Copyright (c) 2000 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny and Destination!


January 3, 2000


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:



I always look forward to getting the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs and have been singing its praises on many an opportune occasion. But one thing keeps irking me to no end - and that is WRMEA's weasel words and slithery ways when it comes to the Mighty H. You never saw such subterfuge and skulking!


You might recall I ran that Letter to the Editor in the University of Chicago Alumni Magazine December 18, 1999 that defined the Holocaust as Israel's main weapon with a zest you don't usually find in the papers. It gave me pleasure, therefore, to read the following in WRMEA from the two self-same authors who have done their homework alright:


The Holocaust-Israel Connection


We were disappointed that you did not reprint our letter in the October issue of the University of Chicago Alumni Magazine in the most recent issue of the Washington Report. We are long-time contributors to WRMEA who have between us succeeded in getting numerous letters on the Middle East printed in publications like the Economist, the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal.


If the letter's non-inclusion was a reflection of a policy not to print material attacking the Holocaust, we would like to point out that our letter is an explanation of how promoting the Holocaust has become the principal underpinning and moral justification of the pro-Israel lobby. In that light, we believe that examination of it is directly relevant to the cause of an even-handed U.S. role in the Middle East, which we all support. If Holocaust-generated guilt is the ultimate weapon in the Jewish lobby's arsenal, diminishing its credibility will render them just another group with a discreditable agenda. In that light, the Holocaust is not just a peripheral issue. It confers a special status and entitlement on the World Jewish Community which has been translated into immense political and economic power. In a certain sense, the Holocaust may be pretty much the only issue.


Philip M. Giraldi, Purcellville, VA and John K. Taylor, Ft. Worth, TX


And here is what I mean by WRMEA's weasel words:


Actually we put your letter from the University of Chicago magazine in the line-up for "Other People's Mail" for this issue, but since it was seven paragraphs long instead of the two in your letter above, which makes the same point, its chances were very close to zilch.


Just to give you a feel for our problem, the line-up for "Other People's Mail" each month would fill 12 to 16 pages, and starting with this issue we have only four pages for "Other People's Mail" and another four for "Letters to the Editor." As for the subject matter, we received three separate reviews of Peter Novick's book, which inspired your original letter, from regular Washington Report columnists. We used the shortest, were able to find a home for the longest with an academic quarterly, and asked the author of the third to give us a new topic for his column, which he did. Our "policy" on the Holocaust ought to be pretty obvious to long-time readers. ***It happened***, (emphasis added) and there are other publications available to discuss the tragic details. How that tragedy has been misused to justify what we call the "Holocaust in the Holy Land" is of interest to our readers, and when we come across insights on the subject that are new to us, as in the Novick book, of course we'll find space for them.


***. . . It happened*** ? No kidding!


Israel's agents must be laughing themselves silly over the easy victory achieved by this ". . . it happened" policy!


With two simple words, written or uttered out of ignorance or fear, expediency or cowardice, the editors in charge of the Washington Review on Middle East Affairs have declared to the Zionist Lobby in America:


"Go ahead! Use the largely Zionist-created Holocaust version as your chief shield from criticism, your chief fund-raising tool, and your major excuse for first invading Palestine, dispossessing its inhabitants, and then continuing to mistreat them for the last half century!"


It's the threat of an "Arab Holocaust" - whether it be perpetrated by Syria, Irak, Iran, Egypt or even Libya - that has made American legislators fork over billions in aid to Israel, year after year.


The "Holocaust" is the Israel Lobby's magic wand. Knock it out of their hand by exposing it as a calculated, many-faceted, diabolical propaganda weapon, and the power will be escaping from Israel and its Fifth Column world-wide like air escaping from a balloon pricked by a needle.


The questions to be answered are:


* Who formulated that "policy"? When? Why? Based on what historical documentary or scientific evidence?


* Was it a largely personal decision, motivated by fear of a backlash or vilification by the vociferous Zionist Lobby?


* Was it fear of being labeled as "Neo-Nazis"?


* Was it simply ignorance - or was it an act of betrayal of the people of the Middle East, not just the Palestinians?


Get this through your head: The fraudulent "Holocaust" is the Achilles Heel of the whole Zionist enterprise - just as it is Israel's most potent weapon. It is truly the ultimate double-edged sword!


Israelis and their Fifth Column fear the public exposure of the false Holocaust claims more than they fear scud missiles or entire Arab armies. To voluntarily declare a policy of non-use of this potent weapon in the arsenal against Zionist hegemony and domination is not only short-sighted and outright stupid -in my opinion, it is criminal and treasonous.






Thought for the Day:


"If I were told that WWII were conducted in secret, that all but a handful of documents had been destroyed, that the bodies had all been cremated, and that it took a court to establish that it had even occurred...damn right I would be skeptical!"


(Letter to the Zundelsite)

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