Esoteric Books and Bookletsfor order blank click here |
B052 |
![]() by Savitri Devi From the Foreword by Christof Friedrich: "To me, the young writer and budding leader, who had come over thousands of miles to meet her, [Savitri Devi] was a true revelation and at the same time, a source of many mysteries. She was the embodiment of ancient Aryan India, conquered by our Sanskrit-speaking forebears, and it seemed as if she were the repository of the Aryan Racial Memory: the very old blended with the vibrant new. She, with her psychic vision and intuition, her sensitivity and clarity of thought, taught better than any other English language writer the meaning of Adolf Hitler and National Socialism, not only for Germany or even for the White Race, but for mankind as a whole." |
Paperback 432 pages |
B053 |
![]() Savitri Devi (1905-1982) bccame known as the high priestess of “esoteric Hitlerism” for her unique synthesis of National Socialism, Hindu mythology, and the Indo-European cyclical view of history in her 1958 book, The Lightning and the Sun. In 1978, Savitri Devi recorded ten hours of interviews on her life, her thought, and her experiences in the national socialist movement both before and after World War II. These interviews are an ideal introduction to this brilliant and controversial thinker. |
Hardcover 189 pages |
B054 |
![]() Paperback version. See above |
Paperback 189 pages |
B055 |
![]() Many of the precedent-defying weapons systems spearheaded by the German masters of science and technology have been so revolutionary and so advanced that they are still only in the developmental stages in most industrialized countries of today. The Western world owes its relative freedom to the German geniuses who created these “Wunderwaffen” for the defense of Germany against the onslaught of the Bolshevik hordes and the New World Order. |
Paperback 64 pages |
B056 |
![]() Wir erlauben uns mit diesem kleinen Buch, dem Laien und Nachkriegsdeutschen die Errungenschaften deutscher Erfinder auf dem Gebiet der Welttechnik im Dritten Reich vorzustellen. Das Büchlein wurde von Ausländern für Ausländer geschrieben und gezeichnet. Die deutschen Erfinder waren ihrer Zeit oft bis zu 30 Jahren voraus. Deutschland kann stolz sein auf seine Leistungen - trotz Bombenkrieg, Kälte, Entbehrungen und Rohmaterialschwierigkeiten hielt die Führung ihr Versprechen dem Volk gegenüber mit den versprochenen Wunderwaffen. Leider kamen die meisten zu spät. Verrat oder Schicksal? |
Paperback 63 pages German |
B057 |
![]() Seit Jahrzehnten schon geistert der Verbleib Adolf Hitlers durch die Weltpresse. Gerücht jagt Gerücht, daß Adolf Hitler 1945 nicht starb, sondern aus Berlin und auch Deutschland entkam. Schon kurz nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg erhielt diese These immer neue Anhänger, als besonders in Schweden immer wieder “Fliegende Untertassen” mit deutschen Geheimwaffen in einen engen Zusammenhang gebracht wurden. So wollen wir alle Leser dieses Buches bitten, erst nach dem Lesen des ganzen Buches ihre Meinung zu formulieren. |
Paperback 160 Seiten German |
Ausverkauft |
B058 |
![]() Hitler knew about the research work being done by his scientists, just as he knew about the other incredible secret weapons the Germans were feverishly working on in their bomb-proof laboratories. Many of these highly sophisticated weapons systems represented scientific breakthroughs of great importance. This booklet talks about a whole array of jet- and rocket-powered aircraft - decades ahead of their time. There are TV-guided missiles and torpedoes. There are plane- and submarine-based rockets, wind cannons and many other devices and, of course, the ever-so-mysterious UFOs. |
In-house copied version only, saddle-stitched, poorly reproduced, but highly in demand! 160 pages |
B059 |
![]() This book reveals for the first time a little-known, but very important historical phenomenon: Adolf Hitler's intense interest and personal fascination with the polar regions. Was it possible, he wondered, that the frozen wastes demanded a race of heroes - and so produced one - or was a race of heroes already in existence which found the harsh demands of this environment in keeping with its own virtues?
Paperback 128 pages |
B060 |
![]() Practically identical to “Germany's Antarctic Claim: Secret Polar Expeditions”. Suggestion: Buy one or the other! |
Paperback 128 pages |
B061 |
![]() von Ernst Zündel Dieses Büchlein soll den Schleier und Dunst des Schweigens heben und die unsichtbare Zensur durchbrechen, die vielleicht schon in einer Generation das Leben der Deutschen aus Rohmaterialmangel und Expansionsnot heraus erdrosseln könnte. Mit diesem Buch meldet eine neue Generation Anspruch auf ein Riesengebiet antarktischen Territoriums, das die Deutschen unter Entbehrungen, verbunden mit vielen Gefahren und für viel Geld, erforschten und karto- und photographisch bis in alle Details hinein genau erfaßten. Ein ernsthaftes Buch mit vielen Photos und Statistiken aus einem Gebiet mit all seinen Bodenschätzen, das noch rechstmäßig den Deutschen gehört und das die dreifache Fläche des Heimatlandes beträgt. |
Paperback 176 pages Leicht beschädigt German |
B062 |
![]() - With a Preface by Jane Smiley From the dustcover: The Icelandic Sagas remain one of the great marvels of world literature, a great human achievement. We can see how much of our Western modern tradition of narrative realism begins with them. But we can also see that the subsequent seven centuries have produced no other work so timelessly up-to-date, nothing with such a supreme, undistorted sense of actuality, nothing so tempered and tested with such a formidable seriousness of life. |
Hardcover 782 pages (Remainder purchase) |
B063 |
![]() by Barbara Harden A strangely charming booklet telling the imaginary experience of a young woman who "died" - only to find herself in a parallel universe. Sample paragraph: "I distinguished a patch of light, and recognized the window of my sick-room, and its curtain; but then I was lying on a plain, an immense plain, with a mountain-range on the horizon. And my large joints ached to be united, ached without pause, but I could not move, for I was disjointed, and lay dry and helpless in my immensity on the vast plain." |
Paperback 115 pages |
B064 |
![]() by Richard Kelly Hoskins From the back cover: Wolves eat sheep. That's what they do. In order to eat sheep, wolves must gain entry into the sheepfold. Sheep try to keep from being eaten by wolves. To put it another way: Sheep don't hate wolves. There is almost no anti-wolfism in the land today. Sheep just have an unreasoning fear of being eaten by wolves. |
Paperback 78 pages |
B065 |
![]() von Barbara Harden Leseprobe: "Dann wird erscheinen, den Menschen entsprossen, Siegried der junge - den Göttern selbst gleicht er. Dem keiner sich stellte, den Drachen erschlägt er. Den Nibelungenhort, den dieser bewachte, lädt Siegfried of Grane, und führt ihn dort." Ein kleines Geschenkbüchlein für jemand, der sich für das Nibelungenlied interessiert. |
Paperback 41 pages German |