Copyright (c) 2000 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


August 2, 2000


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:


This small essay was sent to me from Australia. Because it was written by a non-English speaker, I had to clean it up grammatically and modify its content to sharpen it a bit.


As it stands now, I think it can teach us a lesson:


Think Robin Hood!


If Robin Hood had been of German origin, history would have portrayed him in the usual fashion: as evil, subhuman - in short, a "Hun". In that case, "stealing" would have been extremely unpopular and offensive.


But Robin Hood was a victorious Allied fellow, no doubt about that. He gave his country the credential of a new moral code, and his activities were consequently regarded virtuous and sanctioned. He was admired so much by young and old that he became a national hero and has appeared as such in more than one movie. Hollywood paid him tribute while making him immortal.


Robin Hood took from the rich and gave to the poor - and helped himself in the meantime. It did not worry him that he was setting precedent for others.


Robin Hood was the originator of Communism. No one else inspired Karl Marx as much as Robin Hood did. Marx incited a whole nation to kill off all the rich and take possession of their assets. Robin Hood set the stage for the Russian Revolution, where Robin-Hood-Standards were implemented.


Both Robin and Karl held grudges against the natural elite - the rich, the competent, the diligent, the providers. Neither Robin nor Karl had any scruples that their philosophy might enact the Decline of the West by demolishing the Old World Order, a culture which had been the jewel of the world's civilizations.


It did not worry them either that they laid down the foundation for anarchy - because once the thief realizes that thieving has become generally accepted and even perceived as a social necessity, he will pride himself in how many people he can con into thievery. Did Josef Stalin not appear on the scene as a bank robber before he stole the wealth of all of Russia?


Soon the government, subject to Robin-Hood-Standards, encouraged others to steal. It is still vaguely remembered by perhaps three oldsters that in 1917 an English government gave territories away, which it had stolen from others.


Plain thieving, renamed "expansionism" was motivation enough to mobilise against the rightful owners of the land and defeat them. Let's call it the Ottoman Empire.


When the Ottoman Empire was finally destroyed and demolished, the Robin Hood people annexed Syria and Lebanon and gave it in old Robin-Hood-fashion to the French. They gave Palestine to the Jews, also promising it to the Arabs through Lawrence of Arabia and keeping the rest of the spoils - Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq.


According to the principles laid down by the League of Nations, these countries were supposed to be put under tutelage until they could be "trusted" to rule themselves. Unfortunately for the Arab countries, war booties along with ringing ideology were quickly swept under the rug.


When World War I had come to a conclusion, the same Robin-Hood government - now confident and experienced in Robin-Hood-Principles, delivered German provinces to France, Poland and the new Czechoslovakia, while keeping the German colonies in Africa for themselves. They even stole from the German Central Bank, the Reichsbank, the Turkish government's gold deposited there - it being the collateral to the creditors of Germany.


When in 1939 a Little Corporal dared to repossess from Poland his lost (in academic terms, "annexed") territories that had been stolen from his people, the Robin Hood people were puzzled by his audaciousness and declared war on him. The lesson the Little Corporal had to learn was that he had infringed on Robin's "copyrights". It was okay for Robin Hood to conquer three quarters of the world - and, by doing so, destroying ancient cultures, but it was wrong for the Little Corporal to re-conquer his own "lost" territories - the so-called "Corridor" having been separated from his homeland after WWI - in other words, the provinces of Pomeranian, Silesia and the City of Danzig.


After the Second World War the definition of stealing was replaced with that of 'confiscation' and, later "reparations" - in the vernacular known as 'komsy-komsa'.


Komsy-komsa saw to it that everything movable left the German Reich:


Shiploads of arts, machinery, ships, trains, rail tracks, the pride of the Reichspatent Office in Frankfurt, archives, etc. - along with German dignity. Practically no dignity whatsoever was left.


Not to forget: One of the favoured prizes were German women. A second one was slave labor. Churchill traded German flesh with Russia - millions of pounds of it it! - and bragged to Franklin Roosevelt that he had become a dedicated Hood.


Having liquidated most of Europe's wealth, komsy-komsa was now thoroughly entrenched. Even Oberst Rudel tells us that, when on the May 8, 1945 the war was over and he set down his stuka, undefeated in the air, on an Allied-occupied airstrip,


"....already a soldier is standing besides my cockpit pointing a revolver at me. I open the canopy and instantly his hand is outstretched to grab my golden oak-leaves."


("Stuka Pilot" by Hans Ulrich Rudel, page 224)


Komsy-komsa was very common with the Allies - even sanctioned. In later years, decorated German combatants could buy back their hard-earned medals from their "liberators" for hard cash.


Robin Hoodism left a destructive legacy. Bombed cities could be rebuilt. Vanished soldiers could be replaced by raising a new generation. But the rehabilitation program enforced by the Hoods was intended to "re-educate" the new generation of German children that their fathers, killed in the war or murdered in prison, were so evil that they could not have been released in the newly civilized society. The Hoods all had their lesson pat.


Thus the German Reich was demolished and ripped apart. People by the millions were thrown out of their homeland, and 2.3 million were murdered on the roads. Germans were outcasts, like lepers, defamed worldwide.


The Hoods still see to it that this denigration has not ceased to the day.


These days every Hood knows how to surpass the original Robin Hood in virtue. These days the Hoods steal votes. "How can you miss?" they ask, "when you're of Robin Hood descent?"




Thought for the Day:


"What is the difference between slavery and sharecropping? In the latter case the slave pays for his own room and board."


(Letter to the Zundelsite) --


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