EZ discussed in the Australian League of Rights weekly

Aug 28, 2004

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny

If I had to take a guess, I would say that easily 200 media sources - mostly of the dissident patriot kind - have now written globally about the Zundel Extradition. The publicity that has been generated astounds even me! I hate it when people wring their hands and bemoan the fact that there is no publicity. There is plenty of publicity, often smoldering out of sight, underground, much like a prairie fire!

Were it not for publicity, Ernst would not have a chance! He is "the world's premier thought criminal", as Counterpunch described him!

Word is spreading! Respect is being garnered daily. Ever more, people realize who Ernst really is, what Ernst really says. They see with their own eyes that Canada has become an outlaw country, utterly under Marxist, mostly Holocaust Lobby control, where Truth is no defense and where people can be held in prison under inhuman conditions for years, with no help from any official or so-called "Human Rights" organization!

Some sight that is - to see high echelon officials parading with a fig leaf!

When I think of the poor Arabs who are in prison with Ernst, or being in similar prisons, just so a brand new Terror Industry, replacing or expanding on the Holocaust Industry, can grow its roots and get entrenched, I know not one of them will the means, the political smarts, or the connections that Ernst can command, thanks to his decades of responsible political activism.

All this political experience, acquired at great costs, is now paying dividends, although at the expense of Ernst's freedom and health. More and more people are getting the "scent" of the villains behind this arrest - and how desperately they are clinging to their lie!

Below is one sample - an e-mail version of the weekly newsletter of the Australian League of Rights. I have cut is severely, since my server gives me hassles if my ZGrams get too long. This newsletter focuses on many issues impacting our lives - I left what might be of interest to you:


E-Mail "On Target" - A Weekly Commentary on: News Highlights, Background Information and Commonwealth Affairs

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance"

Vol.40, No.33 - August 27th, 2004


"Publicity & Credit: We are witnessing in the world today the culmination of an age long conflict between reality and superstition. As far back as history extends, superstition has been used as a tool, perhaps the most powerful tool, to hold humanity in bondage. I am strongly of the opinion that its last fortress is in finance. What I might call the hypnotism of money, the idea that it was a thing in itself, and that its plentifulness or scarcity was a controlling factor in the prosperity or adversity of each one of us, has, while inflicting untold misery on millions, placed almost unlimited power in the hands of the witch doctors who were custodians of its secret. If those days are not over yet, I still believe them to be passing very quickly. I think that the day is coming very soon when neither publicity will control credit, nor credit be able to control publicity, but that both will be servants of reality." – C.H. Douglas, "New Britain", January-March, 1933



The Washington Post, August 12th, 2004:

Ralph Nader, that master of controversy, has a new bete noire: the Anti-Defamation League. The independent presidential candidate has become embroiled in an ugly exchange with the Jewish organization, after he suggested that President Bush and Congress were "puppets" of the Israeli government.

"The days when the chief Israeli puppeteer comes to the United States and meets with the puppet in the White House and then proceeds to Capitol Hill, where he meets with hundreds of other puppets, should be replaced," Nader said earlier this summer.

That prompted an angry letter from the league, which complained that the "image of the Jewish state as a 'puppeteer,' controlling the powerful US Congress feeds into many age-old stereotypes which have no place in legitimate public discourse."

Nader is not backing down. In a letter to the group that will be released today, he reiterated his arguments, challenged the league to cite a recent example of when American leaders have pursued a policy opposed by the Israeli government and pointed to Israeli peace groups that he said share his criticism of that country's leadership.

"There is far more freedom in the media, in town squares and among citizens, soldiers, elected representatives and academicians in Israel to debate and discuss the Israeli-Palestinian conflict than there is in the United States," Nader wrote.

The long-time consumer advocate's willingness to criticize Israel may win him some votes, since both Bush and Democratic nominee John F. Kerry strongly support Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. But not if Abraham H. Foxman, the national director of the league has anything to say about it. "What he said smacks of bigotry," Foxman said.


AN APPEAL FOR ERNST ZUNDEL: The following appeal from Mr. Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, touched a nerve. Ernst Zundel is, in truth, a political prisoner.

"But", you say, "that could only happen under such regimes as the former USSR - that Communist dictatorship."

Really? Are you aware Mr. Zundel is in prison because he dares to express his views on matters considered by the ruling regime to be 'politically incorrect'? We may not agree with Mr. Zundel's views, but if we don't fight for his right to express them, then the time will come when we also could be treated in the same way. In 'politically correct' jargon, it is known as a 'crime of expression'.

In an earlier communiqué Paul Fromm wrote of:- A Norwegian citizen, who was so outraged when he read on the Internet what the thought police in Canada were doing to Zundel, complained to the Canadian Embassy in his own country.

"The Embassy official was angry", he related, "denying that Canada kept political prisoners or violated human rights."

The Norwegian citizen downloaded from the Internet a stack of news' reports from mainline Canadian sources and was about to head into Oslo to confront the Embassy official and show him he was wrong.

Paul Fromm reminded us: "The Canadian Establishment preens itself on its human rights record. It sees Canada's role in the world as that of an unselfish do-gooder. (Here in Australia, we call them 'do-gooders'. They are going to 'do good to you', whether you want it done to you or not...ed)

The Canadian Establishment is uncomfortable doing these things and especially does not want foreigners to notice. If you live outside Canada, you can help Ernst Zundel by NOTICING. Complain to the Canadian Embassy or nearest Canadian consulate. Ask that political prisoner Ernst Zundel be freed and demand a response."

Paul Fromm continues writing about Ernst Zundel's plight: Dear Free Speech Supporter: Mr. Justice Pierre Blais has a pet phrase " but we're not there yet." The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals Judgement, discussed in the Knoxville News article below is a victory but not the final victory. The Court of Appeals has ruled that the German-born publisher's rights were violated and that he was not allowed to pursue an habeas corpus petition prior to being deported and banned from the U.S. for 20 years.

(* Habeas Corpus: A writ ordering a prisoner to be brought before a judge. The right to obtain a writ of habeas corpus as protection against illegal imprisonment.)

The Court judgement said: "On remand, Mr. Zundel may pursue his habeas corpus petition insofar as he challenges his deportation order and insofar as that order has continuing collateral consequences (e.g. the alleged 20 year ban on re-entry). ... For the foregoing reasons, we vacate the district court's denial of preliminary relief."

Lawyer Peter Lindsay told me Sunday that the ruling may be helpful down the line, but that more legal petitioning time and money will end up being spent in the US to actually get Mr. Zundel permitted back into the country so that he can argue against his deportation.

As Judge Blais might say, "It's good, but we're not there yet."



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Setting the Record Straight: Letters from Cell # 7
$10 - 180 Pages

Find out who this "premier thought criminal" really is - how he thinks, how he writes, what he's really saying! You will be astonished to learn why this man is so feared by the world's manipulators of your thoughts!

Order form:  HTML format | PDF Format

Order Setting the Record Stright online:



Help free Ernst Zundel, Prisoner of Conscience. His prison sketches - now on-line and highly popular - help pay for his defence. Take a look - and tell a friend.




Write to Canada's Prime Minister and complain over the unfair treatment Ernst Zündel has received.

Prime Minister Paul Martin
House of Commons 
Parliament Buildings 
Ottawa, Ontario 
K1A 0A6

Telephone: (613) 992-4211

Fax: (613) 941-6900

Email: Martin.P@parl.gc.ca



Contribute to Ernst Zündel's Defence


Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Zündel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


Please support the Zundelsite - the most politically besieged website on the Net!