ZGram - 11/4/2001 - "Interview with Udo Voigt of Germany"

Ingrid Rimland irimland@zundelsite.org
Sun, 4 Nov 2001 19:43:14 -0800

Copyright (c) 2001 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny

November 4, 2001

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

Germany's Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (NPD) has been in
existence for decades.  It is generally described by the powers that be as
the "far right" or the "extreme far right" and has frequently served as a
convenient whipping boy.

Noteworthy is that it is THE party that is attracting the young, whereas
the more conventional parties are largely composed of the "middle-class
Left" - described more colorfully below!

This interview with Udo Voigt was recorded by a reporter of a nationalist
British publication:


 The following interview was conducted with Udo Voigt, the Chairman of the
Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (NPD) since 1996, he is a forward
looking, determined man, leading one of Europe's largest NR movements.

 1. Can you tell our readers something about the formation of the National
Democratic Party, including the difficulties of operating in Germany so
soon after World War II?

Udo Voigt:   World War II ended with the military defeat of the Axis
Powers, and the complete destruction of Germany. The high flown moral
language of the then newly founded United Nations, a language which
justified the war of annihilation against the German people, proved to   be
just so much hot air. The so-called "liberation" of Germany on May   8th
1945 cost the lives of another 3,000,000 Germans in the post-war   period;
Germany lost a third of her territory to Soviet, Czech and   Polish
Communists; and the victors staged a Court of Revenge in   Nuremberg. It
was the belief of this  =18court =19 that crimes had only been   committed b=
the Germans during the war. Thanks to this court, even   today, it is
impossible to raise the subject of Allied war crimes and   the real war
aims of the Democracies. Such an end to a war, which found   no form in a
Peace Treaty, carries within itself the makings of new   injustice.

As a response to this unacceptable situation, and to the CDU, SPD and FDP
parties licensed by the Allies, the NPD was founded   in November 1964 as a
real and alternative national party.

  The NPD - like its precursor, the Deutsche Reichspartei   - had to live
with State repression. In complete contrast to the rules   of other
civilized countries in the world, Germany permitted, and still   permits,
members of "unacceptable parties" to be banned from   professional life;
even the propaganda war against the NPD is financed   through public
taxation. From the outset, the national television and   newspaper networks
worked furiously against the NPD - either through a   media blackout or
through pushing deliberate lies.

  To this day, there has been no serious analysis of the   NPD =19s politica=
programme. The total exclusion of a nationalist party   from the day-to-day
political life of the Federal Republic - founded in   May 1949 - is an
indication of the unhealthy condition of this state.   Germany badly needs
solutions that will allow her to live normally, as   many European states
do at present.

  2. The NPD is well known throughout Europe as a large, successful and yet
still a  "radical" or  "national revolutionary" Movement. Why is this,
given the pressures to become  "soft" on matters such as Immigration,
Zionism, Homosexuality or Freemasonry?

Udo Voigt:   The NPD is pledged as a movement to represent the   German
people in every aspect of their lives. In our day to day work,   this means
that we have to deal with aggressive fringe groups promoted   by society on
the one hand, and with State-sanctioned lawbreaking by   many of society's
institutions on the other. Thus, a  "soft" line is not   even open to the

  Nevertheless, we have to respect the rules of the   Constitution and the
laws of the present Republic, despite permanent and   provocative pressure.
Any other course, be it active or even merely   written, would give the
System a pretext for banning the party. When the   day comes that
government power will be held by the NPD, we shall solve   this matter
using the Constitution with great pleasure.

  3. Your rallies in defence of the normal German soldier in the Wehrmacht
made the newspaper headlines, even here in England. Can you tell us the
background to this huge mobilization of the German people in defence of
their fathers and grandfathers?

Udo Voigt:   Vae victis - "Woe to the defeated" says the bitter
experience of those defeated on the battlefield in the ancient Greek and
Roman Empires. The victors of World War II have perfected this saying
using modern propaganda techniques and deliberate disinformation. Using
the Nuremberg Trials as a basis, the phenomenon of the Third Reich is
reduced to one of purely criminal causes. In Germany today, there is a
man, Herr Reemtsma, of the vile tobacco industry, who has reserved to
himself the right to portray the glorious Wehrmacht in a kind of
Hollywood clich=E9. One day, the history books of this Republic will have
to be rewritten in this respect.

  4. In the magazine of the  "English" Anti-Fascist Action (Fighting Talk),
an organizer of the German  "anti-fascists" admitted that their membership
was mostly middle class, whilst the "fascists" attract huge numbers of
working class youth. Would you care to expand on this?

Udo Voigt:   The anti-fascist subculture that can be seen today in
Germany is made up of a number of tendencies: middle class elements that
come from the Red Army Faction, the Young Socialists of the Social
Democrats who adhere strictly to the pseudo-science of Marxism; and the
majority of the have-nots from the violent squatter and anarchist scene.
This subculture possesses an anti-capitalist view of the world, and   views
the NPD as an instrument of Capitalism. Such a view of the NPD is
fundamentally wrong, and disregards the fact that the Movement will
eliminate Capitalism which is so contemptuous of humanity. We will study
the potential of the antifascists, and deal with it politically.

  5. Aside from the rallies and street activities, what other forms of
action does the NPD undertake?

Udo Voigt:   The NPD presents itself publicly in a number of ways.   Apart
from contesting elections at all levels, the NPD puts great effort   into
winning over the youth that has lost sight of the need to fight for
Germany. In recent months, these efforts have been crowned with growing

  This success in the field of youth cannot be taken for   granted because
much of our youth, until now, have been raised to be   politically
apathetic or mere consumers.

  In the cultural field, we offer bands from the   nationalist world the
possibility of going before the public, thereby   aiding the process of
national integration.

  In addition, the NPD is active in the form of Citizens   Initiatives and
the mobilization of the masses, with the aim, at this   stage, of creating
an extra-parliamentary opposition which moulds public   opinion and which
exerts pressure on the ruling classes.

 Finally, the NPD is active in the German Employee   Union, which is of a
nationalist orientation.

   6. Some of our readers have read about the Nationalist
singer/songwriter, Frank Rennicke, and some of our people have seen him
perform live. Has he managed to bring in a new kind of person to the NPD,
or is he representative of young NPD activists? Perhaps you could give us a
brief background to his style?

Udo Voigt:   The Young National Democrat, Frank Rennicke, stands in   the
old tradition of the  "Liedermacher" (literally  "songmaker") and the
balladeers. A Liedermacher is an artist with instrument and vocal
training who pillories the Establishment about particular political and
cultural grievances, and this in an intellectual manner.

 As a stylistic means, irony and ridicule are used,   occasionally with
biting effect. The traditional instrument of the   Liedermacher is the
guitar. Thus, Rennicke =19s music does without   technical effects or
electronic noise, the simplicity of the music   allowing listeners to
concentrate upon the lyrics.

 Frank has shown considerable fighting spirit when faced   with attacks
from the Left and repression from the State. Thanks to his   example, there
are now numerous national Liedermachers to be found   throughout Germany.

  7. Outside Germany, many groups use pictures of the NPD - especially the
large rallies - and say "our German Comrades". Some of these lunatic fringe
and reactionary mainstream groups like to feed off the good name of the
NPD. What would you say to them, and to the genuine National
Revolutionaries of the Third Position?

Udo Voigt:   National Socialism, which incarnated itself in a
=46uhrer-State, is a product of the history of the Twenties and Thirties.
This historical uniqueness, born as a response to the Versailles Treaty
after World War I, cannot be repeated. Every imitation of the NSDAP by
small groups both inside and outside Germany are, therefore, doomed to
fail because they are an enormous misinterpretation of the political
realities of the Nineties.

  The NPD is a Movement of the People which will   implement its programme
of building a Third Power beyond Capitalism and   Communism, thereby giving
self-determination to the people.

  At the centre of our struggle is mankind and Nature.   Thanks to our
life-giving view of the world, we stand against foreign   rule and
domination, against foreign penetration, exploitation and   oppression. We
stand for German freedom, for the freedom of peoples, for   a New Social
Order in both Germany and Europe.

  8. Much is made of the problems the German Establishment has in the
former East Germany by the  "English" media. Can you explain the real
situation to us?

Udo Voigt:   During the period of Communist rule, the German   Democratic
Republic was fully integrated into the internationalist   ideology of
Soviet origin. Economically, the country was plundered by   the Soviet
power through the dismantling of existing industries and   endless
repressive measures. Compared to the capabilities of the German   economy
during the peaceful years of the Thirties, it was given a   subordinate
role as a satellite of the USSR. Nevertheless, in the final   phase of the
GDR, the basic economic requirements were met, there was an   adequate
medical system, and there was employment for all. Thus did the   GDR become
the leading economic power in the Communist economic bloc,   COMECON. Of
course, the yearning and desires of the Germans living in   the GDR for
national unity, freedom and prosperity were not fulfilled.

 The unification of East and West Germany in 1989   produced an initial
euphoria, but this was destroyed by blunt and harsh   realities. The
"globalization of the economy", record unemployment at   25%, the
exploitation of the people by speculators, the arrival of   asylum seekers,
criminals and profiteers from all corners of the world,   as well as deep
insecurity about their future, has led the young in   particular to realize
that the phoney parties of Bonn and the economic   liberalism pushed by the
Kohl government have pulled East Germany into a   vortex of decline.

  The stirring of Nationalism, as a counter movement   coming from the
grassroots, has put fear into the ruling political   class. This class
senses its own uselessness and fears that a   development will take place
which will sweep it aside as quickly as was   Erich Honecker's in 1989.
Thus, the oligarchy in Bonn is seeking to   restore control by
criminalizing defiant national youth, by using   politically motivated
laws, and restricting free speech by, for example,   a complete ban on
public rallies. Such tranquillity, however, is merely   the lull before the

  9. You have been working with the International Third Position for some
time now. How do you view this co-operation?

Udo Voigt:   The youth wing of the NPD, the Young National Democrats
(JN), issued a discussion paper some years ago in which a Third Way
beyond Capitalism and Communism was promoted. The NPD mother party had
already pledged itself in 1977 to National Liberation, and with that
clearly renounced chauvinistic tendencies. The analysis of the enemy
position, therefore, converges with the ideas of the International Third

 We must, therefore, enrich the political culture of our   organizations
through mutual visits, and exchanges of thoughts and ideas   about current
ideological developments. The NPD looks forward greatly to   this task.

    10. German comrades are often present at Nationalist rallies around
Europe, such as Diksmuide in Flanders, Madrid on November 20th in Spain and
in Romania at Legionary celebrations. Given this and your co-operation with
the ITP and other National Revolutionary groups, would you say that
international co-operation is important to you as a Movement?

Udo Voigt:   International co-operation is very highly regarded by   the
NPD. The rule of multi-national capital, following the American
declaration of a New World Order, cannot be eliminated on the national
level alone. The peoples of Europe must together pursue an analysis of
the political and economic situation, and in joint committees work out a
transnational strategy for gaining political power taking into account
individual national and historical interests. The aim is a Europe made   up
of National States, without the conflicts of past centuries, and   which
will be a counter pole to other centres of power on other   continents.

   11. Given that Nationalists believe in "No More Brothers' Wars", and
that increasingly nationalities who could be considered as being
historically hostile are forming allegiances to fight the New World Order
(i.e., English and Irish militants co-operating as never before), what is
your position with the Polish National Revolutionary movement, the NOP?

Udo Voigt:   Germany has a valid claim under international law to   the
return of certain Eastern Territories taken from her by Poland after
World War II. A wrong does not become a right through the mere passage   of
time! However, the NPD believes that an armed solution to this   problem,
as was customary internationally in the past, is out of the   question.
Poland and Germany will, through embracing new economic   solutions, find a
peaceful way to secure justice and lasting peace. Our   claims do not
prevent the NPD from exchanging views with the Polish   National

  Germany has in her history, many things in common with   the
ethnically-related peoples of the East. We would like to keep up   good,
old traditions, and we wish these peoples well in their endeavours   to
overcome the rudimentary structures of the Soviet period, and in   their
efforts to resist American imperialism.

    12. How do you see the future of the NPD and the future of Germany?

Udo Voigt:   The NPD sees itself as a popular people's party that
respects the principles of a constitutional state. This means in Germany
the power to govern will lead from the streets to the Parliament. The
"fight on the streets" has begun. The NPD is now able to mobilize tens   of
thousands of people. We must now begin the "fight for minds"! During   this
phase, we must use capable intellectuals from all levels in society   so as
to build our ideology of a New Order beyond Capitalism and   Communism. In
the third phase, we must aim to "fight for the Parliament"   and take

 We are greatly concerned about the future of Germany   and of Europe. The
global threat to our nations by multi-national banks   and companies
working in harness with the ruling class is having a   destructive effect
on our peoples.

 The German example reveals clearly:

     *     The German people, developed over the course of 2,000     years,
is being replaced through the endless immigration of     non-European
immigrants. The conflicts caused by this already have     disturbed social
peace. The chief of the Verfassungsschutz, the German     internal security
service, has admitted in an interview that there     already exists a
parallel Islamic society.

     *     The outstanding achievements of the German social     system are
being more and more replaced by minimal standards.

     *     The intended elimination of millions of jobs and the
creation of intolerable and permanent unemployment is driving large
populations all around Europe into poverty and debt.

     *     The dumbing of the education system is now destroying the
hitherto     good reputation for science and research.

     *     The impact of serious crime, being organized internationally by
gangs of criminals, is massive and striking at defenceless     populations.

     *     The NPD aims to replace those in power, so as to give   the
German People a secure future within the European Family of Nations!