Copyright (c) 2000 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


January 4, 2000


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Here is a neat little follow-up on yesterday's ZGram, where I took the otherwise excellent Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (WRMEA) to task for being mealymouthed about the Holocaust:


The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (WRMEA) describes its policy on "the Holocaust" as "IT HAPPENED". To paraphrase another well-known dissembler of our times, it all depends on what you mean by "it"!


As a long-time subscriber to WRMEA who admires their stance on the Palestinian issues I can tell you that by "it" they mean every last jot and tittle of "the Holocaust" official canon. They refuse to recognize the points made by your correspondents, Mssrs. Giraldi and Taylor. The reasons are in my opinion, complex. They include cowardice and ignorance. The publishers of WRMEA are mostly World War II generation people and they find it too difficult to throw off the propaganda on which they were weaned. But they also fear "the lobby". That's the cowardice part.


Some time ago in an editorial remark they described revisionists - ALL revisionists - as persons who believe "that nothing bad happened to the Jews" in World War II. This, of course, is a slander, demonstrably false. We revisionists know that the awful real holocaust of the late century involved the deaths of countless millions, including Germans, Russians, Jews and many others in the course of political persecutions by Communists, Nazis and many others and that the Jews are neither unique nor the largest victim class, as they like to portray themselves.


I have writen to WRMEA many times on this subject and WRMEA steadfastly adheres to their slander. The fact that revisionists challenge specific claims of the canonical Jewish Holocaust about six million Jewish victims, about the absence of evidence of a Hitler plan to murder Jews (as opposed to driving them out of Europe, an unacceptable policy, but not a murder scheme) and above all the lack of evidence to support the claims of homicidal gas chambers, is ignored. Like other promoters they will never discuss these specific claims.


WRMEA finds it too difficult to understand this distinction and resorts to name-calling (deniers!) like the worst Holohugger. They are eagle-eyed in reporting the lies and cruelties of the Zionists in their treatment of the Palestinians but resolutely set their face against recognizing the lies and distortions of the same people in promoting "the Holocaust". They surely understand the point made by Giraldi and Taylor about the centrality of "the Holocaust" dogmas top the Zionist enterprise but they won't say it.


You may have noticed that WRMEA did publish a letter from me in their December 1999 issue in which I made a point about the intellectual reign of terror by Holohuggers in suppressing revisionist opinion. I regarded it as a minor triumph. They probably hope it will satisfy me and that I'll go away and stop writing! However, WRMEA was at least recognizing such a view.


I have since learned that many WRMEA readers apparently support my views. Giraldi and Taylor are not alone. Please give them my Email address. And keep up the heat on WRMEA.




Thought for the Day:



"Even the best efforts of the American news media to censor the truth will ultimately fail and the American people will see the Holocaust for what it is: a monumental swindle lasting over fifty years, in which the Jews have profited politically, financially and even sadistically when our government punished, and even executed, hundreds of innocent people based on lies."


( Joseph G. Stano in "House of Orwell" )

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