Copyright (c) 2001 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


May 5, 2001


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Probably few issues have so polarized my ZGram readership as my lavish endorsement of Norman Finkelstein's campaign excoriating the Holocaust Industry for inventing ever new survivor classes to keep its two main cash cows, Germany and the United States, disgorging dollars, if I may be so bold in imagery.

Many readers felt bitterly disappointed that Finkelstein endorsed the standard and what we know to be fraudulent Holocaust version of mass extermination through "gas chambers" etc., while other readers agreed with me that his campaign was extremely useful, especially in Europe, as a wedge exposing the financial and psychologically brutalizing extortion racket that has grown around said Holocaust.

In a perfect world, that utterly disgusting lie about the so- called genocidal gas chambers would have landed in the trash bin of history the moment Revisionists started producing their forensic and documentary facts. In our less-than- perfect world, controlled by spin doctors, ideologically motivated crooks and ruthless, brutal gangsters, truth has to grow a root and a branch at a time.

Our truth is advancing in stages - and Norman Finkelstein has helped to pave the road to victory, even with half-truths. No German could have said what he has said - and left untouched by physical terror, professional disgrace, arrest, trial, conviction, huge fines or even prison.

Which is not to say that readers who object to Finkelstein's cleverly, and some say slyly, shying away from the rock bottom truth don't have some valid points. The author of the book review below makes his own points distinctly:


Peeling back layers of the onion...

This book is an 'easy read' since it's not a ten-pound tome. It measures a modest 7 3/4" high by 5 3/4" wide, and contains only 150 pages with relatively small type face and lots of white space. It has only three chapters with additional Acknowledgments, Introduction, and Conclusion. Thus, it has a one-page "Contents" and, curiously enough, no index. It's annotated at page bottoms, which in some ways is handier than at the end of the book.

Reading any book by a Jewish author is like running toward the football to kick it, certain that this time Lucy won't pull it way from your foot at the last moment. It must always be remembered that they depend - usually successfully - on our gullible wish to believe that what is printed must be true, particularly when those printed words are busy debunking other printed words!

What is important to remember is that all such books are written primarily to cause a paradigm shift, no matter how minor or modest, in the mind of the goy reader. A book such as "The Holocaust Industry" is NOT written to inform other Jews or to change their minds. We goyim, however, can play leapfrog in this game of 'who is more intelligent' by constantly asking ourselves as we read, "Now what are they thinking, when they write that, what are they trying to make us believe... and why?

This book report is written to answer these questions. 'The Holocaust Industry" was not written in a vacuum. Several notable Jewish dissidents helped in its creation. (See "Acknowledgments.") Moreover, the publishing industry is dominated in the U.S. by Jews, and they keep their collective ear pealed for any anomalous work such as Finkelstein's present work. (He has written other dissident works as well.)

So it should not be thought that The Holocaust Industry came crashing into the intellectual world all unheralded. It was certainly known about before it hit the booksellers' shelves. If it were truly damaging to Zionist Jews, Finkelstein would have found it difficult or impossible to find a publisher... or even a printer. He also would have been audited by the IRS, roughed up by ultra-Zionists, and even threatened with death. None of this has happened. Thus, one must conclude that The Holocaust Industry was (perhaps reluctantly) vetted and approved by top Jews in the United States.

But WHY?

If one believes Finkelstein, a major motivation in writing his book was the fact (?) that his mother only received $3500 in reparations for her four years in various detention camps, while most of the big bucks were going to the lawyers, rabbis, and holocaust organizations, not to the 'survivors.' This simple homey quality will gain ground with some, but I found it to be something of an insult to the intelligence of even an average reader.

With that as meager motivational fuel, Finkelstein tears into the holocaust industry with a vengeance, and does a remarkably good job in reiterating what many right-wing web sites in essence have been saying for some time already. The notes and quotes are particularly damning and it is impossible to read the book without guffawing again and again as the bald-faced nature of the global scam is expertly exposed.

But what purports to be a 'conclusion' tails off into thin air. The book, curiously enough, is an expose without solution offered. Perhaps that's because no solution is possible short of a final solution! And the book, in my humble opinion, is written precisely to avert that possibility. (See below.)

One interesting fact: not once in the entire book do the words "gas chamber(s)" appear. Finkelstein asks us to accept that the 'Nazi holocaust' was real, but that 'The Holocaust" (his designation for the "industry" of "Shoa") is just an exaggerated con game based on a true historical event. So, in a particularly subtle way, the reader is politely asked to accept a quid pro quo, an expertly debunked "The Holocaust" if he agrees to accept the reality of the "Nazi holocaust." Obviously, there is no discussion in the Holocaust Industry about physical or documentary proof of what actually happened. It's just assumed that all nice people know IT happened.

I marked three brief passages from the book for inclusion in this report. Sometimes the gist of a book is contained in just a few gems. The first appears at the top of page 68:

"All the hype notwithstanding, there is no evidence that Holocaust deniers exert any more influence in the United States than the flat-earth society does."

Ahah! Pay dirt!

In the first place, Finkelstein inadvertently muddies his carefully explained distinction between the "Nazi holocaust" (no capital "H") and "The Holocaust." Will the real holocaust please stand up! But beyond that, those of us who have grown old studying these strange people know that usually when they make a flat-out categorical statement they are trying to conjure up (or away) with bold words a reality that is unpleasant to them.

What this above statement really means, then, is that "holocaust denial" - to use their term - has broadened planet-wide to such an extent that it now threatens the very viability of both "The Holocaust" and the "Nazi holocaust." In fact, the Jews have no accurate way of gauging sentiment in this regard (polls are very unreliable on this subject) simply because the dissemination of information about World War II and what really happened is via the Internet, thus totally dispersed and uncountable.

May we assume that they are a bit concerned?

The second quote appears on page 149 and pretty much lets the cat out of the bag: (About Israel and American Jewry in the same "indefensible position")

"Organized American Jewry has exploited the Nazi holocaust to deflect criticism of Israel's and its own morally indefensible policies. Pursuit of these policies has put Israel and American Jewry in a structurally congruent position: the fates of both now dangle from a slender thread running to American ruling elites. Should these elites ever decide that Israel is a liability or American Jewry is expendable, the thread may be cut. ..."

Now WHY would the "American elite" decide such a thing IF the "holocaust deniers" equate with the flat-earth society? Answer, they wouldn't... unless they, themselves, became "holocaust deniers." And WHY would they become "holocaust deniers?" Not so much because of the facts (the elite don't give a damn about facts), but rather because The Holocaust scam has already gone too far and needs to be terminated.

The third quote comes from the very next (and last) page, 150:

"The challenge today is to restore the Nazi holocaust as a rational subject of inquiry. Only then can we really learn from it. The abnormality of the Nazi holocaust springs not from the event itself but from the exploitive industry that has grown up around it."

TRANSLATION: "Fellows, you have milked this thing for all it's worth, now let's stand clear before it crashes down and we all get hurt." Note that Finkelstein wants to terminate "The Holocaust" and have us "learn from the Nazi holocaust"... study it as a true event, and learn great moral lessons from it, but not poke around too much with ground radar units, aerial photos, lie detectors, etc. The word "rational" to Finkelstein doesn't mean what most people think of as rational...

Bottom line: They are a bit scared that this good thing may crash just like the stock market, only with infinitely worse results... for them. It's all in the book.

(With credits to H. Ayre)


Thought for the Day:

"Ride not a free horse to death."


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