ZGram - 12/6/2002 - "Sobran: Greek Thoughts"

irimland@zundelsite.org irimland@zundelsite.org
Fri, 6 Dec 2002 06:46:07 -0800

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny

December 6, 2002

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Every morning I check first what's new about the pending War on Iraq 
- and every time I see it has been postponed, or stalled, I tell 
myself:  "That's good for us!  That's bad for Israel!"

Israel:  America's Tar Baby Magnified!  This great big lumbering hulk 
of a country is now stuck!  Grotesque for an essentially still Aryan 

Wherever he is, the Fuehrer must gloat that it took some sixty-plus 
years for America to catch up on the lessons that Third Reich Germany 
was faced with when Israel didn't even exist.  I just hope that 
America will have enough time to learn those painful lessons and pull 
away from the gaping abyss.  While there is time.  While they still 

More on the "Israeli" theme:


November 19, 2002

Greek Thoughts

by Joseph Sobran

"THE Israelis now possess all the nuclear secrets of the United States."

This is the conclusion of Sean McDade, an investigator with the Royal 
Canadian Mounted Police, after studying a sophisticated Mossad 
computer theft operation against the United States two years ago. 
Evidently the Mounties don't spend all their time riding horses.

"Compared to this espionage coup," McDade added, "it can be 
categorically stated that the Jonathan Pollard case is insignificant."

McDade's memorandum is quoted in Gordon Thomas's recent book SEEDS OF 
FIRE (Dandelion Books), which also deals extensively with Israel's 
secret dealings with the Chinese government. Since China sees the 
United States as its enemy, U.S. nuclear secrets would be a precious 
bargaining chip for the Israelis.

McDade surmised that this story, "if made public," might cause a 
"major scandal." That depends on whether the American media and 
American politicians want to make an issue of it. And when it comes 
to our Israeli "allies," they are very, very forgiving. The Israelis 
have never paid a penalty for Pollard's spying, though they still 
refuse to return, or even to identify, the stolen documents. So the 
full damage still can't be assessed. And the Israelis keeppressing 
American presidents for Pollard's release from prison!

Israel, we are told, is "our only reliable ally in the Middle East." 
It's bad enough having Israel's friendship, but we also get its 
enemies into the bargain. All this for a mere five billion bucks a 
year! What a deal!

When it comes to foreign policy, the U.S. Government isn't playing 
with a full deck. It's naive, weak, and corrupt. No other Western 
government has been foolish enough to get so deeply entangled in 
Jewish-Muslim hostilities. And Thomas's book makes it clear that the 
United States is as far out of its depth in international intrigue as 
in general policymaking.

Pro-Israel pundits like Daniel Pipes urge us to read the Koran in 
order to learn what the Islamic world really thinks of us "infidels." 
Good advice, but we should also acquaint ourselves with the Talmud to 
learn how the Israelis regard us "goyim." Neither religion flatters 
us, though the Talmud is far more insulting.

It might come as a shock to most Americans to discover that neither 
Jews nor Muslims live by the New Testament. When President Bush 
called Islam "a religion of peace," he displayed the typically 
American assumption that all religions preach justice, mercy, and 
universal benevolence. Isn't that what religion means?

Well, not exactly. Many religions have celebrated conquest and 
extermination. Christians have even managed to interpret the New 
Testament as authorizing rough stuff. The Old Testament offers 
precedents enough for wiping out your enemies, right down to the 
infants and livestock. The colorful Aztec religious festivals 
culminated in human sacrifice, nice and slow. The Talmud teaches that 
all gentiles deserve death; and though it doesn't urge Jews to kill 
us all, it does help explain Ariel Sharon.

Even most American Jews are naive about this. In America, Judaism, 
like Catholicism, has been "refined" into a virtual Protestant 
denomination, part of what has been called our "civil religion." 
Muslims in this country are beginning to be similarly protestantized.

But in the Middle East, people of all faiths still practice that 
old-time religion. They don't attend interfaith brotherhood banquets. 
In Israel, a Christian who tries to convert a Jew is apt to serve a 
longer prison sentence than a Jew who murders a Christian. In some 
Muslim countries, a Christian who preaches publicly will be put to 

This is the world America is eager to barge into, hoping to cajole, 
bribe, and if necessary bomb these countries until they embrace 
pluralistic democracy and women's rights. Visualize liberated Mecca: 
a city of neon lights, porn shops, and abortion clinics, girls with 
faces and navels exposed.

Why is the world's most powerful country also one of the most 
provincial? Having lost our own cultural roots, we seem to have no 
sense of the depth of foreign cultures. Isn't everyone just like us, 
really? Aren't the differences only superficial? And can't these 
people see how much better off they'll be if they just abandon their 
ways and adopt ours?

Assuming that the other fellow is just like you may be a kindly 
attitude, but in the Middle East it's a good way to get your pocket 


(Source:  http://www.sobran.com/columns/021119.shtml )