Copyright (c) 2000 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


July 7, 2000


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:



For newcomers to my ZGrams, I am doing a two-part summary of basic Revisionist work. It was compiled by Lady Birdwood about ten years ago. Some of it is now a bit dated, such as the Leuchter story, but still, the material offers a shortcut to understanding what has happened and is happening in the Revisionist camp.


Lady Birdwood, a British aristocrat, wrote the following thumb nail sketch of the Holocaust topic. Doug Christie, famed British Columbia free speech attorney, defended her in one of her many court appearances. In spite of Doug's best efforts, marshalling all the facts and his skill and eloquence, the case was lost in court. History will judge her differently.


Read on:




WINSTON Churchill identified Jewish leaders as the driving power behind Communism in an article entitled "Zionism versus Bolshevism: the Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People", published in The Illustrated Sunday Herald, London, in 1920.


As we have seen, the Jewish leaders of Communism have been behind the torture and deaths of hundreds of millions of anti-Communist and Christian people. Yet because of the unremitting outpouring of Jewish propaganda from the Jewish-controlled press and broadcasting media, the average person in the West, if asked to name the worst atrocity of the 20th Century would, in a preconditioned reaction reminiscent of a Pavlovian dog, declare: "The Holocaust-the systematic extermination of 6,000,000 Jews in the gas chambers of German Nazi concentration camps during the Second World War".


While it cannot be denied that there were massacres of Jews by German Nazis and their allies during WW2 (often in revenge for the ghastly activities of Jewish-led Communist secret police-then known as the N.K.V.D. or the 'Chekists') the total of such Jewish deaths can be computed in the hundreds of thousands, not millions as claimed in the 'Holocaust' legend.


The news film of emaciated Jews in newly-liberated German concentration camps like Belsen and Dachau, though horrific to see, are not evidence of "systematic extermination"... but of famine and typhus-phenomena which affected the whole of Germany and other parts of Europe at the end of the war, due to the massive extent of Allied bombing. More than two million German civilians died of famine and typhus during the years 1944-1947. That figure does not include the number of German civilians killed by bombing. As many as 300,000 civilians died in just three nights in the 1944 raid on Dresden, a non-military target crammed with refugees fleeing from the Russians.


Those who have studied 'Holocaust' propaganda over the years have long realised that the Jews (of both the Communist and Zionist variety) have grotesquely exaggerated-and in many cases invented-stories of Jewish suffering and 'extermination'. One need only examine pre-war Jewish sources on world Jewish population totals, and compare those figures with post-war world Jewish population totals, to realise that world Jewry could not possibly have maintained, indeed slightly increased, its total population during the Second World War and also have lost 6,000,000 in the 'Holocaust'.


Those who promote the 'Holocaust' legend point to the relatively small post-war Jewish populations of Germany, Austria, Hungary and other parts of Europe compared with the pre-war Jewish population figures. In fact, of course, before the war started hundreds of thousands of Jews left central and western Europe for the United States, Britain, Canada and South America; millions of Jews left eastern parts of Europe for the Soviet Union, where huge numbers were located east of the Urals for the duration of the war.


The Zionists used (and still use) the 'Holocaust' horror stories to bounce the world into accepting their conquest of the land of Palestine after WW2, and other Arab territory since then. They also use the 'Holocaust' as a way of raising vast sums of money: 'reparations' from Germany; gifts from soft-hearted and gullible Gentiles elsewhere.


The Communist Jews play up the 'Holocaust' story because they hope to distract world attention from the true horrors perpetrated by them in the Gulags of Siberia to false tales of German Nazi "Death Camps".


Bit by bit the Jewish 'Holocaust' story has become increasingly threadbare as various "eye-witness accounts" and items of "evidence" became subject to critical and intelligent examination by independent-minded historians and scholars in a variety of other academic disciplines. The following examples illustrate this point:


Firstly, many people think that the concentration camp at Dachau, Germany, was one of the legendary "Death Camps", which operated the gas chamber system for the "systematic extermination of Jewish inmates". Immediately on the capture of Dachau by American troops photographs were shown of the door of one such "gas chamber". Senior German officers who had been in charge of the camp were put on trial, convicted and hanged for "mass murder" by use of "gas chambers".


Years later it was admitted that the only gas chamber that existed at Dachau was a small airtight room used for delousing clothes by means of hydro-cyanic acid gas. (This method of eliminating typhus-carrying lice was common throughout Europe at the time.) This was the facility which was depicted in earlier propaganda photographs as being the "gas chamber" used for the "mass murder of Jews"-a crime which did not happen, but for which innocent men were hanged by Allied War Crimes Tribunals! Even Greville Janner, Q.C., M.P., admitted in the House of Commons ten years ago, when he was Chairman of the Board of Deputies of British Jews: "... as everybody knows, there were no gas chambers in Dachau..."



(To be continued tomorrow)




The material was found at and "zgrammed" with permission.




Thought for the Day:



"Television lies. All television lies. It lies persistently, instinctively and by habit. Everyone involved lies. A culture of mendacity surrounds the medium and those who work there live it, breathe it and prosper by it. I know of no area of public life - no, not even politics - more saturated by a professional cynicism. If you want a word that takes you to the core of it, I would offer 'rigged'. "......... is it dishonest for the presenter to imply that the pundit in the chair is free to offer any opinion, when the truth is that 50 pundits were telephoned but only the fellow prepared to offer the requisite opinion was invited?"


( - Matthew Parish. British Press Awards Columnist of the Year. Daily Mail, 21st, April, 1996)

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