ZGram - 6/11/2003 - "Are Germans as 'screwed up' as are Jews?"

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Wed Jun 11 05:58:32 EDT 2003

- Where Truth is Destiny

June 11, 2003

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Today's food for thought comes to you courtesy of former army 
chaplain, Dr. Robert Countess of Alabama:


Are Germans as "screwed up" as are Jews?  An Essay on Gottfried 
Wagner and the Holocaust Disease, Historical Exactitude, and Ernst 

By:          Robert H. Countess, Ph.D.

Date:       June 9, 2003

Recently, I visited the Los Angeles Simon Wiesenthal Center [= SWC] 
book store and bought, among others, a copy of Gottfried Wagner's 
Twilight of the Wagners. The Unveiling of a Family's Legacy [New 
York: Picador USA, 1997. ISBN: 0-312-19957-0].

      Gottfried Wagner is a great grandson of operatic composer 
Richard Wagner [died 1883], but he has become not only an 
anti-Wagnerian but a rabid pro-Holocaustian philo-Jewish fanatic. 
His criticisms of "the cult of Wagner" are worthy of serious 
consideration, I believe, but that is not the purpose of this essay.

      It is the Introduction of this book [pages 1-7] by the Jewish 
academic Abraham Peck that sets the tone and Holocaustian context for 
this quite fascinating monograph by the April 13, 1947 born 
Gottfried, now aged 56 and an operatic expert in his own right.

      Gottfried was birthed at Bayreuth and took the Ph.D in 
musicology, philosophy, and Germanistik at the University of Vienna, 
along with a degree in business at Bocconi University in Milan.  He 
now works as internationally lecturing in music history and directs 
stage and video works, and writes in these fields, living in Milan 
with his wife and son.

      Abraham Peck claims to be "a Holocaust survivor" and lives in 
New Jersey, perhaps associated in some way with Stockton College. 
For Peck, the Jewish Holocaust Story is a basis for religion and 
ethics - as similarly preached by  the obsessed fanatic Rabbi Michael 
Berenbaum and by the similarly obsessed fanatic professor of 
architectural history, Robert Jan van Pelt.   Peck writes on page 1 
that we live "in an age dominated by the shadow of Auschwitz".  This 
self-serving concept of the 1933-2003 era, I suggest, is quite 
necessary for the continuing success of what Norman Finkelstein calls 
"the Holocaust Industry" [see his book by that title].

      Add to this Peck's arrogant assumption that "Germans" and 
"Nazis" and Richard Wagner are  the primary sources of Jewish 
persecution from the 1920s until today and we can grasp that Peck has 
positioned himself quite centrally in controlling Gottfried Wagner 
for Holocaustian purposes - which are 1) universal sympathy for and 
financial reparation to "Jews"; 2) unending support for the [racist] 
Jewish State of Israel; and 3)  an unquestioning acceptance of Jews 
as sitting in the seats of moral authority over Gentiles who must 
agree everywhere and at all times that  "the Holocaust" has rendered 
Gentiles incapable of making valid moral statements unless Jews agree 
that the statements are valid.

      Peck  met  Gottfried Wagner in 1991 at Stockton College in New 
Jersey where Wagner had been invited to speak to a "Scholars' 
Conference on the Church Struggle" and Wagner spoke on Richard 
Wagner, his music and, of course, "anti-Semitism". Peck distinguished 
himself by raising the question of how Germans today can show 
themselves properly respectful to Jews and if  Germans today can ever 
atone for their role in "the Holocaust".  Peck insists - along with 
Elie Wiesel and Deborah Lipstadt and Van Pelt et alia - that the "Six 
Million martyred Jews" cannot be reconciled to Germans unless these 
Jews, now dead, grant such reconciliation.

      Of course, those of us who work with classical logic wherein we 
move from A to B to C, understand that Peck renders such 
reconciliation to be an impossibility; hence, the German guilt must 
continue forever, or as one of my message T-Shirts has it, "No Guilt? 
No Geld!" [No guilt? No reparations!]   Also, I suggest that for the 
atheist Peck and most Jews who are similarly atheist, so that there 
is no ultimate God to bring about reconciliation, this concept Peck 
is using is quite clever indeed - the guilt and the Geld must 
continue without any end in sight.  I suggest that the Rothschilds 
and Warburgs could never have hit upon such a fine method of 

      I really do like the German word Versoenhnung [= reconciliation] 
since it is quite a Biblical New Testament term and focuses upon the 
alienation of a Sohn from his Vater and the need to bring the Son 
back into the good graces of his Father.  In the NT, the sinner is, 
if I may coin a term, "re-sonned" - that is, brought from 
estrangement as sinner back into a loving relationship to God the 
Father, and all this via the Incarnation, Work, Atoning Death, and 
Resurrection of the ultimate Son, Jesus Christ.

      When Jews assert that Jesus was a Jew, I point out that this is 
not correct if we employ the current usage of "Jew" with all its 
controversial ambiguity and Talmudic racism.  The second person of 
the Trinity became a human being birthed, as it were, by a simple 
descendant of the children of Abraham--himself being no Jew but a 
Hebrew; thereupon at the eighth day when the ritual circumcision took 
place, Jesus became an Israelite in the religious sense, not in some 
vulgar racist sense as so many Jews today promote this bloody ritual. 
Jesus was tribally "a Judean".  In the mid-Sixth century BC, this 
tribal or southern Kingdom term had been shorted to "Jew"  [= 
Classical Hebrew in transliterated English letters: Jehuwdiy] in the 
King James  Bible.  But, today, "Jew" is so vague and racialist or 
racist in usage by "Jews" themselves that they seem to prefer 
"Jewish" - that is, the adjectival usage.  I like to compare this 
preference for ambiguity to a person calling himself "Christian-ish" 
or "atheist-ish" or "Moslem-ish" or "American-ish".   The absurdity 
of the -ish  suffix by "Jews" thus becomes clear - they do not want 
to be any longer JEWS, but rather merely in some ambiguous fashion 
associated with the traditions of a people who in ambiguous ways 
trace their lineage in some ambiguous manner to the eponymous 
ancestor Abraham [whom I said above was not himself "a Jew" and 
certainly NOT "Jewish"!].

      But, back to Peck and Gottfried Wagner.  Gottfried today is so 
embarrassed and ashamed of his German-ish descent and of his 
Wagnerian lineage - due to the present Holocaustian dogma - that he 
goes out of his way to rewrite History.  As such, I suggest that if 
Gottfried were to read Der Spiegel editor Fritjof Meyer's May 2003 
article on the gas chamber problem at Birkenau and Meyer's denial of 
such gas chambers in the Crematorias, Gottfried might be even more 
ashamed and confused!   Thus, I further suggest that the only way for 
Gottfried to be reconciled to historical reality is for him to learn 
that there is no convincing evidence for these "Holy of Holies" [Van 
Pelt] contraptions at Auschwitz-Birkenau.  Only then could Gottfried 
become "re-sonned" to historical reality and learn that "Jews" 
themselves committed enormous crimes against Slavic Christians in 
Russia and Eastern Europe from 1917 on - crimes much more horrendous 
than could ever be alleged for the Germans!

      Hence, the title of this essay:   "Are Germans as 'screwed up' 
as Jews."  I submit that Gottfried Wagner is thoroughly "screwed up" 
in his overall philosophy of life and history and religion and 
culture.  His criticisms of the "Wagner cult" are such that I can 
agree with many of them.  This "cult" still has its adherents in 
Germany among many of the faithful Festspielhaus loyalists every 
August to September when at Bayreuth in north Bavaria some of the 
truly magnificent operatic dramas are presented year after year.

      There are, to my knowledge, significant numbers of 
anti-Christians who in their own Goethe-like "pious heathens" fashion 
are devotees of Teutonic-Aryan religious concepts of Odin and the 
like.  They would not at all like Gottfried Wagner's criticisms. 
But, I shall leave all this to the History of Religions scholars to 
fight over.

      I submit that Abraham Peck and Elie Wiesel and Robert Jan van 
Pelt and Deborah Lipstadt and the average "Jew" are all "screwed up". 
And by "screwed up" I do not draw upon any sexual meaning of the 
verbal participle here; rather I mean in the sense of the German 
Holzschraube [a wood screw] that one uses to bore into wood or metal. 
And this then leads to a state of affairs wherein things are not 
straightly put together but twisted.

      Gottfried Wagner is thus twisted up and around and under and 
down and out.  His views of reality have been so twisted by the 
Holo-dogma that he is emotionally and intellectually unable to put 
things together straightly as a carpenter must do  in the framing of 
a house or piece of furniture.

      "Jews" such as Peck and Company are even more twisted, even 
perverse, because they are in the drivers' seats of academia and 
commerce and government and culture and they twist everything in 
screw-like fashion down into the twisted hole of "the Holocaust."

      So, I conclude that both Germans and "Jews" in general today are 
likewise "screwed up" and need enlightenment [= Aufklaerung].  And 
this enlightenment can come from those who employ Exactitude in 
scientific-historiography, as Professor Robert Faurisson has insisted 
- that is, getting the data and the interpretation of the data as 
exact as humanly possible and without inserting politics and formal 
religion and social correctness.  Exactitude as such is much to be 
preferred over "Revisionism" since this latter term has become so 
laden with political reactionism and with pro-Hitlerian sympathies. 
I say this despite the historical usage wherein Professor Harry Elmer 
Barnes and his contemporaries used  revision, revising, and 
revisionism in ways that were quite acceptable in the 1920-1940 or so 

      Exactitude is a method for writing scientific-historiography. 
Germar Rudolf's Vierteljahreshelfte fuer freie Geschichtsforschung 
and his The Revisionist are two current journals that attempt - not 
perfectly, of course - to conform to the method of Exactitude.  And 
these journals are open to revising, even invite revising, by their 
Editor Germar Rudolf and his contributing authors.

      Where does - one properly asks - Ernst Zundel fit into all this? 
Is he also a "screwed up" German?

      Perhaps the simplest answer is that he is clearly not "screwed 
up" because he presently languishes in a Canadian prison and 
continues to be persecuted and prosecuted by "Jews" and the Gottfried 
Wagner anti-German types.   Ernst Zundel has made statements in my 
presence or in writing that are clearly critical of many things 
German of the past and during the Hitlerian era.  [Last week I read 
the New Order (neo-Nazi organization of the USA in Milwaukee, 
Wisconsin) literature that a true follower of Hitler does  not 
criticize "the Fuehrer."  Therefore, Ernst Zundel is clearly not a 
neo-Nazi since I have heard him make critical statements about 
Hitler's policies.  At the same time, in the immigration hearing room 
at Niagara Falls, Ontario last March 31st, I heard Zundel refer to 
Hitler as "the Great One."   And, if one understands Zundel over the 
years, one can place this appellation in the context of Hitler's 
leadership of 1933 Germany wracked by economic and political woes and 
Communist revolutionary violence and Jewish intrigues to introduce 
Bolshevism throughout the nation.  Zundel does what every historian 
ought to be doing - that is, try to offer a balanced assessment of a 
national leader's leadership. Hitler, for most part, is today so 
demonized that students acquire nothing of his positive 
accomplishments, being propagandized only into his holocausting of 
"the Jews".  Zundel offers his own - not my own - interpretation of 
the National Socialist era and his interpretation is open to 
Exactitude revising.  Any one of  [us] can sit down with Ernst and 
discuss rationally his views and have a completely exchange of points 
and counterpoints and do so in a warm, friendly atmosphere - quite 
unlike the atmosphere surrounding the average Holocaustian's dogmatic 
insistence that it's ìthe sacred Six Million - his  way or no  way!

     Editor Fritjof Meyer of  Der Spiegel certainly has it wrong when 
it comes to Exactitude for homicidal gassings in the two little 
cottages outside the Birkenau perimeter, but he did get it right when 
he denied gassings in the crematorias.  At least Meyer is moving in 
the right direction - willing to revise the accepted dogma that 
paralyzes the German people and their parliamentary republic, a dogma 
that totally paralyzes Richard Wagner's great grandson Gottfried, and 
a dogma that energizes perennially the Abraham Peck and his ilk for 
ill-gotten gain.

      How much longer will the Holo-dogmatists continue their 
dominance of World War Two historiography? How much longer will Ernst 
Zundel remain in prison and hounded by the evil Canadians such as 
Edgar Bronfman and Sabina Citron and Bernie Farber and the Canadian 
Jewish organizations who bribe and threaten Goy politicians? How long?

      Until capable Germans like Gottfried Wagner, a man who at bottom 
no doubt means well, learn the truth about World War Two.   June 22 
is almost upon us and with it the 52nd anniversary of Operation 
Barbarossa, the German attack on Stalin's Soviet Union as it was 
positioned to invade Germany and subjugate all Europe under the 
atheistic, totalitarian, Judeo-Bolshevist heel of extermination. 
Stalin and his designs were totally evil; Hitler and his designs for 
eastward expansion were totally self-serving for German colonialism 
and brutally contextualized. There are comparisons and contrasts, to 
be sure. But then there are comparisons and contrasts for National 
Socialism and German colonialist empire building with the French and 
the British and the Dutch and - if we can bear to admit the truth! - 
the Americans.

      Perhaps we Americans are "screwed up" also.

Robert H. Countess, PhD
boblbpinc at earthlink.net


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