Copyright (c) 2000 - Ingrid A. Rimland

ZGram: Where Truth is Destiny


May 17, 2000


Good Morning from the Zundelsite:



I thought I would be scalped running the excerpts of the Hitler Speeches a few days ago - but to my utter amazement there has not been a single criticism from my readers. There have been a few mildly snide remarks, but not the outrage I expected.


This gives me hope that all is not yet lost - that at the very least my ZGram readers are not as conditioned to recoil in horror the moment somebody has the gumption to suggest that maybe we can learn from studying the Hitler era - not through the glasses of our enemies but with a fresh and open mind.


Therefore, today I start a four-part ZGram series on "Hitler versus Communism" - again by quoting from the Howard Fertig translation of Hitler's Speeches, 1933-1939.


I do so because for some time I have been on a campaign to get intelligent, grown-up people to consider that, when it comes to Hitler and the detested "Nazis", there has been as much systematic disinformation crammed into their brains to keep them from looking into the matter and era objectively as anything we have experienced in the last 100 years.


I am saying to sundry and all:


Revisionism is much more than Holocaust Revisionism. Consider you've been lied to viciously for all your life about the man you've ***learned*** to love to hate. This has been done coldly for political, self-serving reasons so you won't dare investigate on your own what he really fought against - and even more so what he fought for.


Nature gave you a brain. You will not self-destruct if you consider a revisionist alternative about the man, his times, and his struggles - and, yes, positive outcomes in many different disciplines that set the enemies of Western Civilization just foaming at the mouth!


The Holocaust propaganda is meant as the trip-wire of your mind. Holocaust-related trials, and persecutions by arson, bombs, jails, fines, professional ostracism such as David Irving has encountered, are ***impact persecutions*** - designed to make your slink away in fear that bad things might happen to you, leaving Hitler and his era unexplored and thus unavailable as a viable alternative to healthy and successful policies.


Remember what the Bible said, 'Thou shalt not eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil...'? Ever since I was a little child, I wondered just who put it there. It didn't sound like the Almighty I longed to honor and respect. Which makes me wonder ever more who tampered with the Bible.


"Thou shalt not investigate Hitler!" is now the mantra of our times. As a result, the ignorance about what really played in Hitler's Germany is practically beyond description. If I may borrow from H. L. Mencken, people react to Adolf Hitler with the irrationality of a headless hen. If you want to see brain-washing in full swing, you don't need to visit Hitler's Reich or Mao's China. All you need to do is to suggest that maybe, just maybe, there was a darn good reason for the Hitler movement - and spitballs start to fly.


One such darn good reason was, of course, that Hitler recognized, as few in our times, what Communism was, who was pushing it and for what reason, whose agenda it served ultimately. More yet, he threw a generation of the finest and the best of Germany and volunteers from all over Europe against the monstrous evil that was Communism that was threatening to overrun and destroy Europe. We call it now the New World Order - and the man in the street has no idea - NO idea - of the bloody trial run it already had! And it gives me no pleasure to point out that Communism was that monster child conceived by Karl Marx and financed to the tune of tens of millions of dollars by some of the richest owners of the Jewish banking houses of New York.


Prefacing the Hitler quotes on Communism, each ZGram in this series will run a short book review excerpt, first published in Insight and reprinted in the Schwartz Report, April 2000. This book review is titled "Communism's Bloody History" by Stephen Goode, an evaluation of a sensational title called "The Black Book of Communism."


Here goes:


It was a bestseller when it came out in France in 1997, selling nearly 200,000 copies in its hardback edition. That is a very large sale for a book almost 900 pages long that gives a blow-by-blow description of the crimes of Communism, beginning with the Russian Revolution and running through China, Eastern Europe, Cuba and the war in Afghanistan. (...)


Already, the book has aroused a sensation in the United States and Britain. Why? Because the Black Book shows that violence, extreme terror and murder were part of the character of Communism from the very beginning, established personally in the early days of revolution by Vladimir Lenin and his fellow Bolsheviks.


That's an uncomfortable notion because many liberals and academics sympathetic to Marxism like to blame Joseph Stalin as the man who turned a well-meaning revolution begun by Lenin into a monstrous, evil aberration of what Communism should be, and that without Stalin the history of Communism would have been much milder and far less bloody.


But far more controversial and politically incorrect for many liberals and academics is the contention of Stephanie Courtois, the French scholar who headed the group of six experts who wrote the Black Book, that the world must come to see that the evils of Communism are at least equal and in some ways surpass (in body count, for example) the evils of Nazism, which usually is awarded the title of the chief evil of the 20th century.


For many liberals and academics, this is heresy because Nazism is the one true, unadulterated evil of the last 100 years, while Communism, which might be accused of a few excesses, must be forgiven because at least its goal was the creation of a just society for all, which never was the aim of Nazism.


Here are today's Führer excerpts - and remember that when he came to power, Communism had already cut a swath of blood through Aryan people since 1917. And I need to tell you also that what you read below are heavily edited segments. Hitler was far more outspoken than what you see below, but you will get the drift:


* In the Proclamation of the Government to the German People of 1 February 1933 Hitler said:


"Communism with its method of madness is making a powerful and insidious attack upon our discouraged and shattered nation. . . This negative, destroying spirit has spared nothing of all that is highest and most valuable. Beginning with the family, it has undermined the very foundations of morality and faith and scoffs at culture and business, nation and Fatherland, justice and honour. Fourteen years of Marxism have ruined Germany; one year of Bolshevism would destroy her. The richest and fairest territories of the world would be turned into a smoking heap of ruins."


* In his speech at the Sportpalast, Berlin, on 10 February 1933 Hitler said:


"Marxism is a fight against culture and the idea of freedom, a war against tradition and honour. It is an attack upon all the foundations of our community-life and thus an attack upon the bases of our life as a whole. Towards the world without pacifist, in the domestic sphere terrorist - such is the world outlook of the destructive Marxist doctrine."


* In his speech in the Reichstag on 23 March 1933 Hitler said:


"It is only the creation of a real national community, rising above the interests and differences of rank and class, that can permanently remove the source of nourishment of these aberrations of the human mind."


* At the Congress of the German Work Front in Berlin on 10 May 1933 Hitler said:


"I regard it as my task before posterity to destroy Marxism, and that is no empty phrase but a solemn oath which I shall perform as long as I live. . . This is for us no fight which can be finished by a compromise. We see in Marxism the enemy of our people which we shall root out and destroy without mercy."


* In his closing speech at the Nuremberg Parteitag on 3 September 1933 Hitler said:


"If a single people in Western or Central Europe were to succumb to Bolshevism, this poison would spread farther and would destroy that which is today the oldest and fairest cultural treasure in the world. By taking upon herself this struggle against Bolshevism Germany is but fulfilling, as so often before in her history, a European mission."


* In the New Year message of 1934 Hitler could announce that


"Marxism is destroyed and Communism trodden underfoot. . . Marxism in Germany exists no longer."


* In his speech to the Reichstag delivered on 21 May 1935 Hitler said:


"Germany today is a National Socialist State. The ideas by which we are governed are diametrically opposed to those of Soviet Russia. National Socialism is a doctrine which applies exclusively to the German people. Bolshevism lays emphasis on its international mission.


"We National Socialists believe that in the long run man can be happy only in his own nation. We live in the belief that the happiness and the achievements of Europe are indissolubly connected with the existence of a system of free, independent national States. Bolshevism preaches the constitution of a world empire and only recognizes sections of a central International." (...)


"We National Socialists may perhaps not have the same views as our church communities in respect to this or that question of organization. But we never want to see a lack of religion and faith and do not want our churches turned into clubhouses and cinemas."


* The Parteitag held in Nuremberg in September 1936 was filled with expressions of hostility to Bolshevism. Thus in his address to political leaders on 11 September 1936 Hitler said:


"(It) should be noted by all those who perhaps think that they can once again overrun this State or bring it down in ruins: They must not deceive themselves! If our old enemy and antagonist should try once more to attack us, then the storming-banners will fly aloft and our foes will come to learn what manner of men we are and they will have to acknowledge that Germany is no field for them. (...)


"We wish to work, we wish to fashion our Reich, we wish to order it in our fashion and not after the fashion of Bolshevist Jews."


* In an interview at Nuremberg Hitler explained the violence of this attack upon Bolshevism:


"A European Continent led by one cultural regime could be understood; but that Moscow, of all places, should seek to dominate Europe is something we Germans could never accept. What Europe needs is the friendly rivalry of well-organized States. A Europe dominated by Bolshevik bureaucracy would go completely under."


* The closing speech delivered by Hitler at the Parteitag in Nuremberg in September 1936 was (and here I quote Fertig's narration)


". . . devoted in the main to an explanation of the hostility of the Third Reich to Bolshevism. Hitler proceeded to state his grounds for this hostility. It was not merely that this political outlook stood in direct contradiction to their own views: it was rather the natural instinct of self-defence against a doctrine, as mad as it was bestial, which threatened the whole world, including Germany, with its aggression. Bolshevism, defeated within Germany, was now endeavering


(according to Hitler)


". . . through its military forces to draw gradually ever nearer to the German frontiers. It is only because we know by daily experience that this attempt to intervene in our internal German relations conducted by the Jewish Soviet authorities still continues that we are forced to regard Bolshevism even beyond our frontiers as our mortal enemy and to see in its advance a not less threatening danger.


"I can come to no terms with a Weltanschauung whose first act everywhere after gaining power is - not the liberation of the working people, but the liberation of the scum of humanity, the asocial creatures concentrated in the prisons - and then the letting loose of these wild beasts upon the terrified and helpless world about them. (...)


"National Socialism does not attack Bolshevism because it plans a revolution, but because (Bolshevist's) leaders intend to execute a butchery. Bolshevism turns flourishing countrysides into sinister wastes of ruins; National Socialism transforms a Reich of destruction and misery into a healthy State and a flourishing economic life. (...)


"When in an English newspaper a Parliamentarian complains that we wish to divide Europe into two parts, then unfortunately we are bound to inform this Robinson Crusoe living on his happy British island that - however unwelcome it may be - this division is already an accomplished fact. (...)


"Unfortunately I cannot escape the impression that most of those who doubt the danger to the world of Bolshevism come themselves from the East. As yet politicians in England have not come to know Bolshevism in their own country; we know it already. Since I have fought against these Jewish-Soviet ideas in Germany, since I have conquered and stamped out this peril, I fancy that I possess a better comprehension of its character than do men who have only at best had to deal with it in the field of literature. (...)


"It is not necessary for me to strengthen the fame of the National Socialist Movement, far less that of the German army, through military triumphs. He who is undertaking such great economic and cultural tasks as we are and is so determined to carry them through can find his fairest memorials only in peace. . . But this Bolshevism, as we learned only a few months since intends to equip its army so that it may, with violence if necessary, open the gates to revolution amongst other peoples - this Bolshevism should know that before the gate of Germany stands the new German army. (...)


"I believe that as a National Socialist I appear in the eyes of many bourgeois democrats as only a wild man. But as a wild man I still believe myself to be a better European, in any event a more sensible one, than they. It is with grave anxiety that I see the possibility in Europe of some such development as this: democracy may continuously disintegrate the European States, may make them internally ever more uncertain in their judgement of the dangers which confront them, may above all cripple all power for resolute resistance. Democracy is the canal through which Bolshevism lets its poisons flow into the separate countries and lets them work there long enough for these infections to lead to a crippling of intelligence and of the force of resistance. (...)




Tomorrow: Part II - Hitler versus Boshevism




Thought for the Day:


"From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxemburg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality has been steadily growing. . . and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.


"There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. . . "


(A well-known and widely cited quote by Winston Churchill, Illustrated Sunday Herald, Feb. 8, 1920)

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