April 22, 2006
- Written by Horst Mahler on Apr 20, 2006
Zündel’s defense attorney Sylvia Stolz, responding to the
statement by the Mannheim Holocaust Judiciary:
“The Holocaust Laws of the OMF-Bundesrepublik
(Organizational Form of a Modality of Foreign Rule of the Federal Republic
of Germany) are pure treason!”
On the first business day of the recently resumed show
trial against Ernst Zündel for “Denying the Holocaust,” Dr.
Meinerzhagen (pottering about as head judge) proved to be extremely
irritable. After numerous but fruitless attacks against Sylvia Stolz
(chief defense lawyer for Ernst Zündel), he finally lost his
composure and muzzled the defense. Unprecedented events have indeed
taken place. After the rather timid reading of the charges against
Zündel by two prosecutors, the assistant defense lawyer, Attorney
Schaller of Vienna, had responded with an eloquent appeal for
observance of the rules that characterize court procedure in a state
of laws, which the Mannheim justices are obligated to observe. |
- Dr. Meinerzhagen
Following Schaller, Sylvia Stolz addressed the court as
“The defense rejects the accusations against Ernst Zündel,
a citizen of the German Reich. This is not a legal prosecution under the
laws of the Reich or any other legal system. It is an exercise of power that
is illegal under international law, by a puppet government called “Federal
Republic of Germany.”[1] To use the expression coined by the professor of
international law, Dr. Carlo Schmid, the Federal Republic of Germany is an
“Organizational Form of a Modality of Foreign Rule.” Henceforth we shall
refer to this foreign occupation government as “OMF-FRG.”
I described the legal structure of OMF-FRG in the court
document dated 18 October 2005, complete with lengthy quotations from the
founding speech of the OMF-FRG Parliamentary Council presented by Prof. Dr.
Carlo Schmid. I also quoted pertinent remarks by the professors of
International Law Prof. Friedrich Berger and Prof. Otto Kimminich and
elucidated the conclusions to be drawn as they relate to the case of Ernst
Zündel. In its meeting outside the main trial, that is, in the absence of
the presiding judges, the “Sixth Superior Criminal Court of Mannheim
District has given notice that it intends to simply ignore the duly
submitted argument made by the defense. The decision of the Criminal Court
states that “The legal profferings that the defendant submitted in his
petition cannot be accepted by this Chamber. They and the conclusions at
which they arrive, appear to be ultimately devoid of judicial relevance.”
The defense refuses to accept this peremptory dismissal.
Every layman with at least a primary school education should be able to
understand the arguments developed therein, as well as the significance of
their conclusions for the Zündel trial. As counterproposal, the defense
will read its submission dated 18 October 2005 in the main trial, including
basis for its arguments, so that the hesitant attitude of the ‘professional
judges’ will be recognizable and the court of appeals will be able to
correct their capricious refusal to accept our submissions.
The signers of the ruling of 7 November 2005, Dr.
Meinerzhagen, Dr. Hamm, and Mrs. Krebs-Dörr are conducting themselves in
the tradition of the International Military Tribunal of the victors over the
German Reich, who agreed to disregard all discussion about whether their
actions were violations of international law. Those so-called ‘judges’
and ‘prosecutors’ resolved that ‘we will simply declare what
international law is so that there can be no discussion of whether it is
international law or not.’[2] The persons responsible for that atrocity
propaganda show had expressly abandoned any quest for truth and concept of
justice in order to make their lynchings of leading Reich personalities
appear to be legal. I shall return to this later in my presentations.
In my motion of 18 October 2005 (page 26) I gave notice that
the defense would attack the dogma of 'Offenkundigkeit' (Manifest
Obviousness) of the ‘Holocaust’ with all the resources at its disposal.
I said the defense would show that in the continuing war against Germany by
the enemies of the Reich, ‘manifest obviousness’ has been feigned and
assumed from the very beginning.
The above mentioned jurists have taken this statement as
occasion to, express their intent for mendacious procedure in the main trial
as follows:
‘As far as manifest obviousness of the Holocaust is
concerned, the motion recapitulates familiar pseudo arguments that have been
proffered and continue to be proffered by so-called revisionists (see BGHSt
47,278) without raising bona fide doubt about the historically proven and
therefore manifestly obvious genocide, particularly of the Jews, by the
National Socialist Dictatorship (stdg. Rspr. des Bundesverfassingsgerichts
und des Bundesgerichthofs vgl. BVerfGE 90, 241, 249; BGHSt 40,97, 99,; 46,
36, 46 f.; 47, 278.) This genocide is factually assumed in Paragraph 130 III
of the Penal Code (See BundesGerichthofStrafsachen, Reports of the High
Court in Criminal Matters, 47, 278). Thus any evidentiary exhibit that would
deny this is forbidden in Reports of the High Court in Criminal Matters and
other publications.
With this reasoning, Dr. Meinerzhagen and his colleagues
have obviously abandoned the dogma of Manifest Obviousness. That is the good
news. The bad news is the withdrawal of permission to submit evidence, which
took place despite the abandonment of ‘manifest obviousness.’ What is
going on inside the heads of these judges? What is the definition of
Scheinargumente (show arguments)? In imitation of the Nuremberg Tribunals,
these jurists use the term ‘show arguments’ to designate arguments that
are likely to prove, in support of the will of the foreign occupation
government, any previously established ‘verdict’ as illegal and unjust.
Such arguments have to be repressed. And what are ‘familiar show
arguments?’ ‘Familiar show arguments’ are apparently arguments on
which OMF/FRG judicial arbitrariness has been successfully tested.
And what in Heaven’s name are ‘factual presuppositions?
The term ‘factual presupposition’ or ‘presumed factuality’ refers to
the court’s complete disregard of the criminal law. In criminal law,
punishment is court ordered compensation for a debt. Debt is a deficit
appearing in a transaction that should not be there. But if there is no
transaction, there can be no debt. In order to distinguish terror from
punishment, the penal code typifies certain transactions as punishable by
designating them “Tatbestandsmerkmale“ (factual characteristics),
thereby separating them from permissible activity. The facts of the case
extend to the transaction in the narrower sense of an act or failure to act,
as well as to accompanying circumstances that are significant for
determination of the demerit. In a narrower sense, the action classified in
Paragraph 3 of the Penal Code is an expression of opinion. The circumstance
accompanying the misdeed is a certain contemporary historical fact (called
It is the task of the judge to determine the given life
circumstances involved in the case.) In the present instance this consists
of a certain expression of opinion, along with accompanying circumstances.
The judge must determine what is to be considered as “given” and whether
the facts of the case correspond to an action that can be classified as
punishable. The citizen under the law can adapt his intent to avoidance of
the classified action.
The statement of facts of a punishment norm also guarantees
the freedom from punishment of all actions that do not meet the criteria of
punishable (nulla poena sine lege – “no punishment without law.”)
Within the realm of actions classified as nonpunishable, one can live free
from fear of being punished. This is what distinguishes a nation of laws
from tyranny. However, the statute of the victors’ tribunal at Nuremberg
violated this basic principle (that is unanimous opinion.) Egged on by the
High Court of the OMF/FRG, Dr. Meinerzhaben and his colleagues are likewise
engaged in tearing down the boundary between justice and tyranny. Where “Holocaust”
is concerned, they intend to set aside the burden of proof that is
obligatory on the judge. They intend to do this with allegation of a fiction
that does not even appear as such in “the law” (Paragraph 130 III of
Penal Code.)
What is the source of this legalistic and dogmatic mistake
of Dr. Meinerzhagen and the High Court of OMF/FRG? In their “argumentation,”
they dogmatically assume that the so called Holocaust is a given fact in
time and space. They postulate that any and all doubts concerning “Holocaust”
are unthinkable. They have defected from the ranks of the truth-seekers and
joined the ranks of the religion-founders. Religion requires that we rule
out doubt and substitute belief in its stead. The true believer vehemently
crushes every attempt to introduce reason into his consideration, since
reason is the harbinger of doubt. Believing demands unquestioning trust in
the priestly caste, which functions simultaneously as the faith police.
Within the hazy realm of Holocaust religion, the legal
apparatus of the OMF/FRG has degenerated into an inquisition. There is a
cynical calculation of power in this. Following World War II, world Jewry
recognized the possibility of using the Holocaust lie to found Israel and
create a world empire to support and secure it against all opposition. World
Jewry knows from experience that almost everyone can be made to believe
almost anything if it can be suggested to them that most people believe it.
Through the power of suggestion combined with Jewish control of world media
the “Holocaust” has indeed become the suggested belief of almost
When he was still Cardinal Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI said
the following on the subject of this power of world Jewry:
‘The feeling that democracy is not yet the proper form of
freedom is rather common, and is continuing to spread… Is there not an
oligarchy consisting of those who determine what is “modern” and “progressive,”
and what the enlightened person should think? The cruelty of this oligarchy,
and its power to make the public do its will, is all too familiar. Whoever
blocks its path is an “enemy of freedom” for the reason that he is
allegedly hindering free expression of opinion… Who can have doubts about
the power of these interests, whose dirty hands become more visible all the
time? And besides: is the system of majority vs. minority a system of true
If it is to be suggested that the Holocaust lie is to be “believed
by nearly everyone,” then the real truth must be sunk in a bottomless
spiral of silence. And this can succeed only if the contradiction of the “Holocaust”
lie is forcibly suppressed -- obviously through a modern inquisition.
Criminal law serves the cause of justice through atonement for crime by
punishment, while inquisition serves the enforcement of a particular belief
through destruction of heretics. However, it is the general will of Western
civilization that involuntary belief of all kinds should be abolished. That
is precisely what comprises the substance of freedom of belief, the nucleus
of recognizing the individual as a person. This general will constitutes the
difference between modern and medieval times.
Inquisition is the purest atrocity, since it destroys
freedom of belief. Inquisition has nothing to do with the application or
reestablishment of justice through punishment. The enforcement of “Holocaust”
law is inquisition, hence unmitigated crime. As Plato pointed out,
inquisitory law is in fact the worst kind of injustice because it pretends
to be justice.
Exclaiming “ Enough of that!” Dr. Meinerzhagen then
interrupted Attorney Stolz, taking away her right to speak and terminating
the session. He fled into the conference room with his colleagues and
returned after a quarter hour. Dr. Meinerzhagen then proclaimed the
directive of the court that in future, Attorney Stolz would have to submit
all her motions in writing, and would not be allowed to read them aloud
before the court.
With this ruling, the show trial has become another “Ghost
Trial” (Rainer Hamm, Counsel for Defense, 94, 457.) The public will no
longer be allowed to hear the arguments of the defense. The Holocaust judges
are attempting to introduce the “silence of the grave” in the courtroom
(see Scheffler, Neue Juristische Wochenschrift 94, 2194.) However, their
attempt to disguise their illegal action as legal procedure is still doomed
to failure. They are chanting the allegation that the Holocaust has been “proven
many times” into empty space. The undeniable fact that the opposite has
long been proven, is enough to completely disqualify it.
The court appointed expert witness Prof. Dr. Gerhard
Jagschitz of the University of Vienna Institute for Contemporary History (A
1090 Wien, Rotenhausgasse 6) demonstrated that the opposite is true in his
written report submitted to the Landesgericht für Strafsachen (District
Criminal Court), Vienna, on 10 January 1991. See Az. (Archiv für Zivile
Praxis): 26 b Vr (Verwaltungsrundshau)14 184/86.)
Prof. Jagschitz presented his findings as follows: “…in
the course of research into the literature on the subject, it developed that
a relative scarcity of scientific and objective literature is offset by an
abundance of eyewitness accounts and subjective summarizations. I found
numerous contradictions, retractions, omissions and inadequate references to
sources. Furthermore, substantial doubts about basic questions have been
reinforced by a number of court exonerations in relevant trials. These
exonerations resulted from expert reports presented to both national and
international courts. Thus the mere extrapolation of court verdicts and
evocation of judicial notoriety of the familiar stories of gassings of Jews
at Auschwitz no longer suffice as a basis for reaching verdicts -- at least
not in the context of any democratic concept of justice. Thus in this expert
report, it was proven necessary to undertake the necessary corrections of
relevant literature as well … In the course of this research it became
clear that resources from certain archives were inadequately utilized in
previous research. Thanks to political events of the last few years,
resources that were heretofore unavailable to us in the West have now been
made available. I am referring in particular to documents of the
Reichssicherheitshauptamtes (Central Reich Security Office) in Potsdam, a
huge resource of Auschwitz documents (several tons) that are stored in
various archives in Moscow…”
The historian Prof. Dr. Ernst Nolte also refers to the
baselessness of using this inquisitorial device of assumed manifest
obviousness in order to protect the Holocaust lie against consideration by
the court:
“Not until the rules of examination of witnesses have been
generally applied and testimony is no longer evaluated according to
political criteria, will secure ground be won for any attempt at scientific
objectivity regarding the ‘final solution’.[4] The widely disseminated
notion that all doubt concerning the prevailing concept of a ‘Holocaust’
with six million victims is to be automatically treated as though it were
maliciousness and inhumanity, and therefore repressed by all means, can
under no circumstances be accepted by objective science. This is because of
the fundamental significance of the maxim ‘de omnibus dubitandum est’
(everything is to be doubted) for objective science… This attitude must be
rejected as an attack on the principle of freedom of research. [5]
Although I consider myself more challenged by ‘Revisionism’
than most contemporary German historians, I soon arrived at the conviction
that the Revisionist school has been treated in a subjective and
unscientific manner. In established literature it has met rejection,
suspicions about the motivation of its authors and above all, dead
Radical revisionism is much more prevalent in France and the
USA than in Germany. There can be no doubt that its forerunners are well
informed and have carried out extensive investigations in the field.
As far as mastery of source material is concerned, and
especially criticism of source material, these investigations probably
surpass those of established historians in Germany.[7] At any rate we must
give the radical Revionists and their provocative theories credit for having
forced established historiography to reassess its positions and find firmer
basis for their assumptions and conclusions, as Raul Hilberg has done.[8]
“…The questions about the reliability of eyewitness testimony, the
significance of documents, technical impossibility of certain procedures,
credibility of numbers quoted, the and persuasiveness of the circumstances
are permissible and legitimate. Not only are they permissible, but they are
procedurally indispensable, and every attempt to dispense with Revisionist
arguments and evidence by imposing total science or banishing them from the
world, has got to be illegitimate.[9]
If radical revisionism were correct in its assertion that
there was no ‘Holocaust’ in the sense of a comprehensive and systematic
program of annihilation ordered by the highest levels of government, I would
have to arrive at the conclusion that National Socialism was not a ‘bizarre
copy of Bolshevism,’ but rather that it was simply leading the struggle
for survival of a Germany that had been forced into the defensive worldwide.
No author wants to admit that nothing of his work has survived except rubble
and so I too have a vital interest in proving that Revisionism is incorrect,
at least in its most radical manifestation.[10]
The above formulation provides the key to understanding our
present world. It is not just the scientific work of Ernst Nolte that would
be lying in ruins. The very foundations of the Jewish American world empire
would be shaken. The German Empire would again be perceived as the power
that had defended the Christian West “to the last drop of its blood”
against talmudic mammonism (Satan.) Adolf Hitler would no longer be the
devil, he would be the savior. The world would recognize the profound truth
concerning the Nuremberg Tribunal as proclaimed by the Portuguese expert on
international law, Dr. Joao das Regas: “In actuality, two mutually
incomprehensible worlds faced each other at Nuremberg. The materialistic
world of Mammonism and hypocritical democracy opposed to the idealistic and
heroic conception of a nation that was defending its right to exist… How
could the sated and materialistic world understand the unflinching and
heroic will to survive of a nation that, despite its exasperation over
diminished territory, had presented our culture with immortal works for
centuries, and before the Second World War had stood at the forefront of
critical scientific progress in our century?
It was characteristic of the depraved mentality of the
international press to continue their attacks against the leaders of the
German nation despite the noble manner in which they conducted themselves
throughout their disgraceful treatment and unjust death sentences. As
precursors of social justice built on a national basis, the condemned German
leaders went to their deaths at Nuremberg with a glowing confession of love
for their nation and their ideals. Theirs was a truly heroic deportment,
worthy of our highest admiration.”[11]
The Evil Empire that, true to its nature, is forever
demonizing others (the goys) has mobilized all the material and intellectual
resources at its disposal in the effort to hinder dissemination of the
truth. The truth can no longer be held back, however. For the first time,
the leader of a large and wealthy nation is directing his country’s
national policy toward exposing the Holocaust lie. His intention, born of
self defense, is to remove the Zionist settler state of Israel from the map,
thereby making it possible for Jews and Arabs to once again coexist in
peace. It marks the beginning of the end for the Great Lie that has long
held our nation in bondage. The reaction of world Jewry to Achmadinedschad’s
announcement of the convocation of an international commission to
investigate the “Holocaust” shows that the conspiracy of silence
surrounding Revisionism has finally been broken. The Jews are no longer able
to suggest that “nearly everybody believes in the Holocaust.” We are
witnessing the end of the greatest lie in the history of mankind. He who
still continues to defend the lie and thereby soils his hands will be left
behind. In the words of Michael Gorbachev, “Life punishes those who get
left behind.”
Some other remarks by Prof. Dr. Ernst Nolte on the subject
of Revisionism are noteworthy: “I do indeed feel challenged by
Revisionism, but I am unable to join those who demand that the state and the
police intervene to repress Revisionism. For this very reason I find myself
compelled to ask the question of whether Revisionism has/represents real
arguments, or really does consist of mere deceptive agitation. The general
all around quality of the individual historian comes into play here. The
real historian knows that revision is the daily bread of scientific history.
Real historians also know that in the final analysis, some
Revisionist theories are going to be acknowledged by established historians,
or at least taken into the discussion… For example, during a recent
congress of historians it was not specifically mentioned that during the War
and immediately afterwards there were many allegations that the Germans had
carried out mass executions by the use of hot steam in sealed chambers,
electric shocks on giant electrical plates, and quicklime. By its complete
silence, the congress declared these allegations to be as irrelevant as the
rumor of soap made from Jewish corpses. (Incidentally, a well known film
director has recently resurrected those rumors in German newspaper
Even the testimony of the SS leader and Bekennende
(Confessing) church member Kurt Gerstein, probably the most widely
circulated “Holocaust” account of the 1950s, is no longer accepted in
documentary collections, even by the most orthodox scholars. And it is well
known that Jean-Claude Pressac, who despite his peculiar precedents is still
acknowledged to be a serious researcher, recently reduced the number of
Auschwitz gas chamber victims from four million down to around half a
million. Their abandoned allegations do not differ fundamentally from
individual corrections of the kind that, to my knowledge, have been brought
forward only by ‘Revisionists:’ The corrections that the first
confessions of the Auschwitz commandant Höß were extracted under torture;
that giant flames leaping from crematory chimneys, reported by numerous
eyewitnesses, are best explained by mistakes of visual perception; that the
technical prerequisites for cremating up to 24,000 corpses per day were
simply not available; and that the cellar morgues in crematories of camps
that had to accommodate around 300 “natural” deaths per day were
indispensable during the typhus epidemics of those days and could not have
been utilized for mass murders, at least not during epidemics.
Such ideas can hardly surprise a historian. He knows from
his own day to day experience that, since Herodotus’ time, it has been
necessary to treat large figures with suspicion, insofar as they do not
originate with official statistical bureaus. The historian understands no
less well that large groups of people exposed to stressful circumstances and
confusing events that are now and have always been rumor incubators…[13]
The testimony of Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höß was
obtained under torture. Without doubt, his confessions contributed greatly
to the collapse of the defense in the Nuremberg trials. His testimony would
not have been admissible in any court of law that complied with Western
legal and judicial standards. The so-called Gerstein documents contain so
many contradictions and objective impossibilities that they must be
discarded as worthless, while the few actual eyewitness accounts consist of
hearsay and mere assumptions.
Thanks to the Soviet and Polish communists, a thorough
investigation of Auschwitz by an international commission of experts did not
take place after the end of the War. This stands in contrast to the case of
the mass graves at Katyn Forest discovered by the Wehrmacht in 1943. The
publication of photographs of crematoria and some cans with the label "Zyklon
B Poison Gas" has no value as proof of murder since crematoria had to
be constructed near large camps and Zyklon B was the best know disinfestant
of the time. Zyklon B was indispensable wherever masses of people were
forced to live under crowded conditions.
The integrity of the scientific discipline of historiography
demands that it be allowed to question the established and “politically
correct” version of history – namely that mass murder in gas chambers
has been proven by numerous eyewitness accounts and incontrovertible facts,
and therefore is not open to doubt. If historiography is not allowed to do
this, then science as such is inadmissible.[14]
The basic issue is the assertion that on the basis of
scientific findings or technical facts, either there were no mass gassings
or else they could not have taken place, certainly not in the scope and
number heretofore assumed. Here I am referring to the chemical
investigations or expert reports on the residues of cyanide in the
disinfection chambers on the one hand and the cellar morgues of the
crematoria on the other. I have in mind the reports of Leuchter, Rudolf, and
Luftl as well as the unusually detailed studies of Carlo Mattogno on
extremely detailed questions such as the length of time to burn corpses, the
coke required, et al.
No fundamental objection can be made against the Revisionist
argument that the scientifically or technically impossible cannot have
occurred, even though hundreds of witness reports and testimonies might have
stated the opposite. The conclusion is unavoidable that humanities people
and ideological critics have absolutely nothing to say in this matter.”[15]
The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung expressed a similar
opinion in the following:[16] "Raul Hilberg and Ernst Nolte agree that
one must read the eye witness reports of the celebrated Elie Wiesel with
extremely critical attention. Hilberg`s most recent book and grandiose work
of his elder years, ‘Sources of the Holocaust, has silently taken leave of
many of the most familiar but obviously unreliable witnesses, such as Kurt
Gersten and Jan Karsky… liars and propagandists must be seen as
complementary to our age.”
What effect does the following confession of Raul Hilberg,
the Pope of the Holocaust Church, have on the minds of holocaust believers?
"But what began in 1941 was not a previously planned
annihilation (of the Jews), organized centrally by a single office, there
were no plans and no budget for these annihilation measures. These measures
developed step by step, one after the other; and not through the execution
of a plan, but rather by an extraordinary meeting of minds, a coincidence of
views within a comprehensive bureaucracy." [Quoted in Rudolf,
Vorlesungen, Page 187.]
Did not all the world believe that the annihilation of the
Jews was centrally planned and decided in the "Wannsee Villa" on
January 20, 1942? [18] How are we to reconcile all this? The Jewish
historian Yehuda Bauer, director of the International Institute for
Holocaust Research in Jerusalem, ridicules the fact that “…Just as
before, the public keeps repeating the foolish story that the annihilation
of the Jews was agreed upon at Wannsee.”[19] Professor Dr. Eberhard Jackel,
co-editor of the official Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, addressed the issue
in the Frankfurter Allgemeine on 22 June 1992:
“Historian Jacke: Purpose of the Wannsee Conference
Disputed: The decision to murder the European Jews was made earlier…
Jackel said that the protocol for the Conference does not contain a single
word about a decision to murder Jews. Furthermore the participants at
Wannsee lacked authority to do make such a decision… He pointed out that
the actual purpose of the Wannsee Conference is disputed. He stated that an
English colleague had remarked forty years before that the Conference was
simply ‘a sociable lunch, and that the list of participants proves the
conference played no role whatsoever in the deportations, since there were
no representatives of the Wehrmacht or the Reich Ministry for Transportation
present. Jaeckel is of the opinion that a corresponding order of Hitler’s
to annihilate the Jews followed the meeting that took place between Hitler,
Himmler, and Heydrich on September 24, 1941, i.e. three months before the
Wannsee Conference.
Conjectures, absurdities, forgeries, and lies - thus the
foundations of the " Manifestly Obvious Holocaust" were created,
and now we are supposed to swallow this swindle as "factually
presumed." Just how stupid do you think that we Germans really are, Dr.
Meinerzhagen? Can’t you see what you are representing to the entire world,
and for the history books yet to be written? Does the High Court still want
to hold fast to the assertion that the Holocaust has been completely and
undeniably proven? How are the “Redrobes” [High Court judges] setting
themselves up to be characterized in future? Dear Dr. Meinerzhagen,
"the emperor has no clothes." Or do you really see clothes where
there are none? How do you propose to cover your own nakedness? You should
take to heart the knowledge that there are insurmountable limit for every
lawmaker: he can not decree facts. This is what distinguishes politicians
from magicians and Almighty God.
Do you think this limitation does not apply to judges as
well? The legislator -- not the judge -- can under certain circumstances
manipulate facts. Legislative fictions can never be used to establish guilt,
however, since only real guilt -- not pretended guilt -- can be punished. Or
do you want this principle to no longer apply? Who are you to arrogate such
power to yourself? Should German law and justice be sacrificed to the
delusions of a few jurists of that government of foreign occupation, the
Federal Republic of Germany?
Kleinmachnow,10 February 2006
[1] zu diesem Begriff vgl. Berber, Friedrich, Lehrbuch
des Völkerrechts, Band II Kriegsrecht, 2. Aufl., C.H. Beck Verlag
München 1969, S. 132 f.
[2] Heydecker, Leeb, Der Nürnberger Prozeß – Bilanz
der Tausend Jahre, 6. Aufl., Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Köln 1962, S.
[3] Kardinal Ratzinger „Freiheit und Wahrheit“ in
Jürgen Schwab, Otto Scrinzi, Über die Revolution von 1848 Aula-Verlag,
Graz 1998
[4] Ernst Nolte, Das Vergehen der Vergangenheit,
Ullstein, Frankfurt/Main 1987 S. 594 (Rudolf Vorlesungen S. 136)
[5] Ernst Nolte, Streitpunkte, Ullstein, Frankfurt am
Main / Berlin 1993 S. 308 (Vorlesungen S. 137)
[6] Ernst Nolte a.a.O. S. 9 (Rudolf Vorlesungen S.
[7] Ernst Nolte a.a.O. S. 304
[8] Ernst Nolte a.a.O. S. 31; (Rudolf Vorlesungen
[9] Ernst Nolte a.a.O. S. 309
[10] Ernst Nolte, Frangois Furet, Feindliche Nähe,
Herbig, München 1998 S. 222-224
[11] Joao das Regras, „Um nuovo Direito International,
Nuremberg“, 1947 zitiert bei Maurice Bardèche, „Nürnberg oder die
Falschmünzer“, Verlag Karl Heinz Priester, Wiesbaden 1957 S. 62
[12] “Atze” Brauner, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung,
Süddeutsche Zeitung, 6.5.1995.
[13] Ernst Nolte, Feindliche Nähe, S. 74-79 (Rudolf
Vorlesungen S. 138 f.)
[14] Ernst Nolte, Der kausale Nexus, Herbig. München
2002, . 96 f. (Rodolf Vorlesungen S. 140 f.)
[15] Ernst Nolte a.a.O. S. 122 (Rudolf Vorlesungen S.
[16] Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 7.10.2003, S. L
[17] R. Hilberg, Die Quellen des Holocaust.
Entschlüsseln und Interpretieren, S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main
2002; vgl. Jürgen Grafs Rezension, “Der unheilbare Autismus des Raul
Hilberg”, VffG 7(1) (2003), S. 107-114.
[18] vgl. die offizielle Enzyklopädie des Holocaust,
Argon Verlag, Bd. III, S. 1516ff.
[19] Nachweis bei Rudolf, Vorlesungen S. 126
Photo of Horst Mahler from:

Please write to Ernst Zündel, let him know that he is not
Ernst Zundel
JVA Mannheim
Herzogenried Strasse 111
D 68169 Mannheim