ZGram - 3/9/2002 - "Chemtrails in the skies"

irimland@zundelsite.org irimland@zundelsite.org
Sat, 9 Mar 2002 20:44:19 -0800

Copyright (c) 2002 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGrams - Where Truth is Destiny

March 9, 2002

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

These days, the skies over America are criss-crossed with 
spiderweb-like chemtrails.  I look at them and ask myself:  "What do 
they mean?  What are they meant to affect?  Are the people right who 
write about them on the Internet or talk about them on talk radio - 
when they voice their suspicions?  Are these chemtrails a weapon of 

Just what are these ominous patterns?

I am not one to paint the devil on the wall, but can't help thinking 
that there have been a lot of precedents where even agencies of the 
government of the United States sprayed toxic substances in the 
subways of New York and Washington to test them on innocent citizens. 
We know about the effects of fluoride in water.  We know about 
suspicious vaccinations that caused "Gulf War Syndrome".  We know 
about the outcome of Agent Orange, the tragedies of Thalidomide.   We 
saw a television special in the 1980s where a bunch of Zionist 
terrorists bragged about how they were sent out from Israel to kill 
over 6 million Germans in 1945 by poisoning the city drinking water 
in cities like Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich - and succeeded in 
poisoning "only" some 3,000 German soldiers in captivity by lacing 
their food with arsenic.

I look at those chemtrails and wonder:  "Are they meant to affect our 
crops?  Are they meant to affect livestock?  Us?  Our thinking?  Are 
they supposed to make us malleable, docile during times when 
alertness and initiative count?" 

I am sure that many of you wonder, too. 

Let me acquaint you with one of those precedents by Stalin's 
government that has been conveniently swept under the rug.  It's 
known as the Ukrainian Holocaust - and it was meant to disarm an 
entire population through hunger - thus making them malleable, 
docile, unable to fight back. 

When the Ukrainian Holocaust happened, my mother was nineteen years 
old and I was not yet born.  My mother seldom spoke of it, but my 
grandmother did - as I grew up, she told of the "corpse cart" that 
came rattling along the street every day in her village to collect 
the dead who had simply, plainly starved to death by a cruel 
government's decree. 

My grandmother's stories of the Ukrainian famine made a powerful 
impact on me, and I wrote of what my forebears experienced.  I 
described those times in my first novel, "The Wanderers", and later 
in more detail in "Lebensraum", the trilogy that was confiscated four 
days after it was published at the US-Canadian border as "hate 

Hate literature my foot! 

One of the many themes in my books dealt with the 
Bolshevik/Jewish/Communist experiment that wrought such brutal 
calamity in the Ukraine, including that 1932-33 politically motivated 
and artificially caused famine.  Since my trilogy encompasses some 
1550 pages in all, there was no way my novels could have been read by 
a Canadian censorship official in four days and banned on its 
(de)merits!  It was clearly a political seizure, based on my name and 
my outreach activism on the Zundelsite, courtesy of your 
ever-vigilant Canadian government bureaucrats doing the bidding of 
the Jewish Lobby and their fellow travellers. 

I wrote at the time to a number of Canadian columnists and 
journalists about the confiscation of my property.  I asked them to 
speak out against censorship of politically incorrect books - not 
just my books, for I knew, by then, that hundreds of titles had 
already been banned, seized and burned by Canada Customs. 

One of the professional writers I contacted was one Eric Margolis, a 
well-known, usually astute and often politically incorrect columnist 
for the "Toronto Sun".  I knew that Margolis was half-Jewish, but 
being the eternal optimist, I counted on the other half plus what I 
thought I could discern of human qualities, plus kinship, hopefully, 
with a censorship besieged fellow scribe. 

Fat chance. 

Back came a rather snide, nasty reply.  After all, I ran the 
Zundelsite, did I not? And wasn't Mr. Zundel before a Human Rights 
Tribunal - a hearing packed with Jewish "intervenors", 
not-too-incidentally - for items I had posted on my website? 

So that was that.  I wrote Margolis off and never again felt the 
respect or kinship for this fellow writer that I had felt before. 

And here I am today - with a Margolis column that somebody pulled out 
of the "Toronto Sun" archives for me.  I do not know when it was 
written, but it is telling and it makes my point - that Jewish 
factions were behind the famine that caused my forebears' very own 
and all-too-real "Holocaust":


Remembering Ukraine's Unknown Holocaust
By ERIC MARGOLIS - Contributing Foreign Editor
 From the Toronto Sun Archives


As Britain's socialist government cleared the way for a gaudy show 
trial of that Great Satan of the left, Chile's Gen. Augusto Pinochet, 
the 65th anniversary of this century's bloodiest crime was utterly 
ignored. Leftists now baying for Pinochet's head don't want to be 
reminded of the Unknown Holocaust.

In 1932, Soviet leader Josef Stalin unleashed genocide in Ukraine. 
Stalin determined to force Ukraine's millions of independent farmers 
- called kulaks - into collectivized Soviet agriculture, and to crush 
Ukraine's growing spirit of nationalism.

Faced by resistance to collectivization, Stalin unleashed terror and 
dispatched 25,000 fanatical young party militants from Moscow - 
earlier versions of Mao's Red Guards - to force 10 million Ukrainian 
peasants into collective farms. Secret police units of OGPU began 
selective executions of recalcitrant farmers.

When Stalin's red guards failed to make a dent in this immense 
number, OGPU was ordered to begin mass executions.

But there were simply not enough Chekists (secret police) to kill so 
many people, so Stalin decided to replace bullets with a much cheaper 
medium of death - mass starvation.

All seed stocks, grain, silage and farm animals were confiscated from 
Ukraine's farms. (Ethiopia's Communist dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam 
used the same method in the 1970s to force collectivization: the 
resulting famine cased one million deaths.)

OGPU agents and Red Army troops sealed all roads and rail lines. 
Nothing came in or out of Ukraine. Farms were searched and looted of 
food and fuel. Ukrainians quickly began to die of hunger, cold and 

When OGPU failed to meet weekly execution quotas, Stalin sent 
henchman Lazar Kaganovitch to destroy Ukrainian resistance. 
Kaganovitch, the Soviet Eichmann, made quota, shooting 10,000 
Ukrainians weekly. Eighty percent of all Ukrainian intellectuals were 
executed. A Ukrainian party member named Nikita Khruschchev helped 
supervise the slaughter.

During the bitter winter of 1932-33, mass starvation created by 
Kaganovitch and OGPU hit full force. Ukrainians ate their pets, boots 
and belts, plus bark and roots. Some parents even ate infant children.

The precise number of Ukrainians murdered by Stalin's custom-made 
famine and Cheka firing squads remains unknown to this day. The KGB's 
archives, and recent work by Russian historians, show at least seven 
million died. Ukrainian historians put the figure at nine million, or 
higher. Twenty-five percent of Ukraine's population was exterminated.

Six million other farmers across the USSR were starved or shot during 
collectivization. Stalin told Winston Churchill he liquidated 10 
million peasants during the 1930s. Add mass executions by the Cheka 
in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania; the genocide of three million 
Muslims in the USSR; massacres of Cossacks and Volga Germans and 
Soviet industrial genocide accounted for at least 40 million victims, 
not including 20 million war dead. Kaganovitch and many senior OGPU 
officers (later, NKVD) were Jewish. The predominance of Jews among 
Bolshevik leaders, and the frightful crimes and cruelty inflicted by 
Stalin's Cheka on Ukraine, the Baltic states and Poland, led the 
victims of Red Terror to blame the Jewish people for both communism 
and their suffering. As a direct result, during the subsequent German 
occupation of Eastern Europe, the region's innocent Jews became the 
target of ferocious revenge by Ukrainians, Balts and Poles.

While the world is by now fully politicised with the destruction of 
Europe's Jews by the Germans, the story of the numerically larger 
holocaust in Ukraine has been suppressed, or ignored. Ukraine's 
genocide occurred 8-9 years before Hitler began came to power, and 
was committed, before the world's eyes. But Stalin's murder of 
millions was simply denied, or concealed by a left-wing conspiracy of 
silence that continues to this day. In the strange moral geometry of 
mass murder, only Germans are guilty. Socialist luminaries like 
Bernard Shaw, Beatrice and Sidney Webb and PM Edouard Herriot of 
France, toured Ukraine during 1932-33 and proclaimed reports of 
famine were false. Shaw announced: "I did not see one under-nourished 
person in Russia." New York Times correspondent Walter Duranty, who 
won a Pulitzer Prize for his Russian reporting, wrote claims of 
famine were "malignant propaganda." Seven million people were dying 
around them, yet these fools saw nothing. The New York Times has 
never repudiated Duranty's lies.

Modern leftists do not care to be reminded their ideological and 
historical roots are entwined with this century's greatest crime - 
the inevitable result of enforced social engineering, Marxist 
theology and  Stalin's execution.

Western historians delicately skirt the sordid fact that the 
governments of Britain, the U.S. and Canada were fully aware of the 
Ukrainian genocide and Stalin's other monstrous crimes. Yet they 
eagerly welcomed him as an ally during World War II. Stalin, who 
Franklin Roosevelt called "Uncle Joe," murdered four times more 
people than Adolf Hitler was accused.

None of the Soviet mass murderers who committed genocide were ever 
brought to justice. Lazar Kaganovitch died peacefully in Moscow a few 
years ago, still wearing his Order of the Soviet Union, and enjoying 
a generous state pension.

