A noted California professor speaks up on the so-called "Holocaust"


December 27, 2005

Israel has created a real holocaust for Palestinians: Sindi

(Dr. Abdullah Mohammad Sindi is a Saudi Professor of Political Science)

On December 18, the Mehr News Agency conducted an interview with Dr. Sindi to learn his views on why Western countries were so outraged when the Iranian president said that if the Westerners are sincere and believe in the Holocaust, then why don't they give part of their land to the Jews and asked why the Palestinians should have to pay the penalty for the West's crimes. Following is the text of the interview:

Q: Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad said that he thinks that the Holocaust is a myth. However, he also said some European countries insist that millions of innocent Jews were killed during the Second World War by Hitler, and asked why the Europeans don't give part of their land to the Jews if they are correct. What is your view?

A: I agree wholeheartedly with President Ahmadinejad. There was no such a thing as the "holocaust". The so-called "holocaust" is nothing but Jewish/Zionist propaganda. There is no proof whatsoever that any live Jew was ever gassed or burned in Nazi Germany or in any of the territories that Nazi Germany occupied during World War Two. The holocaust propaganda was started by the Zionist Jews in order to acquire world-wide sympathy for the creation of Israel after World War Two. I detailed all of this in my book (The Arabs and the West: The Contributions and the Inflictions)

I also wrote a detailed article entitled "The Holocaust is a Typical Zionist Myth" (http://abbc.net/sindi/typic.htm)

President Ahmad Nejad is 100% correct and 100% logical when he stated that if the European countries keep insisting that Nazi Germany gassed and burned 6 million live Jews, then Germany or Austria should be the real location for this rogue state of Israel. In fact, this illegal and illegitimate state of Israel is the one that created a real holocaust against the Palestinian people, both Muslim and Christian.

Q: If they are right, surely they can prove that the Holocaust really took place. Why do they shun any discussion of the Holocaust?

A: The Western people, both Europeans and Americans, who think they have freedom of speech, cannot freely discuss the "holocaust". There is a big conspiracy in the West to keep everyone silent from freely discussing the "holocaust". In fact, anyone who dares to deny the "holocaust" openly in the Western media will be in deep trouble. Accordingly, there is no real freedom in the West. The freedom in the West stops when it comes to discussing the "holocaust" freely. The Jews and the Zionists control the Western media and the publishing houses, both in Europe and the USA, and they prevent anyone from expressing a free opinion on the so-called "holocaust". I agree with President Ahmadinejad that no one in the entire West can prove any of the Jewish/Zionist lies on the "holocaust".

Q: Why has the Holocaust become a dogma while the killing of other people across the world goes unnoticed?

A: The Western governments and media are hypocritical liars. They keep talking constantly about their own Western victims or Israeli victims in any situation, real or imagined, including kidnapping. But these so-called freedom-loving Westerners do not care a bit about their own colonial and imperialist wars that cause the death of millions of innocent Muslims and others around the world. 

Q: Why have revisionists been banned from discussing the Holocaust and why are those who express any doubts treated like heretics?

A: Many revisionists in the so-called free West, such as Ernest Zundel and Dr. David Irving, have been banned and viciously attacked throughout the West for publicly expressing their free opinions on the so-called "holocaust". Israel is an extension of the West and all Western governments and media support it blindly 100%. While anyone in the West has the right to publicly say or write anything critical about anything, no one in this so-called "free" and "democratic" West dares to attack Israel or deny any of its lies, including the lies of the so-called "holocaust". Anyone who attacks Israel or its lies is either banned, attacked, labeled as racist, or lose his job and career. In short, Israel controls the West, and not the other way around. The Jews and the Zionists rule the world by proxy. That is exactly what former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed said in October 2003 during the 10th Islamic Summit Conference in Malaysia.  

Dr. Abdullah Mohammad Sindi is a Saudi Professor of Political Science who taught at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He has also taught in the USA at the University of California in Irvine, California State University at Pomona, Cerritos College, and Fullerton College. The author of several publications, both in Arabic and English, Dr. Sindi now lives and works in California where obtained BA, MA, and Ph.D. degrees in the 1960s and 1970s. He is the author of the book The Arabs and the West: The Contributions and the Inflictions.




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Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

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"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


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