Copyright (c) 2000 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


December 30, 2000


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


Time and again, we find ourselves defending the work that has gone on in the courtrooms. Even long-time supporters have a hard time understanding that we are in an intellectual - some say spiritual - war, and that today's "trenches" are the court rooms of the Western World. The transcripts culled from those legal battles are the seeds that will determine the future of mankind, because in them are engraved the tactics and techniques the enemy uses against us.


I will give you one example:


During the conclusion of the Human Rights Tribunal hearings about the Zundelsite, Paul Fromm, an intervenor on our behalf, questioned our expert witness, Dr. Heinz Klatt, who teaches a class on Political Correctness at Kings College in Ontario, on his definition of "political correctness."


Immediately, the Chair of the Tribunal, Mr. Pensa, cut in and said that wasn't necessary; not to waste time and to move on.


Next thing we knew, in ***disqualifying*** Dr. Klatt to speak on our behalf, the Tribunal ruled that ***there had been no definition offered of Political Correctness***!


So there you have it, in black and white. And there are countless examples of legal brutality and shenanigans embedded in those transcripts since the struggle against the Holohoax began in earnest in 1984 - transcripts now being mined by students all over the world.


Here is another example - a letter I received from an attorney who is investigating just how much, if anything, the leaders of the Catholic Church knew about the so-called "Holocaust". He comments on the testimony of Dr. Vrba, one of the mainstays of traditional Holocaustomania. I was able to secure this portion of the transcripts for this attorney on my last trip to Canada. He writes:


I received the transcripts of Rudolph Vrba's testimony in the 1985 case and have now finished reading them.


First, I want to thank you for your help in obtaining them for me and hope you will express my thanks to Ernst.


As for the substance, it was fascinating. Vrba (Walter Rosenberg) comes across as a very difficult witness to examine and I can imagine Doug Christie's [lead attorney in the Zundel defense] frustration. Vrba was combative (as might have been expected) but also arrogant, sly, and above all a most untrustworthy witness. It isn't surprising that I see it that way, of course. With the benefit of our current information about "the gas chambers" of Auschwitz much of Verba's story can be seen for what it is. Invented lies, apparently fueled by a pathological hatred.


But the jury doesn't have that information.


I particularly note his testimony about the 18 to 20 foot deep burning pits in the marshy ground of Auschwitz, his unique observation point of the gas chambers from the corpse storage area while sipping tea with his friend who worked there, his amazing counting of exactly 1,765,000 victims, his ability to move freely around the camp under the nose of the otherwise all-seeing, all-killing SS, and many, many other absurdities.


It reeks.


The trouble is that while you and I can recognize these lies for what they are, the jury cannot - and having been "educated" all their lives to believe every detail of the gas chamber story, it was apparently too much for them to come to the conclusion that Vrba was a pathological liar. To do so implies that the whole "Holocaust" story is simply a gigantic exercise in fraud and gross exaggeration. It's hard to do that. It's much easier to go along with conventional wisdom. See, e.g. Judge Gray in the Irving case, as another example of this.


Also, a legal trial is at best a crude instrument. I'm sure that Mr. Christie would tell you that he would have loved to have been able to produce direct evidence to counter many of Vrba's lies - but you simply cannot come up with all that you wish in the course of a trial. I think Christie did a good job in trying to undercut Vrba's credibility as a witness by cross-examination, but doing it that way rather than by direct counter evidence is always a difficult road.


However, this is one of the very times our side gets a chance to take on one of these story-tellers in the relative discipline of a judicial setting and is most valuable for that reason. I'd say that any fair-minded person would sense something very fishy about Mr. Vrba after listening to him.


My own special interest is in trying to discover what the Vatican really thought of Vrba. As you know, on his escape from Auschwitz he was interviewed by Church officials and apparently sold his stories to them because they passed them on whole to Rome. But Rome seemingly had reservations, because they never mentioned the gas chamber stories in their critical statements about the treatment of the Jews. There is nothing in the testimony one way or the other about this.




Thought for the Day:


"Having read your latest ZGram 'The Barber of Treblinka', I'm reminded of the words of another Jew, the American 'comedian' Chico Marx: 'Who are you going to believe, your own two eyes or me?'


"That's the 'holocaust' scam in a nutshell!"


(Letter to the Zundelsite)

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