ZGram - 10/6/2003 - Prisoner of Conscience Letter # 6

zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org zgrams at zgrams.zundelsite.org
Tue Oct 7 08:14:18 EDT 2003

ZGRAM - WHERE TRUTH IS DESTINY:  Now more than ever

October 6, 2003

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

The Zundel letter below is more than 3 months old, and some of the 
information outlined is a bit dated, since there have been 
subsequent, even more dramatic legal developments unearthed by us via 
the Freedom of Information Act.  We now know there have been 
illegalities even in at least two courts to get Ernst kidnapped and 
deported.   Talk about "...acting in concert"!  Guess who?  You 
wonder why - and why now!

Ernst is so sick of courts and trials, he doesn't want to hear me say 
this - but I feel a huge, U.S.-based HOLOCAUST TRIAL Number Three 
coming up!  We have so much more information now than Ernst could 
bring to court and to the public in 1988, fifteen years ago! 
Besides, this IS still America, and with 9/11 having made people much 
more inclined to believe in huge deceptions by our favorite tribe, we 
could give them a fine run for their money. 

This is NOT something that they would welcome at this time, believe 
me!  In fact, it practically screams "Attention!" that, at least in 
the Canadian court proceedings and hearings, nobody even breathes a 
word about the Holocaust - it's all "white supremacist", "racist" 
etc. now!  Somebody saw fit to change horses in mid-stream!

The missive below was written to a journalist in France:

July 1, 2003

My dear Gilbert -

It is Saturday;  the prison is always far more quiet on the weekend 
than during the weekday.  I sit on my home-made stool made out of 
court transcripts and files stacked on top of one another, because in 
Ontario the chairs and stools have been removed from the cells, since 
one inmate killed himself in his cell, using his stool in the act.  I 
don't know who this Houdini inmate was, but now we, the sane inmates 
- thousands of them, I am sure - are made extremely uncomfortable by 
not having a chair to sit down to eat, to write, or to study.  All 
has to be done sitting like Ghandi, lying on our elbows, or kneeling 
like in prayer in front of our desk.  Luckily my files reach up just 
high enough to make it feasible.  One of the prison captains told me: 
"Typical German ingenuity!"

Thanks for keeping my fate before the French public.  I must have 
gotten 40 letters from all over France, Corsica, and one even from 
Tahiti because Rivarol covered my story.  I was very touched.  In 
intellectual quality, the letters from France are of a higher caliber 
than I usually get from Canada, America or elsewhere.  I was 
surprised but also pleased by that.  (...)

I will now give you some news.  You will be the first one to have the 
details, and I would urge you to contact Ingrid once in a while and 
ask her to send you the latest developments on the American legal 
front, which are very promising and exciting - and would be welcome 
news for the readers of Rivarol. 

Ask her to send you the FRAP 23 and 27 submission/motion to the 
Federal Court in Cincinnati.  It is not all that long.  It is one of 
the most astonishing legal documents I have ever seen.  It deals with 
the blatant illegalities in my case, especially the willfully ignored 
or rejected constitutional and habeas corpus questions we raised in 
the Knoxville and Cincinnati 6th Circuit Court of Appeal while I was 
still in American custody on the 13th and 14th of February. 

This document clearly proves that I was illegally removed from that 
Blount County jail and also illegally deported, in clear and direct 
contravention of a Supreme Court of the United States promulgated 
statute.  When a habeas corpus motion has been filed, no court can 
release or transfer a prisoner without a specific order from a judge, 
not even to another jail in another U.S. jurisdiction.  There was NO 
court or judge's order on the district court level, and none 
thereafter by an appeal court - even less a U.S. Supreme Court order! 
That makes my transfer, and most especially my removal from the 
United States, totally illegal and a violation of one of the most 
important constitutional rights and provisions of the U.S. legal 

The papers by us have been filed.  Our motions and our legal brief to 
back up and explain the case [in response to the government argument] 
have also been filed already.  There might be a very brief 15-minute 
oral argument allowed by the court.  We have no idea how long they 
will take to make their judgment - or even less, what it might be. 
We are hopeful that they will see things in our favor - and then a 
long and expensive series of appeals and actual trials will take 
place - the end aim being, since my deportation was contrary to the 
laws of the U.S. that I be readmitted to let the due process take its 
course.  The details are very exciting and are contained in that FRAP 
23-27 document.

We have appeals pending in Immigration Court in Memphis or New 
Orleans, and also in Cincinnati.  If the case is decided in our 
favor, then it will have to be heard again in Knoxville.  The appeal, 
if there is one, would again be heard in Cincinnati - and if need be, 
and the court allows it, in the Supreme Court in Washington.

Thus, if Ingrid and I can raise the money, the Zündel case in the 
U.S. is far from over!

Now to some additional powerful news:

[Defense attorney] Doug Christie came to see me on July 3, '03.  He 
brought with him affidavits and legal papers - a constitutional 
challenge of the entire National Security related legislation in the 
Refugee Act, which was passed in the fall of 2001 and has never been 
challenged in the Supreme Court of Canada.  Those challenge details 
were filed, along with a Canadian habeas corpus motion, on July 4, 
2003 in the Superior Court of Ontario by Doug Christie.  All the 
Attorney Generals of the Provinces, and also the Attorney General of 
Canada, have been served with those papers already. 

I don't know, Gilbert, if you knew this, but the legislation allows 
the Federal Court, Judge Blais, to look at secret evidence - which he 
already did!  He can also listen to secret witnesses as well as video 
and audio tapes without Doug or myself being present.  Thus we cannot 
respond to any of this evidence, since we do not know its content - 
or the witnesses' names, ranks, titles, what organizations they 
represent;  in other words, what political or ethnic/religious biases 
they might have.  With all these advantages accruing to the 
government, they still enjoy an additional advantage - which is that 
this lone Federal Judge's decision is final and cannot be appealed to 
any higher court.

Since my arrest and incarceration, the traffic on the Zundelsite has 
increased dramatically and now hovers between 1 million and 1.2 
million visitors per month.  These visitors, in turn, access 2.4 
documents per visit.  No wonder the	[Canadian and German] 
governments hate everything about Ernst Zündel, his courageous wife, 
and his worldwide set of followers who make all this global 
information outreach possible.  I am in here partly because of that 
website.  That is why I refer to myself as the world's first Internet 
website hostage - and I am seriously thinking that, rather than 
fighting with lawyers in court, I should engage a hostage negotiator!

Gilbert, I am not sad about my fate.  I had wanted solitude to 
rethink my life's path, my work, my future - that's why I left the 
turmoil of Toronto behind.  Well, my prayers were answered:  I have 
now more solitude than I bargained for - and I am making good use of 

All the best to you!

Ernst Zündel


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