Copyright (c) 2001 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


September 2, 2001


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


All this week, the havoc at the United Nations' Anti-Racism Conference in Durban, South Africa was dominating the news. CNN ran one of its quick Internet polls on August 29, 2001, asking: "Should the U.S. participate in the U.N. conference on racism if conference documents condemn Israel?"

Yes 58% 1306 votes No 42% 941 votes

Total: 2247 votes

Thousands have taken to the streets of Durban in solidarity with the Palestinian cause. Around 10,000 mainly Muslim demonstrators brandished placards and shouted anti-Zionist slogans.

''It was awful,'' Keith Landy, president of the Canadian Jewish Congress, told The Canadian Press from Durban. ''The conference has been hijacked by certain interest groups and the atmosphere has become oppressive and anti-Semitic.''

A coalition of Jewish groups had called a news conference to complain about harassment and discrimination, but before the groups could complete their presentation, Arab activists became unruly, shouting, singing and pushing in front of the speakers. The news conference was aborted in haste.

For his part, Frank Dimant, executive vice-president of B'nai Brith Canada said in a press release: ''The events of the last few days shame and dishonour the United Nations. ... It is very difficult to respect UN decisions relating to Israel when its silence on Jewish human rights issues is so complete that a UN conference is allowed to degenerate into such a blatantly anti-Semitic circus.''

It is no secret to the sparrows on the roof that Israel has consistently refused to act on or honor UN resolutions demanding that Israel return to its pre-1967 borders, stop the settlements in the occupied areas etc. The US has seen fit to protect Israel through numerous vetos. No wonder there is anger.

The Toronto Star of August 30, 2001 reports that Landy, president of the Canadian Jewish Congress would quit the World Conference on Racism "...because of the anti-Semitism he says he has faced since arriving in South Africa.

``The level of antagonism and downright hatred is pervasive,'' Landy said in a telephone interview from Durban. "We would not have come if we had known the extent to which the conference has been taken over by this agenda.''

Landy objected to "offensive material", including a T-shirt with a swastika superimposed on a Star of David, and a booklet of caricatures depicting Jews with hook noses and fangs dripping blood.

A proverb comes to mind, of course: He who sows the wind shall reap the whirlwind!

"I feel besieged, there's anti-Semitism and hate literature . . . It couldn't get much worse,'' agreed Anne Bayefsky, a professor from New York's Columbia Law School. "`Some of the Jewish delegates are hiding their accreditation badge because it identifies them as from Israel or as Jewish."

May we assume the love affair with things Israeli or Jewish is over?

The issue of Zionism as a form of racism has been the subject of fierce debate in preparatory sessions. Deutsche Presse-Agentur of August 27, 2001 reports that an Israeli delegation at an international youth summit in Durban on Monday "... walked out of a working session after participants accepted a Palestinian motion declaring Israel an occupying force."

What do we have here? Israel itself calls these areas "occupied areas" and troops serving there as "occupation forces"!

Triggered by a pamphlet distributed at this conference equating the Star of David with a swastika, Mary Robinson, the UN Human Rights Commissioner, declared at an official dinner: "I am a Jew".

That news was all over the place! Later reports, however, quickly modified that statement, claiming that the sentence had been taken out of context. Supposedly Robinson merely said in response to an anti-semitic cartoon. "When I see something like this, I am a Jew."

Now rumors are flying every which way! Is she or isn't she? Perhaps only her hairdresser knows for sure!

Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister, John Manley, decided to pass on the conference, sending controversial multiculturalism minister, Hedy Fry, instead.

Let's not forget: This is the very same B.C. multi-cult minister who managed to get herself into a fix a few months back by fabricating some politically expedient, non-existent Ku Klux Klan cross burnings to artificially create a "racist" danger in her province.

The local police and media said such cross burnings never took place. To this day, Fry hasn't explained herself - and we aren't left to guess what might have been her motive.

Here is one juicy headline for you: "U.N. Chief Tells Israel To Stop Using Holocaust To Justify Its Policies" by CNSNews Correspondent Mark Klusener, August 31, 2001.

Klusener tells us that U.N. Secretary General, Kofi Annan, did some symbolic fingershaking at Israel on Friday, admonishing the bandit statelet to "stop using the Holocaust as a reason to continue ... policies of occupation, displacement, and extra-judicial killings of Palestinians."

Hastily he added that "the ultimate abomination - the Holocaust - should never be forgotten or diminished". Now here is one smart politician for you. Will the Pavlovian reflex be enough to assure his re-election as UN Secretary General? Not likely.

ZGram readers are invited to set a statement by chief rabbi and political leader of Britain's Jews, Jonathan Sacks, against 60 years of unrelenting global brainwashing telling us that "anti-semitism" is the most abominable feeling human beings could possibly experience:

"The survival of anti-Semitism," intoned Sacks, "has made it the most successful ideology of the 20th century." Sacks calls anti-semitism "the world's oldest hatred" and claims, not too surprisingly, that it has "...resurfaced within the UN".

That 'anti-semitism' could be directly related to Jewish-Israeli behavior in Israel against the Palestinians - and in the Diaspora in bludgeoning governments into forking over billions and billions in extorted reparations - never occurs to Rabbi Sack or to his tribal brethren.

And speaking of Sacks, this clever rabbi prudently bowed out of attending the conference because, according to Associated Press releases, the gathering "...risks succumbing to anti-Israeli bias." Among other sins, some conference delegates suggested in preliminary drafts one should always refer to the "Jewish holocaust" with a small "h".

For his part, Sacks stated he would not endorse the conference with his presence "...until the equation of Zionism with racism, denigration of the Holocaust and the singling out of Israel for condemnation is removed from the draft.''

Elsewhere on the planet:

Raoul Wallenberg, a somewhat murky Swede who, it is claimed, tried to save Swedish Jews during World War II from incarceration by getting them phony Swedish passports or visas, finally received his very own memorial monument.

Wallenberg allegedly helped thousands of Jews escape deportation by moving them to Hungary - before he mysteriously vanished. He has long been eulogized by folks with high stakes in the Holocaust myth.

However, less than 24 hours after the monument was formally inaugurated, it was spray painted by unnamed vandals. Police stated that they had no clues as to who might have done this.

The German Foreign Ministry is checking out whether allegations that development funds from Germany had been used to finance Palestinian textbooks with anti-Semitic content is true.

A few days ago, German newspapers reported that Palestinian textbooks, partly paid for by Germany and the European Union, called for the destruction of Israel and described Jews as "deceitful" and "disloyal."

Germany had planned to contribute DM92 million ($43 million) to the kitty to boost UN efforts in the Palestinian region, but then let it be know that money is in jeopardy.

Germany is to get yet another museum to help the Germans remember the Holocaust, which they might otherwise forget. Designed by architect Daniel Liebskind, this one will open in about a week. It can accommodate more than 2,000 visitors a day. It will be closed only three days a year: the Jewish holidays of Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah - and Christmas Eve.

Organizers let it be known that they "... do not want the vibrant past and the present to be overwhelmed by the Nazi massacre of 6 million Jews under Hitler."

What vibrant past? Whose vibrant past? :)

Release of "The Grey Zone" has been announced. Rated R for "...strong holocaust violence, nudity and language, this film is described as "the tale of Dr. Miklos Nyiszli (Keitel), who worked for 'the Angel of Death', Dr. Mengele. The ever-more-stale topic: A Sonderkommando, composed of Jewish prisoners, was forced to work in the crematoria at Auschwitz - and their traumatic experiences forced them into a moral 'grey zone'."

Nyiszli's notes turned into a book after 1945 in Communist Hungary. It was referred to at that time as a "novel". (Like Schindler's List!) So here we have one more film based on a novel by a Jewish novelist with a Marxist background!

Agence France Presse in its International News Section of August 27, 2001 commented on a government ban in Romania to sell "the Nationalist", a book with subheadings such as "What Holocaust?"

The title includes chapter headings like "These Jews who run our lives" and "The Jews' Inferiority Complex." Government prosecutors have sternly announced they are investigating the matter.

The president of the German Parliament, Wolfgang Thierse, has worries as well. When he traveled through eastern Germany and Poland earlier this year, "neo-Nazis" posted his schedule on the Internet so they could follow him.

"The extreme-right is more self-confident, more offensive and better organized than ever," Thierse said in a recent interview with Die Zeit weekly.

"The collapse of communism created a kind of vacuum which is being filled with all sorts of ideas," said Rafal Pankowski, a board member of "Never Again", a Polish anti-hate group.

What kind of ideas? That Zionism is racism? That the persecuted of yesterday have become the persecutors of today?

New York's top cop is heading for Israel to trade advice about NYPD anti-terrorism tactics in exchange for help in cutting off the Big Apple's supply of the club drug "ecstasy." The visit includes a state dinner with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

The ecstasy issue is on the agenda because Israel is a major port of origin for huge shipments of the drug into the United States. In July, the NYPD busted two Israelis trying to deal $40 million worth of the drug.

Never missing a beat, Israeli officials will take Kerik to the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem.

This is revealing! So a top cop, whose police force represents more men than the armies of Switzerland or Denmark, has to wine and dine with the Prime Minister to stop Israel's illicit export of drugs?

Do they fly to Colombia and do the same there with the prime minister - or do they go straight for the crooks? What does this story tell the world?

Finnish Foreign Minister, Erkki Tuomioja, was quoted as saying Israel's intent in its clashes with Palestinians is "to suppress, humiliate, subdue and impoverish the Palestinians," as quoted in Suomen Kuvalehti magazine on Aug. 24, 2001.

Foreign Minister Shimon Peres immediately chastised his Finnish counterpart, stating: "The statement is shocking and outrageous, not only to every Israeli and every Jew, but also to every enlightened person in the world."

Once again Peres, totally incapable of seeing other people's viewpoint, is denying the very reality staring him in the face in Palestine - a reality created by his very own government's policies!

According to Ha'aretz, Jonathan Pollard, the Israeli spy, will be getting $1 million from the Israeli government to help pay for his and his wife's legal expenses. (Incidentally, Pollard hotly denies it.)

"Israel is America's staunchest ally and friend in the Middle East" - isn't that the oft-repeated mantra by Israel's Fifth Column in the US?

One ZGram reader writes: "At least a tiny portion of the annual $3 billion in US aid to Israel will be returned. however circuitously..." don't be so sure. It might well land in yet another Jewish lawyer's pockets!

It now turns out that "60 Minutes" fabricated out of whole cloth the widely quoted story of "...seventy virgins, seventy wives and everlasting happiness" supposedly awaiting a Palestinian suicide bomber in the Beyond.

Koran scholars say that there is no such passage in their Holy Book - that the Koran is not about having sex with virgins in heaven.

Knight-Ridder, the agency that broke the story, heard "60 Minutes" officials "explain" they could not explain how the distorted translation occurred.

You will be astonished (or perhaps not) by this one:

Yeshiva University classics professor Louis Feldman has announced that the Coliseum may have been "built with Jewish loot" from the destruction of the Temple by the Romans in 70 AD.

Expect another reparations bonanza. How much could the Temple be worth in today's money? Plus interest?

And, finally, a faithful ZGram reader sent me this:

"Here is a piece of news from Denmark that may be of interest to your readers. A revival of the medieval debate about the existence of universals can soon be expected. The Holocaust is 'the most well-documented' genocide ever, celebrated historian Otto Ruhl stated.

"But a profound philosophical/theological problems remains, and its solution is the topic of a conference for all Danish high-school teachers.

"The question that will be discussed on Oct. 2 2001 is: 'Is the Holocaust unique or universal? Or - why not - both?'"

Just when you said there was relief from Holocaustomania around the corner!

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