Books and Booklets - Mixed Titles(for order blank click here) |
B074 |
![]() by Nikolai Kreitor This is a fascinating transcribed interview of von Kreitor by Russian patriot Valentin Prussakov. From the Introduction: To say that the collapse of Communism in Russia and Eastern Europe was a revolutionary event is an understatement. As quickly as Jewish Communism was permitted to sweep into the Russian nation in 1917, that same Jewish slave state, after decades of despoiliation and terror, was swept away in 1991…What we look at now is the future. Russia is a key player on the world stage, and the curtain now goes up on an entirely new scene, for better or worse. |
Paperback, saddle-stitched 60 pages German |
B075 |
![]() by Hans Schmidt From the back cover: As we enter the new millennium, we face an era that may exceed in ferocity, cruelty and brutality the worst times of human history. In addition to the tribulations of the past hundred years, with all the associated unsettled disputes, there is one important factor which may have an even greater negative impact on our lives than the destruction and killings of the two world wars and their aftermath, namely the determined dismantling of the ancient traditions which for more than a thousand years held our Christian civilization together… Chivalry and reason are dead. Fair treatment of a vanquished enemy has come to be seen as sentimental folly. Statutes of limitations have been set aside, guerrilla fighters have become heroes, while regular soldiers defending their country are being called murderers. |
Paperback 406 pages |
B076 |
![]() von Claus Nordbruch Die Niederschlagung des Herero-Aufstandes im ehemaligen Schutzgebiet Deutsch-Südwest durch die Kaiserliche Schutztruppe jährt sich 2004 zum hundertsten Mal. Pünktlich aus diesem Anlaß meldete sich jüngst eine Interessengemeinschaft von Herero-Hinterbliebenen mit Entschädigungsansprüchen an die Bundesregierung zu Wort. Schon ist von einer Anklage Deutschlands vor den Vereinten Nationen die Rede, während politisch willfährige Publizisten und Vergangenheitsbewältiger in den Ereignissen von 2004 bereits die Vorwegnahme des “Holocaust” sehen wollen. Was geschah damals wirkling? |
Paperback 262 pages German |
B077 |
![]() by Hans Schmidt From the back cover: August of 1995, Hans Schmidt, a naturalized American citizen, was about to board a plane in Frankfurt, bound for his home in Florida, when he was arrested and imprisoned in the fortress-like prison of Bützow. Thus began an ordeal that most would think was a bygone relic of the medieval era: An independent writer is jailed because his essays and letters offend powerful forces in the international establishment, forces to which the regime in Bonn is tethered like a subservient plow horse. |
Paperback 490 pages |
Sold out! |
B078 |
![]() von Claus Nordbruch Der deutsche Aderlaß ist eine gewaltige Richtigstellung historischer Ereignisse, die die Politik in Berlin und Wien bis in die heutige Zeit maßgeblich beeinflussen. Nordbruch widmet seine Aufmerksamkeit den Millionen deutscher Opfer, die für ihr erlittenes Leid während Gefangenschaft, Folter und Zwangsarbeit bis heute unentschädigt geblieben sind. Dem Autor zufolge führten alle Alliierten außerdem trotz Eintritts der Waffenruhe den Krieg gegen Deutschland unvermindert fort, freilich nicht mit Maschinengewehren, sondern in Form eines geistigen Zersetzungskrieges, der auch in die deutsche Wissenschaft hineingetragen worden sei. |
Paperback 509 pages German |
B079 |
![]() by John Bryden From the dustcover: "Here (at Grosse Ile), during the Second World War, Canada mass-produced deadly germs - antrax - for Britain and the United States. It was the first such germ warfare station among the Western nations and has been a closely guarded secret to this day. This book was never meant to be written. The files from which most of it was derived were believed to have been destroyed. They weren't." |
Hardcover 304 pages (slightly shopworn) |
B080 |
![]() von Claus Nordbruch Dieses Buch ist lesenswert, weil Nordbruch tabuverletzend das Räderwerk der Zensoren bloßlegt, weil er anhand von Beispielen leicht verständlich Hintergründe ausleuchtet und unerschrocken an Institutionen wie Verfassungsschutz oder der Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Schriften (PPjS) rüttelt. Es schaudert einen, wenn man die Hunderte von Beispielen liest, in denen journalistische Recherche be- oder verhindert oder gar zivil- oder strafrechtlich verfolgt, Redaktionen besetzt, Parteien, Organisationen und Verbände verboten, Menschen wegen ihrer politischen Betätigung gemaßregelt werden. |
Hardcover 351 pages German |
B081 |
![]() - Compiled by Major Gen. Ho Stadler From the Introduction: “It is normally the task of the police to combat the enemies of any society by utilizing the legal powers entrusted to them by law. It is not their task to make a dialectical judgment about the correctness of the social system in which they serve ... The fundamental task of the police in any normal society is to enforce those laws by apprehending those who violate it. This function is designed to protect the individual law-abiding citizen from lawbreakers and to protect society from chaos and general lawlessness. Should crime, both general and political, become uncontrolled, the very basis of society itself may start to crumble. This book will endeavor to illustrate this point. |
Paperback 198 pages |
B933 (B102) |
![]() by Ernst Schomer translated from German by James Damon Two thousand years ago, the mighty Roman Empire - just like many Western democracies of today - was marked by decline and corruption. The once noble and altruistic attitude of the civis romanus had given way to the coarsest and most selfish mores. The middle class had almost totally vanished. An oligarchy making a show of wealth and brutality had seized control. This is the story of a young Germanic prince trained to serve the Roman empire, who unites the tribes of Germania in A.D.9 to defeat three Roman legions, thereby changing the course of history. |
Paperback 330 pages |
B934 (B103) |
![]() von Dr. Claus Nordbruch Den Reiz dieses Sammelbuches macht aus, daß Menschen unterschiedlichster Herkunft und unterschiedlichster politischer Auffassung sich hier kritisch mit dem Christentum auseinandersetzen. Es wird "politikübergreifend" das angesprochen, was am Christentum für unser Volk und die Menschheit insgesamt verhängnisvoll ist. |
Paperback 243 Seiten German |
B935 (B104) |
![]() von Florian Geyer Diese Schrift will wichtige Begriffe unseres politischen Lebens klären. Und sie soll unserem geplagten und geschundenen Volk helfen, sein eigenes Wesen und das Wesen jenes Volkes zu verstehen, das heute unser Schicksal bestimmt und das sogar über uns herrscht. Hier soll niemand verflucht, niemand entschuldigt und niemand verteufelt werden. Auch will diese Schrift nicht behaupten, sie verkünde die letzte Wahrheit. Sie will eine Meinung äußern und damit andere Meinungen herausfordern, damit wir der Wahrheit näher kommen mögen. |
Paperback 50 Seiten German |
B936 (B105) |
![]() by Daniel Estulin From the back flap: From behind the closed doors and past the armed guards comes the true story of the world's power elite and their secret plans for our future. Daniel Estulin exposes what has never before been told. Using methods that resemble the spy tactics of the Cold War - and in several instances putting his own life on the line - Daniel did what no one else has managed to achieve: he learned what was being said behind the closed doors of the opulent hotels and has made it available to the English-speaking public. |
Paperback 326 pages |
(Only two copies left...) |
B937 (B106) |
![]() by Michael Collins Piper As evidence put forth in this book makes clear, the Soviet threat - however great it may have been at one point in time - was, in more recent decades, clearly on the downward spiral, its strength diminishing. However, the neoconservative forces, eager to exploit fears of Soviet power in order to play out their own parochial agenda, were exaggerating both Soviet military might and Soviet intentions. The foundation of the neoconservative agenda - from the beginning - was not just the security, but also the imperial advancement of the state of Israel. |
Paperback 128 pages |
(Only four copies left...) |
B938 (B107) |
![]() by Edoardo Longo No translation available.
Paperback 140 pages |
(Only three copies left...) |
B939 (B108) |
![]() An audio book by Frank McCourt Read by the author, this is a Pulitzer Prize winning masterpiece memoir of an Irish immigrant who comes to America in search of an illusive dream. |
Gift-packaged ? pages |
Originally $49.95,
reduced to $25.- (Only two copies left...) |
B940 (B109) |
![]() by Judith Martin For every despairing, bewildered or panic-stricken parent, here is advice from America's reigning doyenne of etiquette. Very readable, often funny. Three copies of Miss Manners were donated - to be given away on a first-come, first-served basis in exchange for a donation of your choice.
Gift-packaged Hardcover, 405 pages |
(Only three copies left...) |