Copyright (c) 2000 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


June 23, 2000


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:



The Chronicle of Higher Education which, if I am not mistaken, once ran an article that said something to the effect that it would never - as in NEVER! - touch anything remotely revisionistic with a ten foot pole, has just published an article by Alison Schneider titled "A California State Professor Is Attacked for His Defense of a Holocaust Denier".


As behooves the Zundelsite, intersperses comments are in response to that article's paragraphs.




After defending the academic freedom of a Holocaust denier, an evolutionary psychologist at California State University at Long Beach says his own academic freedom is on the line.


Last month, a vocal group of colleagues demanded that Kevin MacDonald, the Cal State psychologist, publicly defend his views connecting Judaism, positive eugenics, and the rise of anti-Semitism.


Mr. MacDonald found himself on the hot seat after he testified in January in a controversial libel suit in Britain on behalf of David Irving, an independent scholar who has challenged the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz and suggested that only one million Jews were killed by Nazis.




Well now, let's see. What do we have here? An "accused" - just like in Mao Tse Tung's China - sitting on a chair in the middle of an auditorium at Cal State facing a "Red Guard" accuser who hurls invectives and insults at him for his non-party line and his politically incorrect views on Jewish ethnocentrism? (I do have some insights here from a private source...)




Mr. MacDonald said he testified for Mr. Irving in the name of academic freedom. The independent scholar -- who sued Deborah E. Lipstadt, a professor of religion at Emory University, for calling him a "Holocaust denier" -- argued that various Jewish groups were trying to silence him by squelching his publishing opportunities. Mr. Irving thought Mr. MacDonald, who has written that some Jewish organizations have fought anti-Semitism by crushing critiques of the religion, could help bolster his claim.




Professor MacDonald testified for the age-old tradition of unfettered inquiry and the right to publish one's views and findings. And then, what happened next? He promptly found himself lumped in with the man for whose freedom to research and publish he testified.


In fact, MacDonald is right. David Irving and now he himself are living proof that what he exposed in his writings are real attacks and defensive strategies used by Jews as a group to shout down and contain by an avalanche of abuse and accusation anyone who is even mildly critical of their ethnocentric strivings and group agenda.




The testimony didn't help. Mr. Irving lost the case, and now, Mr. MacDonald claims he's losing out as well -- on academic freedom and a comfortable work environment.




MacDonald should not lose heart. His very attackers and detractors prove his abstract theories as being obviously well-founded in fact. This verification by his Jewish opponents should please him.




In the wake of the trial, the New Times Los Angeles, an alternative weekly, published a cover story detailing Mr. MacDonald's views on Judaism. The psychologist's colleagues didn't like what they read, namely that Mr. MacDonald accuses Jews of being responsible for the Holocaust and fomenting a race war in the United States.




The New Times Los Angeles did a Nizkorite type smear job. What MacDonald's colleagues might have experienced is that Truth hurt! Nobody engaged in suppressing honest analysis and debate likes to have the mirror held up to their faces, which reveals the ugly face of intolerance of criticism, however gentle or scholarly in tone and content. And this New Times LA was neither scholarly nor gentle.




After the article appeared, a group of Mr. MacDonald's colleagues called on him to defend his views in a public forum. The professor, fearful of a hostile media spectacle, requested an e-mail discussion instead. A slew of e-mail exchanges, some of them fairly pointed, have been flying back and forth ever since. <>




Good for MacDonald! More power to him for dragging these intellectual terrorists and reputation assassins out into the open. Let the world read their hateful and self-serving "spurious criticism". Let's see them at work - inside and outside of academia.




The longest messages, by far, were from Mr. MacDonald himself, who was eager to set the record straight. For starters, Mr. MacDonald said in an interview, "I am not a Holocaust denier." And he doesn't blame the Jews for the Holocaust, either, he added.




He is ***not yet*** a "Holocaust denier"! It won't be long before his erudite mind puts two and two together and finds that the chief "shield and sword" of his opponents is the ruthless exploitation of the Holocaust to further their ethnic, political and, yes, their tribal agenda.




What he does argue in his trilogy -- A People That Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy (Praeger, 1994); Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism (Praeger, 1998); and The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements (Praeger, 1998) -- is that anti-Semitism can be understood as a natural byproduct of a Darwinian strategy for Jewish survival.




Read MacDonald's books - they are touch going! They are academic and expensive to buy. They are also solid and consistent in their arguments. MacDonald is to Evolutionary Psychology what Butz and Faurisson were to Revisionism. The MacDonald titles are trail-blazing publications.




Here's how his theory works: Jewish canonical writings encourage eugenic marriages between wealthy Jewish daughters and successful Jewish scholars, Mr. MacDonald asserts. Those marriages have led to a Jewish population with higher I.Q.'s. As a result of those higher I.Q.'s, Jews have achieved extraordinary levels of success. That success, coupled with a Jewish tendency toward self-segregation, has been at least partly responsible for anti-Semitism among non-Jews. Mr. MacDonald does not rule out the role that irrational fears and half-truths play in the rise of anti-Semitism, he said. But he does insist that Jewish behavior must be part of any adequate explanation of the recurrent persecution of Jews.




What MacDonald puts out ever so politely and carefully is that Jewry, throughout the ages, has been a program of selective breeding in place, and has benefited and is still benefiting from that program - while loudly and shrilly denouncing the practice when gentile nations, like Germany, were merely talking about it as a concept.




As for theories about Jews inspiring a race war, "that's way off the map," Mr. MacDonald said. "I do think that we may be heading into a period of increasing ethnocentrism on all sides resulting from ethnic diversity." And he does think that some Jews have combated anti-Semitism by using intellectual movements, like the Frankfurt school of psychoanalysis, to critique Christian culture. But that's not the same as predicting ethnic warfare, he maintained.




MacDonald is new to the role of being a social and intellectual leper. He is desperately trying to lay down a few verbal smoke screens. A Pentagon official was quoted recently as saying, speaking of the recent spy scandals: "Israeli intelligence operates as if they were at war with us." It's not as if they "were" at war. They ***are*** at war with us! They are (and have been) attacking the very nation that has been as generous to them as any nation ever was on earth - from the Rosenbergs to Pollard, and from the USS Liberty attack to the "Golan Heights withdrawal" financial scams to selling US weapons technology to China and North Korea.




Some of his colleagues disagree. "MacDonald may not say outright that the Holocaust never happened," said Sharon Sievers, the chairwoman of Long Beach's history department. "He doesn't say outright that Jews were responsible for the discrimination they faced. But that's the implication of all his work. The implications of the three volumes that he wrote are so incredible that I think it clearly needs some response from the faculty."




". . .Jews were responsible for the discrimination they have faced . . . " ?! From Cicero to Hitler - and now to sunny California - the truth is inescapable. For every action of "pro-Semitims" - of which there is lots daily - there will eventually be an equal and opposite reaction. That is, if the attacked society is a healthy and not a dying, degenerative one!




That's why Ms. Sievers, backed by other professors, began pushing in early May for a public forum to air Mr. MacDonald's views. She thinks the forum will occur next fall, with or without Mr. MacDonald's participation.




That will be fun to watch - a real spectacle. Let's hope someone will broadcast it live on the Internet for all to see how Cal State deals with dissident professors!




Ms. Sievers said she's not seeking to oust the psychologist from the institution or to censure him. And she's not aiming to trample on his academic freedom. "But my own view of things is you are responsible for what you write. And the more objectionable the implications of your work, the more likely you'll have to defend them. That's part of the responsibility academics have."




Can anybody please post something Ms. Sievers wrote? Let's see what her self-righteous mind produced. Let her defend her views and findings. And one might ask, why now? The books have been out for some time. Is it the Irving taint?




Mr. MacDonald isn't trying to wriggle out of that responsibility, he said, but he has no intention of participating in a public forum which will "only lend itself to sound bites and hostility. This seems more like an inquisition than an attempt to find out the truth about anything." And, what's worse, he added, "it sets a terrible precedent" for academic freedom.




We urge Professor MacDonald to stay the course and to stick to his guns. He has shone the searchlight of analysis on a phenomenon which needs to be analyzed, dissected, discussed and exposed - like few other phenomena. The survival of America and the fate of Western civilization depend on its exposure.




Long Beach faculty members aren't the only ones seeking an accounting from Mr. MacDonald. The Human Behavior and Evolution Society held a forum on his writings in early June at its annual meeting.




Let them hold their forums (fora?) - the more the better. This phenomenon of Jewish ethno-centrism and the tricks and underhanded methods, skullduggery and intellectual fraud and terrorism they employ need to be exposed!




Meanwhile, the president of Long Beach has received letters seeking his dismissal, the professor added. And a particularly vicious note by a Long Beach lecturer was posted on the New Times Web site, stating that the writer hoped Mr. MacDonald would lose tenure and "be thrown into the street" and that "it would also be good if everyone on campus pissed on him as he walked by." (...)




Nice "lecturer" this one! Would you like to use good taxpayers dollars to pay the salary of such an intemperate and filthy bigot? Maybe it's about time that decent people write, call and fax the President of Long Beach their views on the matter.




The university has stayed out of the fracas, merely issuing a statement upholding the right of faculty members "to express themselves freely under the First Amendment" and asserting that Mr. MacDonald's personal and academic opinions "do not necessarily represent the opinion or beliefs of the university or the faculty."


Mr. MacDonald would be only too happy to keep quiet himself. "I'm done with Jews," he said. "I don't think I have any more to say about them."




The hyenas are circling MacDonald. He will not "be done with Jews" - not for a long, long time. The only way for him to survive will be to defend himself and his findings. He will have no choice and will have to do so - vigorously, continuously, and without showing any fear. Thus are Revisionists made!




Thought for the Day:


"After reading about their recent forced-guilt techniques; gold-grubbing; demands for continued subsidies, reparations & restitution; Bolshevism; Communism; Talmudism; anti-Christian activism; forced "Holocaust©®" indoctrination in the media and schools; spying on the U.S.; selling China U.S. secrets; assassinations and failed attempts; manipulation of governments and their treasuries; international drug-dealing; the White-slave prostitution of desperately poor Eastern European young women; the false claims against old German soldiers; the 'kosher-fee' racket; the incessant whining & sniveling, and so much more . . .


[I have come to the conclusion . . . ]


"Either Jews have lived in host nations for the last 3,000 years with "Kick Me" signs on their backs, OR they DO things that enrage entire populations of host nations."


(Letter to the Zundelsite)


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