On the Eve of Day Two of Germany's Holocaust Heresy Trial


November 14, 2005


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

I haven't yet been given a lawyerly summary of what transpired last Tuesday and what it might mean. Tomorrow is Day 2 - and I assume that there will be a concerted effort by the state officials who lead the prosecution to demolish the Zundel legal defense and appoint some lawyers of their own who will do the enemy's bidding.

Can this be done? My guess and your guess is: Not without a struggle!

I know of no case where the opening salvo of a political show trial is focused not on the defendant but on his legal team. Do you?

Since I have nothing to update, I thought I would send you another brief excerpt of one of Ernst's letters to me. It is dated October 27, and it lets some of Ernst's feelings about the trial's direction shine through. I was actually amazed that this letter passed the censor, but I guess as per recent court edict, Ernst can now discuss at least some aspects of his Holocaust Heresy Trial with me:


What I wanted to tell you is that yesterday one of our attorneys came, in response to a pretty stern letter I had written about steps undertaken, I thought, prematurely. We had some spirited, heart-to-heart conversation and cleared up some misunderstandings.

I was mollified by the presentation and the steps that were explained to me, and what was planned - and already undertaken. Finally a defense team seems to be jelling that does justice to the historical and political situation as we find it here.

Actually, it amazed me what kind of information is still available here! Europe is still Europe! There is an understanding of history and culture as well as comparative religions that is so far superior to anything that we were exposed to in North America.

Ingrid, the researchers our attorneys obviously have access to are of a depth and a relentless logic that is overwhelming. Scary, even! I was shown a compilation of statements by philosophers, musicians, statesmen, kings, emperors and military men that left me speechless!

I am beginning to appreciate that, in order to lift this struggle out of the Canadian backwaters, I just had to come here, because only here is the repository of all this knowledge. It goes back millennia!

It's amazing to see fine European minds, products of European universities, tackle the problems I tackled like some outcast, having to rely [in Canada] entirely on my own informal, faulty training. You can see that the same issues of my own intuitive feel are given a proper upgrading and bringing-into-focus.

You will be proud - and the money is well worth it. I now understand the reason and context. It's destiny, Ingrid. We are tools.




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Setting the Record Straight: Letters from Cell # 7
$10 - 180 Pages

Find out who this "premier thought criminal" really is - how he thinks, how he writes, what he's really saying! You will be astonished to learn why this man is so feared by the world's manipulators of your thoughts!

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Ernst Zundel 
JVA Mannheim 
Herzogenried Strasse 111 
D 68169 Mannheim 



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Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Zündel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


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