their 
respective states.  So there! 

I even gave Mark a peppered lecture on the difference between a 
keynote and a state-of-the-union address - and Ernst, who was resting 
in bed and listening in on his scold of a wife, probably pulled the 
comforter over his ears in sheer shock.  But I meant what I said, and 
I said what I meant, and just to punish Mark and underline my fury, I 
snubbed him royally for an entire year - and only after Ernst got 
kidnapped did I offer to smoke a peace pipe with Mark Weber - for the 
duration! -  because I needed him and knew that no one in our ranks 
could do those media interviews with such exactitude and intellectual 
charm with just that extra-finely-honed hint of properly restrained 
scholastic passion.  Ich kenne meine Pappenheimer!

Poor Mark!  I don't think he ever knew what hit him - and I don't 
think he fathoms to this day what propelled me to do this brisk 
number on him.  Mark is a gentleman of the old school who will not 
ever lose his grace - not even if he hits his thumb with the 
proverbial hammer!  He does best what he does best, and he does it 
exceedingly well - but we are still waiting for a sparkling 

Final example before the apology comes:

Of late, I was building a rage in my stomach for weeks and months on 
end that nowhere did I see a glimmer in the mainstream media about 
what I consider Richter Scale  Revisionist developments of note in 
Germany:  the crucial Fritjof Meyer interview, the fact that courts 
in Germany now shy away from charging pesky "Holocaust deniers", the 
Mahler Mockery of Germany's Establishment by taking a handful of 
dissidents up to the Wartburg and loudly declaring the obnoxious 
Holocaust kaput, even his wily initiative of founding a "Victims of 
the Holocaust Lie" organization - all with a crafty eye on Germany's 
despicable Collaborators with the Enemy in a systematically lawyerly 
way.  I tried to nudge this revisionist, that revisionist by poking 
them with my elbow:  "Come on now!  Get out of your rut!  Say 
something worthwhile that's going to be quoted!"  I was hoping for a 
David Irving-like pronouncement such as "Š more people died in 
Senator Kennedy's back seat than ever died in a gas chamber in 

But all I got was yawns. 

And I said to myself in pitch-black despair:  "Now watch!  Dr. 
Faurisson is going to come pittypatting on soft soles and start 
shaking a well-manicured finger at me for having blasphemed 
simon-pure Revisionism because, tut-tut-tut, good old Fritjoff didn't 
go all the wayŠ"

And sure enough!  In a friendly Faurisson way, I was gently 
corrected that, why golly, all kinds of Revisionist lights had indeed 
palavered on the matter - to each other! 

I was also asked to mend my ways and set the record straight.  The 
subject line said:  "Rectification".

At that I blew my stack - I wasn't going to be rectifying anything! 
Would you have, in my moccasins? And here is what I said:

"No, Robert, if you want to write this up and chide me for it, I will 
not hold it against you.  Go right ahead!  What I said was that this 
was good news, not itsy-bitsy, picky-picky news - I absolutely hate 
it when Revisionists lose themselves in a jungle of absolutely 
irrelevant details that nobody but nobody cares about - and miss the 
forest for the trees!

"We are in an intifada situation - we do not have the luxury to 
inspect every single rock and pontificate for ever and ever until the 
cows come home what this little crack and that little irregularity 

"Have you seen a single mainstream article about this story?  I haven't!

"I considered it very big news [referring to Fritjof] that here was a 
person of note who said something for which many people were punished 
or were afraid to be punished, and all Revisionists did was yack-yack 
to each other like chattering geese.  I was hoping that the story 
would break out into mainstream news - and people would say:  "My 
God, so the six million story is a lie, after all!"  But nothing! 
Did anybody even THINK of a press release???

"No wonder Ernst is in prison!

"Debunking the holocaust is a crucially important mainstream story - 
it is NOT a story where we have to nitpick every little detail to 

"You can tell that I am very angry!


To which our gentle professor replied:

"An irrelevant answer, Ingrid. And I suppose you will realise it 
without me explaining it to you. I gave you hard and important FACTS.

"Sorry for you and, by the way, for Ernst, my dearest friend.


So here is my apology: 

"I am sorry that I lost my cool and blew my stack.  It does not serve 
our Cause and our mission to engage in open friendly fire.  We only 
wound each other and give our enemies a laugh.  We shouldn't do that. 
It behooves us to practice restraint and good manners.  There are so 
very few of us who are in this for the duration, who have taken the 
knocks, endured the Holocaust Enforcer's terror, put up with all the 
unfair and uncalled-for demonization - so there is absolutely no need 
to wound each other with harsh words.  I will try to do better next 

"HOWEVER:  I am NOT sorry for that wellspring of indignation that 
made me lose my cool and blow my stack.  I believe it is not just 
legitimate but crucially timely. FOLKS, FRIENDS, COMRADES - WE NEED 
TO MOVE ON!  Our needles are stuck in the grooves - we are not as 
effective as we need to be, and we have golden opportunities RIGHT 

Here is one of Revisionist's staunchest pioneer, still languishing in 
Absurdistan's Gulag, in his latest letter to me  echoing some of my 


This month's Harper's Magazine - you can't get more mainstream than 
that! - has several astonishing articles about [topics like], "The 
Media is the Message:  Notes on our Decadent Press" by Gene Lyons, an 
informative one about the Bush Administration, "The GOP's Plan to 
Militarize our Culture" by Kevin Baker, and a third, revealing one, 
"The Revision Thing:  A History of the Iraq War, told entirely in 
lies" by Sam Smith, an exposé about how prison labor is used to make 
the bullet-proof vests, parachutes, uniforms, even washing and 
mending them, all in prison, for which the inmates are only paid 23 
cents to $1.15 an hour.  That is about as close as state-of-the-art 
Revisionism comes in America's mainstream media, sold on every 
newsstand and shipped by mail to hundreds of thousands of subscribers.

I touched upon these topics of the "Nazis'" of prison/concentration 
camps' labor in the German War effort in my much-maligned UFO 
booklets decades ago and later on in my radio and TV broadcasts and 
newsletters.  I pointed out that the Jews in the Lodz Ghetto produced 
over 1 million German steel helmets on the most modern cold steel 
stamp press in all of Europe. An interpreter I met many years later 
in Toronto told me that the Jewish Ghetto leadership came to the 
"Nazi" administration's office asking them to arrest and expel 
Marxist-Zionist saboteurs and agitators who were disrupting work with 
slowdowns because the Germans paid these Jewish workers full pay plus 
overtime and production bonuses - not a miserly 23 cents, as in 
America's prisons!

This man had interpreted for a fur coat production meeting between 
the German military and the Ghetto leaders, and he remembered that 
the Germans offered:  "We will ship you so-and-so many freight cars 
full of rabbit pelts, and we expect at least 8,000 for coats for the 
Eastern front.  You will be paid an extra bonus for each extra coat 
you can produce."  The Germans were astonished and gratified when 
those skilled Ghetto furriers came up with 12,000 fur coats without 
compromising quality - that's AFTER the Sicherheitsdienst and Gestapo 
had arrested and deported to Rumania all those Zionist-Marxist 
troublemakers in their midst.  No wonder the "Judenräte" - the Ghetto 
leaders - got such a bad rap in Spielberg's anti-German extravaganzas!

With Bush's new militarization of America, we are presented with all 
kinds of materials like this one.  An awake bunch of Revisionist 
writers could grind out feature-length articles making the above, 
well-documented comparisons.  I guarantee that even mainstream 
magazines could be persuaded to print such "ominous comparison" 
articles [about Hitler then and Bush now] - and people would start 

There is another article just waiting to be written, comparing 
President Bush's "Strike first if our American interests and security 
are threatened" preemptive war policy to the conditions in pre-World 
War II Germany.  Surely there must be Revisionist writers out there 
with a military background who could deliver lectures across the 
country on this topic, comparing, for instance, Hitler's Operation 
Barbarossa with Israel's 1967 preemptive attack - a 100% copy of 
Barbarossa, by the way! - and then elaborate on the new Bush doctrine 
of "securing the homeland" because "we aren't going to wait until 
we're attacked..." 

This would go a long way in acquainting vast numbers of Americans, 
especially in the military, with the desperate situation in which the 
Germans found themselves vis-a-vis Stalin, who was armed to the 
teeth, sitting at the Eastern borders, while his Fifth Columnists 
were creating havoc all over Western Europe! 

The opportunities were never greater for us to make our historical 
positions and dilemmas understood by millions of Americans and the 
rest of the world if we only had the drive and ardent desire to be 
relevant - not to wait 50, 60, 70 years and then poke into the cold 
embers of who and what caused Pearl Harbor!

I am frustrated to no end to be hemmed in and shackled and to realize 
that there seems to be nobody out there with the overview or the 
time, much less the interest, to use these golden opportunities to 
explain to America and the English-speaking world:  "Look!  Now that 
you think, or at least your military/industrial complex people think, 
that your vital interests are threatened, you adopt the very policies 
your leaders condemned, even went to war over, when German found 
itself in a far, far worse position in 1939-41!" 

We would find fertile soil, open minds, and willing listeners!

Ernst Zündel

To which I only want to add something that Ernst said very early in 
our relationship and that I have never forgotten:

  "America will never understand the Enemy Within and the danger to 
her existence unless America comes to an understanding WHAT WORLD WAR 

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