Copyright (c) 2000 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


May 30, 2000


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:



Yesterday, I wrote about Professor Joel Hayward, who was being made an example of academic terrorism so that other academics will get the message: "Investigate the Holocaust critically, and you will be made into a pariah in academia".


Can you think of a more effective way of scaring the living daylights out of already mollycoddled academic weaklings in their ivory towers, where they live and work in the surreal world of liberal shibboleths, multi-cult slogans and stifling political and historical correctness?


So Hayward and Irving were and are meant as scare crows and bogey men for the academic crowd who will now be scared away from such academic topics as the where, why, and what-for of the Holocaust topic. As far as Revisionists are concerned, Hayward and Irving are important, for they illustrate for all to see in plain daylight just how these ruthless people work who fear they'll touch the Holocaust.


People are not stupid out there in the real world. They can see extortion coupled by intimidation and blackmail. Already large advertisements are appearing in the US-Jewish press that make it very clear that certain orthodox Jewish groups and congregations want nothing to do with the Holocaust shake-downs of Austria, Germany, Switzerland and specific industries like banks, insurance companies, car manufacturers etc. These Orthodox Jews refuse to accept any of the extorted money. They go on record distancing themselves.


Along similar lines, a researcher I know took things a step further and wrote this:



It is a truism of political life that those who bear bad tidings are blamed for the content of the news. So it is with Professor Kevin MacDonald.


Professor MacDonald has established that there is a clear and consistent pattern of Jewish agitating and then remolding white society. In fact, he goes further and asserts that this remolding is designed to benefit Jews at the expense of whites.


Is Professor MacDonald correct? His adversaries do not wish to debate the question. They wish to declare it out-of-bonds. And in a sense this is an answer - and a very revealing one!


Kevin MacDonald has touched a very sore nerve and severely aggravated it with the truth. Anyone who doubts that Professor MacDonald is writing the truth need merely read his trilogy. (The People that Shall Dwell Alone, Separation and its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism and Culture of Critique.) The methods currently being developed to ruin Professor MacDonald's career are substantially the same methods used to ruin David Irving's career.


Professor MacDonald testified most eloquently at Irving's trial for libel against Deborah Lipstadt and Penguin Publishers. That testimony was so effective that the attorneys for Deborah Lipstadt elected not to cross-examine Professor MacDonald. Their silence, when it counted, contrasts most eloquently with their self-serving screeches now.


Kevin MacDonald's three books are not the final word on the "Jewish Question." They are, however, a cogently argued and abundantly documented case against the Self-Chosen Ones.


Those who believe that Professor MacDonald has invented the case against the Jews should do further research. A good start would be Professor Arthur Butz's seminal volume, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry.


Inquiring minds should profit greatly from The Holocaust on Trial by Robert Lenski or "Report on the Evidence" by Barbara Kulaszka. These volumes (not to mention the evidence from the trial of David Irving available on the Internet) raise disturbing questions which go far beyond the critical issues raised by Professor MacDonald in his books.


The academic world is a place for open inquiry and debate. Those who deny qualified scholars their constitutional right of freedom of research have declared themselves - and not their targets! - out of bounds.


Professor MacDonald is a credit both to the university he serves and to the general community. The students of Cal-State should further their own education by purchasing and reading his books. Their lives shall never be the same.





Thought for the Day:


"If freedom is short of weapons, we must compensate with willpower."


(-- Adolf Hitler, Landsberg, 5 November 1925 )

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