March 2001
March 1:
Kristalnacht - Part V
March 2:
Kristalnacht - Part VI
March 3:
CHRT Summary: Part I
March 4:
CHRT Summary: Part II
March 5:
CHRT Summary: Part III
March 6:
CHRT Summary: Part IV
March 7:
The Globe and Mail on the CHRT hearings
March 8:
As the World Turns...
March 9:
Revisionist Conference in Lebanon!
March 10:
What Price Freedom?
March 11:
***Revisionist Week in Review***
March 12:
The Black Book of Communism
March 13:
Evans' book pulped in Britain
March 14:
Vampire Killers
March 15:
The Bully Persists
March 16:
Washington warns Lebanon against hosting "Holocaust denial" conference
March 17:
Couldn't Zionism Lie about the Holocaust, too
March 18:
***Revisionist Week in Review***
March 19:
The Garden of the Righteous Jews
March 20:
Horror of horrors! Germany talks of national pride!"
March 21:
This is America?
March 22:
The young girl who left Haifa
March 23:
Comments on the Beirut cancellation
March 24:
Update on the cancellation of the Revisionist Conference
March 25:
***Revisionist Week in Review***
March 26:
The New Complaint of Portnoy
March 27:
Reparations? A Black woman is shaming the Jews
March 28:
Update on the cancelled Beirut conference
March 29:
Eric Blair reviews Mr. Death
March 30:
Can this fine mind be long stuck in the Holocaust Myth?
March 31:
The Stalin Record: Finally!
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