April 22, 2006
Who was it that said, "They have tried me in my
absence, they have convicted me in my absence, they might as well shoot me
in my absence!"?
Don't laugh. This "safe conduct" offered to
me is a serious matter - and it is perceived as such by most of my
correspondents. A very small handful of my readers thought I might risk it,
but the overall response and verdict was:
Below are some excerpts of reader comments I received - I
should add that about a third of them are attorneys or otherwise
knowledgeable about the law:
It is appropriate and indeed necessary for the court to
seek your views and somehow hear your statements. However, US, Canadian
and German authorities have been almost criminally inattentive to
individual liberties in their treatment of your husband. Therefore, it
does not follow that this court, protestations of safe conduct given,
would live up to that offering. Rather, the risk is that something you
might say in testifying could be used as a pretext for detaining you. I
believe the perpetrators of this whole legal travesty would be pressing
the court for that result, because they could add another revisionist
scalp to their string.
If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't trust them.
If Ernst can be prosecuted for things he has said and
written, how can the state turn around and invite someone onto its sacred
soil - someone who has said and written those same things? If Ernst's
message deserves to be treated like an infectious disease, how can the
state invite another carrier? Germany has stepped in it so deeply that all
its options exist in the absurd.
What a dilemma they are putting you in. On the one hand,
you want to help your husband. On the other, anything you say will be
twisted to fit the template they want to create, so that you may end up
hurting your husband. And they may use your testomony against you yourself
in the future. Proceed with extreme caution. I am not a lawyer, but
I think I would pass on this one."
You can't believe their "guarantee of safe
passage" if they can't explain how they got jurisdiction over your
husband in the first place. Only a fool would voluntarily subject
themselves to the jurisdiction of a Court that had imprisoned their
husband without due process of law no matter what that Court guaranteed or
promised. Personally I have no plans to ever go anywhere in the
German speaking world.
I would refuse to answer such a ridiculous letter. It is a
bona fide trap. Germany has no jurisdcition over you in any regard. If you
'volunteer' for anything requested by German authorities, it could be
construed that you have granted jurisdiction.
I do not know about 'consulate' -- the word used in the
letter -- but I trust you are aware that embassies are considered
sovereign territory of the foreign country. Therefore, you should be
chary of stepping into a German (or Austrian or French) high commission --
you could get served with papers that could not properly be served on U.
S. territory.
Beware of the spider.
They kidnapped Ernst. Legal and promises mean nothing to
them. Judge them by what they do not what they say. They will simply say,
"oh yes you were guaranteed those protections as a witness, but now
you are being charged as a criminal. Sorry, you are in our jurisdiction
and we are holding you over for trial.".
You can imagine what your protests to US Consulate will
bring. Zippo.
When you testified in Canada, you made clear that you
started the Zundelsite and Ernst has nothing to do with it, then or now.
What then do the German authorities want to elicit from you?
It is probable that no matter what you say in any forum,
in Germany or in America, the German authorities will claim you perjured
yourself and an effort will be made to extradite you to Germany for trial.
The rationale would be if you testified truthfully, they would not seek to
extradite you.
Since they have concluded that you perjured yourself, no
matter what you have said, since you voluntarily gave your testimony, you
consented to be tried in a German Court on the charge of perjury.
Far-fetched? Perhaps. German authorities think nothing of
holding Ernst Zundel, a pacifist, on a trumped-up charge of incitement to
hatred and violence against segments of the population when all he has
done is tell the truth.
It should be fairly obvious that the goal of the German
authorities is to shut down your Zundelsite and to do that they need you
out of America and in their custody.
Don't accommodate them in the least.
As I said before, they want YOU, even more than they want
Ernst. They want to shut down the Zundelsite. They want to have the
appearance of legality, that is why they didn't arrest you when they
arrested Ernst. He is a German citizen and you are not. But now, they are
trying ANY WAY THEY CAN to get you under their jurisdiction so they can
arrest you too.
You have NOTHING to gain by testifying, and you have
EVERYTHING to lose. You may think that this will get publicity for Ernst's
case but you KNOW they control the press and won't give it any more
publicity than occurred when Ernst was arrested. The major publicity about
Ernst's case comes from YOU and YOUR WEBSITE. If you get arrested, then
THAT will be gone too.
They already KNOW that the website is yours. You know they
have ALL the information from ALL of Ernst's trials and tribunals. They
just want to get you in their clutches. Don't let them!
I am an attorney in Maryland, and I would NEVER allow you
to appear, or testify, unless you were to testify at his sentencing, by
video in the USA, as a character witness and to show him as a good family
man. I would not allow you to speak on ANY OTHER ISSUE. Mitigation, only!!
Do not open the door, or you may be the next victim of inquisition. The
longer that they drag out Ernst's trial, the longer he will be stuck over
there.....looks to me like the Germans are getting tired of the Lobby's
control of their nation, over this particular trial. Since the
several historians' arrest, I have realized how insidious the Lobby's
control over international power elite, truly is. They need the holocaust,
to justify the existence of "Israel" which is totally
unjustifiable, at this point.
1- The entire letter is convoluted. You have no reason to
take yourself to Germany. They are lying - because they have no honor left
in them. They will go back on their word.
2 - The letter is put in such a way that says, almost as
if they will force you to testify. Watch out that they will not give you a
SUBPOENA to testify against your own husband.
This has been done before and with modern technology is is
Please don't go unless you wish to be a martyr and join
Ernst in prison, where you may never get out. It's another trap to remove
another "holocaust denier" and especially an Ernst Zuendel
supporter from society. As his wife and diligent supporter, the court will
see you exactly as they see him. Just reexamine how they suckered /
trapped Germar Rudolf and David Irving. You have zero protection. It's a
kangaroo court over there and anyone who supports Ernst will be sent to
prison. The puppet-like government in Germany is heavily
influenced/dominated/run by the Zionist and Zionist-sympathizer
puppeteers. You will be another victim. Your voice will be stilled until
you're out of prison, if you're lucky. You can accomplish far more by
continuing being a voice for Ernst over here while you are, for the time
being, reasonably safe. Continue Ernst patriotic efforts here!
Ingrid, they are setting you up. DO NOT GO. MAKE A PUBLIC
The downside to not going is that they may attempt to
convict your husband based on the "evidence" that you refused to
testify, fearing criminal persecution yourself (they would call it
- Dr. Meinerzhagen
I read the strange request of Dr. Meinerzhagen carefully.
I am of course not familiar with the German laws involved
but I see the last sentence of his letter as a clear threat that they are
demanding that you respond to the questions they asked or they will seek
"judicial assistance" from the US authorities to compel you to
appear - presumably in the United States. I am not familiar with this
procedure but I a ssume there is some such legal right for them to do
this. Do you have US counsel who can advise?
Since they go on to say that even if you were compelled to
appear you could refuse to testify as the wife of Ernst or under the
German version of the "Fifth Amendment" (the possibility of
self-incrimination or incrimination of Ernst), they go on to virtually
urge you to claim these as reasons for not wishing to appear. They even go
to the extreme of suggesting that should you testify virtually any
response to a question asked of you would likely be incriminationg to
Ernst or yourself under the charges also being considered against you!
I suspect that under the German Star Chamber laws involved
here such an action on your part of claiming your rights not to testify
could be used against Ernst as evidence of guilt, unlike the US legal
Whatever you do, do NOT follow this invitation. Nor set
foot into any German Embassy, after all that is German territory.
There is no "trial," it's a witchhunt, a
kangaroo court. In the first place, the German government has no
credentials, it is, in fact not the legal government of the German people
at all! Second, this so-called "law," the infraction of which
forms the basis for the "trial," is illegal since the Charter of
the United Nations, to which Germany is a signatory, specifically supports
freedom of expression and opinion. History is always a matter of opinion,
and this "incitement' charge is totally an illusion of the savage and
vindictive Jewish mind.
They know you won't go to Germany coz they know that you
know had you also been in the same immigrant status as Ernst they would
have had `a pair of birds with the one stone`. Personally, i don't
trust anything coming out of what is clearly another zionist vassal stste.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE - Don't go to Germany or get
involved in any way, keep stumm and the head below the firing line. I have
a really BAD feeling about this. 50% of their worst nichtmare is already
under lock and key - what a bonus if the other 50% walked in voluntarily.
There are no dirty tricks low enough that will not be tried to achieve the
100% result. The whole thing stinks to high heaven.
Thank goodness for the Internet. I just read at the
rense.com site the letter you recieved from Germany. Goodness gracious.
They must think you are stupid. Their evil ways are scary also. Thank you
for all that you and your husband are doing.
Don't do it! Real Germans are honorable people and they
would keep their promise of safe conduct. But you are not dealing with
real Germans, you are dealing with sneaky "Khazars" and they
will find a way to detain you in Germany.
Please do not go to Germany. You cannot trust those
So, why do they want your evidence ? As you are not going
to Germany, nothing you say by way of evidence is going to harm you.
Clearly it is intended to be to the disadvantage of Ernst. If this
sounds illogical, Ingrid, so does the logic of `defaming the memory of the
For God's sake, don't go!!
No to a trip to Germany. The judge tells you that you are
already under investigation and that you jointly operate the Zundelsite.
The fact that Ernst is not in a position to aid you in publishing the
current Zundelsite is irelevant to the judge. There are probably
another million Americans who have violated and continue to violate their
stupid law. I will fly out to accompany you to that meeting and state that
the Holocaust is a filthy racket if it will help.
I do not trust ANY U. S. Government official. They, along
with Canada, broke all of their own rules to get Mr. Zundel to the
kangaroo court in Germany, and any "safety guarantee" they
offer, written or otherwise, will be conveniently ignored at their
The track record for honesty and fairplay is atrocious, by
the people you will be dealing with. These people are becoming
desperate and will do anything to gain their goals......YOU would be quite
a trophy to put on display.
Another point: "They" know damned well that you
own the "Zundelsite" website!! They use the lie that it belongs
to Ernst to draw you out DO NOT put yourself on their turf where you
can be put at your enemy's mercy when you can remain on your own turf.
My God, Irimland, you can't trust those people and you
cannot trust the American Gov. They never said you would have safe conduct
to coming back to the States. I pray that you will not leave American
SIMILAR FACILITY. They are consider German soil, and you would be arrested
as soon as you entered! The letter from Mannheim basically states this!!
I read this "invitation" to have a two-fold
purpose. One, to request your voluntary testimony as it relates to your
husband's case and two, to place you on notice that you too are under
investigation, as a separate case.
While your testimony may not be used against your husband
and perhaps also not against you, what prevents the German authorities
from arresting you and securing an indictment, based on information they
had obtained (against you) from other sources? Is it not a fact, that you
have stated in the past that "zundelsite.org" does not belong to
your husband? Yet ownership of this site (and content) is being attributed
to your husband. Why can't the same claim be made against you? Guilt
or innocence is established by trial, but in the meantime you and your
husband are both incarcerated. You have already seen how the German legal
system works,what makes you think you are entitled to any better
treatment? Give them nothing they don't already know.
I received your Zgram yesterday evening. As always, I was
so eager to hear about the latest news regarding Mr. Z and yourself. Upon
reading that the German government wants you to appear in court, I was
numb with fear for your safety! Is it not clear that the Zundelsite
is yours? After all, while your husband has been in jail for the past many
tears, the Zundelsite and Zgrams continue.
Also, the German government has shown to the world that
they are a Stalinist Dictatorship when it comes to Jewish questions and
that they have actively sought the arrest and extradition of German
nationals simply for their views! You are American. It does not matter!
Look at Mr. Irving, a Brit, who is being held in Austria. They will find a
way to detain you. The "Court" has shown itself to be a
sinister body with no regard for Freedoms and Rights. It would be like
believing a lion when he tells his prey that he wants to be friends and
that he would not have any intention of eating it.
Furthermore, do you recall Mr. Grossman's comment to a
reporter regarding your husband being viewed as a martyr? He said
:"You can't be a martyr if nobody knows about you!" Was he
instructing the media not to report on the trial? If nobody knows about
Mr. Z then why is he so dangerous to Canada and to other countries? It is
clear by his comment that Mr. Z will be buried on their orders and you
would be the next target. After all, the Truth is still being published
and they cannot stop it......unless they imprison every last martyr
capable of and courageous enough to speak the Truth! Please do not go to
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you go to Germany.
They've already tried to sabotage the zundelsite; they'd like nothing
better than to capture you and imprison you, too (and our government would
do nothing to protect your rights).
this advice from an old attorney and retired judge. Take
it for what it's worth. :-(
My legal opinion is an emphatic NO. She will not be given
the opportunity to express her views. SHE WILL ONLY BE PERMITTED TO GIVE
Also, safe conduct in this case is not a promise that she
will not be charged and arrested for her own actions against the German
Code. The judge's letter is very plain. The only thing she has to gain is
perhaps seeing EZ. All else will hurt his case and probably her.
Do NOT go there! Only the Mannheim prosecutor has promised
safe conduct. Not other arms of the German govt or regions of Germany in
which you might find yourself. Nor other Euro countries that might be
inclined to prosecute or to cooperate with a warrant issued by Germany or
Israel, for that matter.
If Ernst is being prosecuted for the website, and you're
the actual operator... And you're an ethnic German... As I recall, Ernst
was keelhauled by local cops, in the sardonic words of Judge Mainzerhagen,
"through officials in the USA by means of judicial assistance."
He says that he can't force you to come to Germany, but the Americans
To go into a German tribunal in which lawyers are
dismissed or prosecuted for defending their clients, and you not a
natural-born American, would literally be suicide. What help could you
expect from the US embassy? None. You would probably have your US passport
taken away. This much is pretty obvious.
Wasn't John Demjanjuk a naturalized citizen?
Anyway, the judge has put you on notice that you can be
picked up anytime. And always remember Operation Keelhaul and the value of
American promises.
There is absolutely NO NEED NOR REASON for you to answer
ANY question to these swindlers and twisters of justice, NOR is there a
need to travel to Germany. This entire episode appears to me like a REAL
Be aware that Germany has a law on the books for the
arrest of anyone who is under suspicion of having committed an offence
against Par 130 by use of the internet. This law was upheld by the German
Supreme Court in Karlsruhe a few years ago. The fact that you are a US
citizen will not give you immunity from prosecution once you set foot on
German soil.
As we can see there is a big round up taking place of
leading revisionists. Next in line will be the small fish. I will no
longer travel to Germany on business or for personal reasons. The
epicenter for this persecution is Mannheim.
Please do not go. It is obvious that the court has no
concept of fair play or truth. Once there, they can accuse you of any new
trumped up charge, and hold you, then using you as a lever against Ernst
and vice versa.
The maneuvering they do over there to back you into a
corner is an abomination.
Your status with so many of us is of utmost importance,
and without you, so much information would be lost to us. Obviously you
are a thorn in their side and they won't be happy till you are
obliterated. Sometimes I think of the treachery of the Nuremburg Trials
where the guilty verdict was understood from the beginning such that the
trials were a complete, asinine mockery of justice.
Don't trust them!!! Don't Go!!!

Please write to Ernst Zündel, let him know that he is not
Ernst Zundel
JVA Mannheim
Herzogenried Strasse 111
D 68169 Mannheim