ZGram - 2/5/2002 - "Not all is true that meets the eye"

irimland@zundelsite.org irimland@zundelsite.org
Wed, 5 Feb 2003 05:15:26 -0800

ZGram  -

February 5, 2003

Ian Macdonald, one of the first Zundelsite columnists in 1996, is a 
Canadian-based former diplomat with global experience, now engaged in 
avid Internet newsgroup debates.  Here is a sample of what he has to 
say - and let me preface his post by saying that I particularly 
appreciated his exposure of a widely practiced Jewish deception, 
namely disguising themselves in another country's uniform to perform 
particular atrocities and then have the media deflect massive blame 
on the innocent. 

I know for a fact that this happened in Russia in World War II where 
so-called "partisans" belonging to the Tribe would massacre Russian 
civilians by the score but allow a few to escape to spread the word 
of "SS atrocities". 

According to Ingrid Weckert, a German researcher, "Kristallnacht" - 
"Night of the Broken Glass" - was similarly staged. 

A more recent example that happened a few years ago in Germany was 
the arrest of a Jewish producer who had paid freelance actors to 
stage skinhead rallies for so-called "documentaries" on the dangerous 
rise of "Neo-Nazi thugs". 

I am sure that the Arabs have similar stories to tell.

Ian Macdonald comments:


Dear Pish -

Thanks for your letter.  It's not every day that I get a letter from 
someone imaginative enough to employ such a screen name.

I had the same reaction as yours when I first saw the pictures of the 
piles of emaciated corpses, and never for a moment doubted that they 
were the bodies of "innocent Jews murdered by the Nazis".

A few years after seeing the pictures my job took me to Germany and I 
lived and worked there for 3 years.  Believe me, it was an awakening. 
The people whom we were killing by the hundreds of thousands a few 
years earlier turned out to be just like you and me, well, like me, 
anyway, I don't know your background.  They were good Christians, 
family-oriented and subscribed to our values and shared out culture. 
I have since worked and travelled in many countries and dealt with 
people of many nationalities.  In my judgement, few if any meet the 
German standard for honesty, reliability, loyality, industry and 
genuine comradeship to say nothing of their exceptional performance 
and interest in the arts and sciences. 

It gradually dawned on me, as it did on the British and American 
governments, that we had fought the wrong enemy and that the real 
threat to our freedom and prosperity came from communism, not from 
National Socialism, at least not from the variety practised by the 
Germans.  I couldn't help speculating on the outcome of the war, had 
we joined Germany as an Ally, as Hitler fervently desired, instead of 
attacking her.  Obviously the world would be a much different place 
today, free of the turmoil and constant threat of war, much of it, 
ironically, attributable to Zionist subversion of the very 
governments who had rescued them from Hitler's clutches.

Sorry, I'm digressing.  You asked what I thought the Jews would think 
when seeing their co-religionists shoveled into a pit.  Well, since 
they have shown themselves to be probably the most callous people on 
the face of the earth, if their unfettered sadism in Israel is any 
indication, I would guess they would take it in their stride.  If the 
corpses were emaciated they would have died of disease and perhaps 
starvation as opposed to murder.  Don't forget that prior to those 
photos being taken almost a million German civilians, mostly women 
and children had died much more violently in the terror bombing by 
the British and U.S. Air Forces, and after major raids the bodies 
were buried in pits, since the surviving funeral parlors could not 
handle the load and the bodies could not be stored.  Of course, you 
don't see these bodies on TV.  Or do you? 

I met a young man in Germany who told me of his experiences during 
the war when he was growing up.  He said that shortly after his city 
was occupied by the U.S. Army, some U.S. soldiers in a truck rounded 
up young Germans and offered them each a bottle of whisky (then quite 
valuable on the black market) for a day's work.  He accepted the 
offer and was driven to the outskirts of town to the mass grave of 
German civilians killed in a heavy Allied air raid.  He helped to 
exhume the corpses for reburial, all the while being filmed by a crew 
he described as German-speaking Jews in American Army uniforms.  He 
later saw a newsreel of the event depicting the corpses as the bodies 
of Jews murdered by the Nazis.  So the film wasn't a fake, it was 
however a lie, and an extremely vicious one at that.

Around the same time I visited the Death Camp at Dachau.  I saw the 
"gas chamber" and the blood ditch (the elderly Jewish guide said that 
the blood was running in such volume that special ditches had to be 
dug to avoid flooding) and the two cremation ovens.  It crossed my 
mind briefly that it seemed to be a very small facililty for the 
disposal of several thousand bodies per day.  Years later I learned 
that Dachau was no longer known as a Death Camp and that all the 
"gassings" had taken place in Poland. 

 From then on, it was all downhill with regard to the Extermination of 
Six Million Jews in Nazi Gas-ovens and the other lurid 
Zionist-Hollywood claims. I have read all the literature on the 
subject I have been able to get my hands on, and I am now convinced 
that the Germans were far less prone to war crimes than were the 
Allies, and that in comparison with the cowardly child-killing 
sadists of the IDF, they were gallant soldiers, and perfect gentlemen.