ZGram - 3/28/2003 - "Countess vs Hier"

irimland@zundelsite.org irimland@zundelsite.org
Fri, 28 Mar 2003 18:49:18 -0800

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny:  Now more than ever!

March 28, 2003

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Today a preacher tells a rabbi where it's at:


Dear Rabbi Hier:

Since I have not heard from you concerning my two earlier letters, I am
moved to write again.

Your attack - veiled and not so veiled - on the Christian movie producer Mel
Gibson, who is also my fellow Christian, revealed your narrowly focused
Jewish ethno-centrist agendum.

Jews as racists are not new, nor Jews as HATERS of Jesus Christ,
Christians, Christianity, and Goyim are also not new.  When your fatherly
forebears took over Czarist Christian Russian and unleashed their
anti-Christian pogrom that lasted for decades and resulted in the genocide
of millions of innocents [making the alleged sacred Six Million  Jewish
Holocaust Story to pale into insignificance by comparison!], you and your
fellow Jewish fanatics made no trenchant condemnation of this holocaust.
  But, then, I am not surprised. The Talmudic mentality works that way.

Now, with the Easter Season almost upon Planet Earth and with a couple of
billion Christians of various stripes focusing their attention upon the Last
Supper, the Arrest, Show-Trial, Scourging, Crucifixion, Suffering, Burial,
and then Resurrection of Yeshua Hameshiac [= Jesus Christ], I am reminded of
your egregious attack on the Gospels on the FoxNews Bill O'Reilly spin-zone
Show of three weeks ago when you declared [although you are no New
Testament expert at all, of course] that they were in error re: the Great
Sanhedrin holding a meeting.

Think with me for a minute - f your attention span will enable
you to focus that long - on Mark 15:6 where the Gospel writer wrote that the
Roman governor Pontius Pilate [who had no patience with Jewish religious
squabbles in view of his years of having to hear about Talmud ravings as
part of his job]  would release a jailed felon to the people at the Passover

And one of the Bad Guys on hand was a Jewish extremist robber-murder type
like Ariel Sharon and Menachem Begin of later centuries.  Then there were a
couple of others of perhaps lesser sort like Charles Manson or Jeffrey
Dahlmer, Sam Berkowitz [Son of Sam] the crowd could have asked for.

Now, St Mark wrote in what we call verse 11 [there were no chapter or verse
demarcations in the autographa, with these written in Greek captal letters
and with no punctuation in general, and with all the letter pressed
together, unlike Hebrew, with no spacing between words] that your rabbinical
Chief Priests [some or all being members of the 71 Great Sanhedrin court?]
agitated the crowd to demand Barabas to be released. The Greek verb here is
'anaseio and is related to our adjective seismic, having to do with a
shaking.  These evil chief priests who hated Jesus for exposing their evil
thoughts and actions  stirred up or shook up the masses of illiterates who
were very much like the masses at World Wrestling matches, people with empty
heads but lust for blood.

These evil priests and rabbis were artful manipulators of the masses then
[as you are today!],  but they detested the masses as execrable hordes of
Jews that had to be endured. You know, the masses did not wear fine robes
and phylacteries and pray with their talith shawls and know the ins and outs
of Talmudic claptrap.

Think of it. These wicked religious leaders REALLY wanted Jesus to die a
cruel, horrible slow death while a murderer went free!!!  This ought to
shake every one of us to our foundations, but I believe you are not one whit
troubled at it.  So seared is your conscience, if you  still have one at
your age, that you display no concern for the innocent Jesus.  And, for the
sake of discussion, let us say that he was crazy and thought himself to be a
deity and a miracle worker.  Yet, did he deserve to die while a murderer,
Barabas, went free?

At bottom, Jesus was not deluded nor evil as were you rabbis and ilk of
that era. But he did commit a horrendous "crime" that you guys just HAD to
make him pay for - he upset your apple cart; he overturned your Wall Street
and World Bank-in-the-Temple-precinct scam. And, I suggest that if he came
to West Pico Boulevard in Los Angeles today, he would condemn your Museum of
Tolerance for what it is, a Museum of Hypocrisy and Lies and IN-tolerance,
with the Simon Wiesenthal Center's $31,000,000 income for 2001 and over
$500,000 going to the Hiers, all coming under his word of condemnation as he
enunciated it  in Matthew Chapter 23.

People whose god is Mammon are people who love riches more than
they love the true God of Creation.

But, back to Jesus, you and your fellows made Jesus pay the capital price
with his life on a Roman gibbet. From the theological standpoint, of course,
all human beings were and are responsbile, not just Jewish leaders of that
era.  So, you have no basis for continuing to attack Christians and
Christianity as the US Holocaust Memorial Museum does for 12 minutes
endlessly throughout the day when it shows the video on ANTISEMITISM to
gullible masses of Jews and Goyim, and thereby it perverts and distorts the
historical data in order to get Jews off the hook for any every evil deed
they have committed. [The USHMM is a scam similar to the SWC wherein
taxpayer monies are skimmed off into circumcised coffers and for
kosher-esque political activities such as "Holocaust Education"--a misnomer
if there ever was one!]

In closing this Third Epistle, I suggest that with the Easter Season almost
upon us and with the notion of releasing someone from prison at this time as
a gesture of either good will or just plain gamesmanship, that we consider
the pacifist Ernst Zundel who is now in prison near Niagara Falls, Ontario,
Canada.  You and your fellow Holocaust promoting colleagues [maybe even ol'
Prince of Darkness himself Daniel Perle] such as Abe the Fox-man and Edgar
the Booze King Bronfman succeeded in having this pacifist but highly
intelligent and articulate German immigrant now married to a US citizen,
arrested and schlepped off to a squalid jail in Maryville, Tennessee and
then to Atlanta and Buffalo, NY and now in Canada in maximum security.

Ernst Zundel is no Jesus Christ of course, but he, like Jesus, made you
Jewish leaders quite unhappy in exposing "the Holo-Industry" for what it
is - a get-rich scam.  Look at the $500,000+ in salary and other compensations
for the Hier family just in 2001.  You do not relish the idea of losing out
on this fine Milchkuh, do you? And Abe does not want to lose his ADL milkcow
either, nor Debbie Lipstadt her Dorot Chair in Holocaust Studies milkcow,
and on and on down the line.

So, I suggest that we ponder at this Easter Season of love and grace and
mercy and peace on Earth and Goodwill to all sorts of humans that we all
demand the release of the pacifist Ernst Zundel and that the German
government erase all its charges against him and that the Canadian Human
Rights Commission cease and desist from seeking to close down the American
website by Zundel's wife, Dr. Ingrid Rimland [although she was not his wife
when she began it and she did it on her own], and that the Canadian Jewish
Congress and ADL of the secret lodge B'nai B'rit all together "get a life"
and find something worthwhile to do with their time and wealth.*

Let Ernst Zundel go back to Hatcher Mountain near Pidgeon Forge, Tennessee
and enjoy his wealth of flowers and vegetables and trees and his scenic
artworks and books and papers and files and the animals that run wild. Let
him live in peace with his lovely and intelligent wife. Let them enjoy their
ideals and their goals for their remaining years.  Leave Ernst Zundel alone!
After all, his major sin was telling the truth about history as he saw it.
I really think that most of us ought to be able to live with that kind of

Oh, by the way, Marvin. I hope that this Easter Season will bring you to
see your miserable state of wretched sinfulness and your total need to trust
in the Risen Savior Jesus Christ as your personal Savior from sin. If so,
then you and I would be brothers in Christ and I would no longer be -i n your
Talmudic eyes - simply a Goy animal and subhuman non-entity.


Robert H. Countess, Ph.D.
Ancient Greek
email: boblbpinc@earthlink.net
28755 Sagewood Circle
Toney, AL 35773  USA
Phone: (256) 232-4940  Cell: (256) 653-7598
Fax:  (256) 232-4940

*My suggestion for these Jewish organization is that they could use their
wealth and personnel to track down the Jewish criminal types of the Robert
Maxwell and Berezovsky and Ariel Sharon and George Soros types, along with
multitudes of Jewish hatemongers such as Abraham Foxman and Edgar Bronfman
Sr. and Jr., and Elie Wiesel and Debbie Lipstadt.  The list is a VERY long
one, I fear, and with Ernst Zundel out of the way, they could make a real go
of it.