Zundel : I am sad but not heart-broken for I believe in a higher destiny.


March 7, 2005

This is an excerpt of one of the last Zundel letters written to a close French friend before he was deported to Germany


It takes courage to write to a prisoner like me! Great courage, considering what can and will often be twisted around in police dossiers and in courts. I have seen it all too often in my cases! Especially this last case - which was Kafkaesque! It was criminal, the way the Canadian spy service and the prosecutors acted, twisted and suppressed evidence. I will not even mention the judge's conduct and behaviour - I thought I had experienced about all there was to experience in a Canadian "judicial proceeding" after I went through that Human Rights Tribunal marathon, where truth was no defence. But there was still more debasement. Now I found out that even facts are no defence!

Therefore my time in North-America is coming to an end. I came to Canada Sept. 3, 1958, with Can.$220 in my pockets and my kayak, a fishing rod, and my clothing in a suitcase. No English + No French! I did not know a single solitary person in all of Canada or North America. I was one frightened, intimidated, humble peasant boy. The rest is history. No need to waste pencils on this story. (…)

I will be leaving Canada most likely on Tuesday (1. March) evening - I expect via Lufthansa, since the Germans are eager to fetch me. I will have a two-man (minimum) police escort from Germany - and maybe from someplace else!

This will undoubtedly be one of my last flights for many years to come, because after being labeled a Canadian and international "threat to the community of nations" by the judge, there will be no airlines willing to allow me to board a regular airline as a paying passenger. Most of my future trips will be as a prisoner in handcuffs to face various Kangaroo courts in God-knows-what countries! I have a new career! Victim of Zion!

The new European arrest warrant literally guarantees that fate to a man like myself! I don't think that the true nature of the EU was ever as clearly revealed as it was with this Draconian, really UN-European-in-spirit-and-letter repressive measure. I don't think most European nationalists have yet understood what this means for us, or they are stunned into disbelief and silence. The treatment I have been receiving in the U.S.A. and in Canada, in the courts and in the prisons, is a "civilized" version of what will be in store for patriots everywhere, till this current insanity, this Judaeo-Masonic-Bolshevik period of dominance over the affairs of White people everywhere, has run its course. It is the cancer eating away the entrails of Western cilization.

It may well be that we are seeing and experiencing [Western civilization's] actual death throes by corruption, cynicism, and food- and drug- induced lethargy and self-centeredness - Junkfood of body, mind, and spirit. History records numerous collapses of civilizations, but none like ours. We are not assaulted by Barbarians at our walls, in front of our gates, or at our borders as with the USSR 1941. We will implode from within, for our version of the ancient Barbarians are not only long inside our gates, they run our media, our universities, our churches, our governments - they are, in fact, already the de facto government in all but name!

So you could say that I am the proto-European of the New World Order! My fate supplies the template, the "Schablone", we call it in German, for other cases. My case is not only there to scare, frighten and dissuade other heretics and dissidents into compliance or silence - my case will be used as the precedent-setting case, now sanctioned by the courts of the U.S.A. and of Canada - and soon of Germany.

It is the Ernst Zündel case that will be trotted out whenever the "authorities" decide that another dissident with talent, brain, courage and organizational ability has arrived and needs to be neutralized in what the old Bolsheviks called a "liquidation". Interestingly, it is this very word the Israelis use in their policy of targeted killings of Palestinians, not only in Palestine - but, as we know from François Duprat's fate, and Robert [Faurisson's] near fate in the assault in Vichy, and as we can read in Robert Fisk's older Times of London and now The Independent articles, [this] was Israeli and, you bet, U.S. policy in Lebanon in the 1980's, in Sabra and Shatila, in Gaza - as was their policy in Katyn, and after the defeat, in Germany in 1944-1949.

I read a book called The Avengers by Ben Gurion's former secretary - in which he describes these "targeted killings" by Jewish death squads long before the founding of the state of Israel. Dr. Countess sent me a book with a title something like this: The Role of Assassinations in Jewish History, put out by New York State University Press in the 1970's. We were going to use this book along with many others in my Human Rights Tribunal hearings - it was this series of books and documents which prompted the sweeping, unprecedented ruling that "truth is not a defence" in those proceedings! You can see why not!

But now to my return to Europe.

My fate will be sealed very quickly in Germany. I am a second offender in their eyes. They have been hounded by Jewish leaders for 30 years to silence me one way or another. The current leadership, especially Joschka Fischer and Otto Schily, will fall over themselves to punish me to the maximum possible. Schröder, too, will join in.

Basically, what has happened is the culmination and fulfilment of Jewish-German policy, which I repeatedly outlined over the decades. Someone just yesterday sent me the Sept. 20, 1991 Power Letter in which I outlined one more time what my lawyer Jürgen Rieger in Germany, and what my earlier lawyer Lynne McCaw had found out - what Jewish organisations did behind the scenes in both Germany and Canada. And since my arrest and deportations from the U.S.A., we have unearthed there the very same termite-like activity by these people. It did not surprise me at all!

But as a human being alive on planet earth I had to live and work someplace! Had the attacks not come on the 11 Sept. 2001, I believe that I would still have had to fight for my right to stay with Ingrid in America. But since Holocaust denial is not illegal in Canada or in America, no one at that time accused me of the later accusation [White Supremacism] - no one with credibility at least.

Every lawyer that I consulted told me that there might be a legal challenge, but that it was winnable by me! The Jews behind the scenes must have had the same advice - that's why I never saw the inside of an American courtroom, was never taken before any kind of a judge. I was simply railroaded, arrested, deported, summarily barred from the U.S., a measure so Draconian that anyone immediately can see it was a drummed up, vindictive measure. Even if it had been true that I did miss an appointment, which I did not - no one without a criminal record, not violent, and legally married to an American citizen, is ever treated like that.

Both U.S. immigration lawyers - one had been practising immigration law for 30+ years, the other one for 15 years - told the court that they had never, ever, experienced anything like it! Totally irregular and unconstitutional!

That will be the way things are going to be more and more in the case of dissidents, till the Jewish infection has run its course and we have found an antibiotic for it in the political sphere. The Internet is one, but not strong enough.

I now leave the continent of perpetrators of Dresden, Hamburg, Pforzheim, Kassel (attacked 322 times in W.W.II).

It will be creating turbulence in Ingrid's life, as well as my own. Hans Schmidt told me that he was able to call his wife only for 3 minutes after not being able to contact her for over 4 weeks, when he was imprisoned there! Therefore, Ingrid will most likely not be your best source of information.

I enclose a few more sketches you can pass on amongst friends. I made those in anticipation. If I have time, I'll make you a few more English ones. If I run out of time, please understand I have to sort papers and pack my documents, books, letters, etc. I will contact you as soon as possible.

I am sad but not heart-broken for I believe in a higher destiny. I was not meant to retire!



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Setting the Record Straight: Letters from Cell # 7
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Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Zündel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


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